i'm thinking of you. Hoping you can get some insight at your next appointment.
Katrina- definitely looks like you O'd! Woot woot! FX for a beautiful BFP before even having to deal with femara! But yay for a next step put in place as well!!! So exciting
Amanda- your numbers are GREAT hun! Don't worry about it. They will be doubling and all is okay with your little bean
The first few months are really scary, but as you grow you just worry about other things as well. All part of being a mama, I suppose! We're never gonna stop worrying now! Lol. And it's WAY too early to see anything on the u/s, so DO NOT stress that!!! I've seen cases where they didn't see anything even past 5 weeks and the baby was still fine.
Sarah- Glad Evan is doing great! Your time is coming and he's gonna be here before you know it!!
Nikki- that's soooo scary about Alia, but glad all is okay with her
Did they diagnose her?
Julie- you look great! But can you get any bigger?! Lol I can only imagine carrying around 2. You're doing great cooking those babies, and I can't wait to see their beautiful faces, but keep my FX they cook a little longer so their hospital stay is very short!
Mirolee- you look adorable too!! You've definitely popped over the past couple of weeks!!
Amanda (waves)- Glad Leah is putting on weight well! Sorry you're having a hard time with breastfeeding.
I can only imagine the frustration and the questions and i'm sure I will have them too. From what I read they usually say newborns will nurse 20 to 30 minutes on each side. If she's content with that then i'd stick with that.. I guess lol It's hard to say what i'd do until I am in the situation! I think getting a pump may help relieve your discomfort it sounds like you might just be producing more than Leah can drink if your boobs fill up that fast! Lol. I hope you can figure it out, but don't beat yourself up if you switch to formula either
Britt- Glad to hear Harper started kicking for you again to reassure her mama
Sandy- Almost to second tri! So exciting!
Kara- that does sound exactly how Rachel as before going into labor! FX Makayla decides to cook a little longer!! Keep us updated!!!
Rachel- Ugh that nurse sounds like a bitch. Hoping you get some progress with the other staff. Ellie is so cute
I love her picture updates! And I LOVE the Dr. Seuss book idea! It's awesome