Amanda-I'm sorry you are in so much pain. That's a horrible place to be in (preparing for the worst but hoping for the best). FX'd for you!...Get home soon so you can rest!
Sarah-The funny thing is that MIL is retired and has been for a few years now. She acts like she has all this stuff to do, but she doesn't! She plays mahjong with her retired jewish friends and goes to Goodwill shopping for baby things I've told her to stop buying...She was worried about being tied down 2 days a week, but now she's willing to be tied down for 5?! I can't handle her!
LOL about your husband...what is he thinking getting drunk when you are so close to having that baby! He better thank his lucky stars you didn't go into labor last night or he'd never live that one down!
Morgan-Boo for the MS and being sick...You should probably stay home and get some rest! I forget what the doc told me to take for my stuffiness...benedryl maybe? Idk. I think I'm going to have to start taking my allergy meds though, spring is bringing on some allergies. I'm scared it might interfere with my milk production when babies get here though...
Nope, no labor signs yet! I have bh frequently, but nothing painful or consistent. I have noticed a little bit of pressure the last day or two, but it's only there for a few min then goes away. No NSTs either. She checked my cervix last week and it was closed with no pressure, so she's not worried right now. We have an apt on Mon and after that we start every week. Not sure how often they will check me or monitor things besides bp and hb. I'm amazed my body can still hold these babies in there with how heavy they are!
Katrina-I doubt it's early AF. It looks like you had a slight dip last month around the same time. If you aren't preggo this month, I won't be surprised if it happens in the next few excited for you!
Your charts remind me a lot of mine, except I think you have a better luteal phase than I did. All it took was clomid for me, so I'm sure your time is coming soon