Sandy-From what I've been reading online about Ketones....Ketones come form 2 things: Not eating enough and your body breaks down your stored fat causing ketones to form OR your blood sugar's are too high and the blood sugar is spilling into your urine. Most of the people who had ketones were told to 1. make sure they were eating enough and eating healthy and 2. to make sure they were staying hydrated. I have no personal experience, so this could be completely wrong lol Just what I researched.
P.S. I don't know how the heck you work so much and manage to clean or do anything...You make me look like the most pathetic pregnant person ever! lol
Cassidy-I wouldn't worry about the name obviously picked it first and everyone knows it. Plus, it's a middle name...if it was a first name I would be fuming, but middle name...not such a big deal. I would talk to your mom and let her know how you feel about your sister, make sure she knows it's not that you are unhappy for her and you realize that your mom will be helping her out a lot since she doesn't have a support person (like you have a husband), but this is your first pregnancy and you want your mom to be excited for your milestones too and to be involved. She probably doesn't even realize she's doing it or how it makes you feel.
Amanda-Sorry about the hormones and the divorce gets better, I promise! Like I said before, even a divorce you know is for the best and one where everyone gets along is still really hard! It's letting go of a part of your life that has been prominent for a while, a huge change. It will get better
Britt-I totally feel you on the sleeping...the hip pain started early in the pregnancy. I am a stomach sleeper and it has been so hard for me. I start out on one side with a body pillow between my legs and hugging another pillow. I spend all night rotating from one side to the other. I can NOT sleep on my back at all. That started getting uncomfortable a long time ago as well. I can't lean too far forward without squishing my belly enough that babies start kicking me. My pubic bone feels like it might break in half every time I roll over. My heartburn has now kicked in so bad that I can't sleep too flat either. I wake up coughing from reflux and's so bad now. All I can say is that I hope it doesn't get that bad for you! Be glad you can still lay on your back for some relief! I miss it! lol
Sarah-That's amazing they spent all that time trying so hard to get pregnant and then end up with spontaneous twins!?! That really is crazy how things work out sometimes
Waves-I stalked some of your fb pics of the girls. My opinion is that Autumn doesn't have any dimples at all and Hannah has one on her right cheek but you could only see it in a few pics and it was barely there. Definitely not a deep one. My other opinion is who gives a f*ck (towards your mother) lol Like it's really a big enough deal that she needs to argue it and then search for a picture (the one picture she could find) to prove her point. Either way, if you call those dimples on Hannah and Autumn, they are obviously still not as noticeable as the one Leah has! lol
Rachel-I'm so sorry you guys are still in the hospital...I can't even imagine how difficult it is...
Kara-AAAHHHH Crazy! Are you just supposed to call if things progress or are they going to monitor you every so often? Were they at all concerned about lung development? I find it hilarious that you shaved and are getting a mani/pedi lol I would totally do the same thing! So exciting things are moving along, but hopefully she waits a tad bit longer to make her appearance!
Nikki-Alia is getting so big! She's adorable
Glad you passed your test!
Thanks for asking about me Cassidy
I'm good. So pregnant and huge...I had my first bout of cankles the other night. We babysat our friends little girls and by the end of the night I could barely walk from back pain and was super swollen. Trying to make sure I take about a 10-15 walk with the dogs every day and get up every so often. Also trying to monitor my water intake. I gained 6 lbs this last week! That has me worried since I've been swelling a bit more the last few days. Took my bp at walmart yesterday and it wasn't too bad..138/82 or something like that. At the doc it's usually 12?/7?. I figure it's pretty close.
Anyway, the babies move like crazy. Seriously looks like aliens, pretty soon I think I'll be able to distinguish body parts lol Starting to feel a lot of pain in my back and pubic bone. Both kids are hitting my pelvis now. Been feeling a slight bit of pressure between legs, so I think maybe they are either starting to move down or it's just all the weight. Really hoping they can stay in there for at least 3 more weeks!