BB, I'd just leave it. I hate hate hate time change! We had ours a couple weeks back. Ugh.
Those recipes sounds yummy! I bet there are TONS on Pinterest, too. I didn't even think of looking there!
Amanda, too cute!
Glad all is well! I'm doing well, also. Thanks for asking!
Julie, if you sign up with Gerber and Enfamil, they will also send you samples and coupons. It was really nice to get them, and I'll sign up again with this baby. I don't plan to breast feed so it will be nice to have the coupons for sure!
I'm with you ladies on water breaking in public being a serious fear, EXCEPT my fear is for my water to break AT ALL. I'm absolutely terrified. I just can't help it.
Sarah, you deserved the nap! Good luck with all that cooking!
Katrina, how are you feeling?
AFM, I'm pooped and I just got up from sleeping for 8 hours. I've got to do a million loads of laundry (don't judge, but I'm still not caught up from vacation! AND my mom got a whole ton of baby stuff from my aunt that I wanted to give to a girl at work because she needs the stuff, but I wanted to wash it first so that was like 3 loads yesterday that could have been mine.. lol) and work 4 hours, go to the grocery, and do some cleaning. Bleh. Hubby has training 2 hours away Monday morning til Wednesday night, and he wants me to drive down tomorrow afternoon, stay with him, and drive to work 2 hours Tuesday morning. He doesn't want to be away from me, which is suuuuper sweet, and I don't want to be away from him, but I also don't want to drive 2 hours to work and have to take the dog to my parents(40 miles away) and go get him. I don't know how I'm going to tell him that.
I feel like such a bitch.