Katrina-Sorry about your mom. Sometimes I don't understand why family (or anyone really) feels the need to put their 2 cents in! My mom made a comment about me overreacting today when I was telling her about being afraid my water might break while shopping the other day. Why would she even need to say that? First of all, she knows I joke around and say dumb things all the time. Second of all, it's not like I was rushing off to the doctor or freaking out over it. Why can't our mothers just think before they speak...if it isn't going to be helpful in anyway, just keep it to yourself! You guys are making a baby on your own timeline...it's not like you started trying to get preggo right after marriage and jumped right to IVF or something. No one is ever happy! That's why we have to do what is best for us!
Sandy-Cute onsie!
Nikki-I know breast milk poop stains, just pointing out that it's water soluble so you can throw it in the wash. Unlike poop after they start eating solids or if they've had formula, you have to remove it from the diaper before washing. The sun bleaching thing is definitely something they talk about a lot in the world of cloth diapering though, it's supposed to work wonders on stains.
Amanda-I'm glad he's going to join you...a little weird that he needs to bring his dad for support, but at least he's going I guess.
Cassidy-We have been given so many hand-me-down girl clothes that I've actually given some back lol Especially 0-3 months, that seems to be what everyone either has or wants to buy.
AFM-We worked on our to-do list a little tonight. Trying to finish up a little bit of baby clothes washing. It's basically all finished. Just a few random things and finishing up some organizing.
We are meeting with a pediatrician in the morning. We have another one picked out, but their office doesn't meet with parents before hand. They figure a referral should be good enough...Seems weird to me. Just bc you have a good rating online and a friend or my doc referred you doesn't mean our personalities will mesh! Am I the only one that thinks that's weird?