morning ladies!
here is my MIL rant - a little background first (just in case): my bf came from Russia when he was 16 and styaed with an American family. we call them the "host" family. his mother and father stayed in Russia. his dad passed away in 2011, his mom is still alive and living in Moscow. this story is about host-MIL.
first, we hate each other. perhaps that is too strong, but there is no love between us. i have tried and tried to get her to like me, but it's not gonna happen, so i've moved into the "support yet ignore their reltaionship" stage. basically this means that if OH wants to visit her, he goes without me and i happily go shopping and eat fast food the weekends he's gone, and host-MIL and i have no interaction. we see each other once a year, at Thanksgiving. anyways, my mom sneds OH an email asking for host-MILs email (i would think to send an invite for my baby shower). OH tells me that "host-MIL doesnt do these things (showers) and not to invite her". i say to him" she can be like everyone else who doestn want to go and politely decline".
him: well, we already had this conversation and she said just not to invite her at all.
me: well, that's not how my family works. we will never assume you dont want to go - you will always be invited, and the choice to attend or not is yours
him: but i'm telling you she doenst want to go
me: and i'm telling you that she can RSVP "no thank you".
him: (hem, haw, mutter). well i'm gonna hear about it
me: and when you do, you can tell host-MIL to a) decline and b) go fuck herself. because this is her first 'grandchild' and she doenst want to be apart of this celebration before it's even been planned.
him: we'll celebrate the baby when we visit her
me: that's not how showers work. it's so everyone can get together who loves me, us, this baby, and celebrate together. but it's fine - i dont want her there anyways.
him: (hem, haw)
me: you know what? i dont even care that she goes, i dont. but it sucks that she'll be playing the role of 'grandma' on your side, and she doesnt see the need to even be invited. and it sucks that she said that to you. and it sucks that you didnt say to her "then just decline when you get the invite". she shouldnt put you in this position.
then he went on to say that she wouldnt go to one of her other childrens showers (to which i promptly disagreed and gave examples which he couldnt argue with). i called my mom today and told her to send the invite but not to ask for ANYTHING else - that i didnt want host-MILs input on anything. no "would you like to contribute X?" or "would you like to go in on this together?". host-MIL has some choices to make coming up - she doenst have to like me, but she has to tolerate me AND treat me like family, even if shes faking. i'm her theoretical daughter in law. and guess who gets to be in charge of baby K's schedule and visitations? me. i wont *not* let baby K see her, but it surely wont be on her schedule or terms. and for each situation where OH and i have to have a conversation about why she sucks so bad and why shes so..... mean isnt the right word, more like purposefully excluding me from her life.... guess who gets hurt? OH. our conversation even circled around to the fact that all i do is support their relationship while staying out of it, which works the best for him. and the only time i talk trash about her is like this - otherwise i'm all "go see your host-mom" and "call your host-mom".
ugh. sorry. huge vent. i just dont understand people. fine, hate me, cut me out of your life. but seriously? she has to know that her actions have a negative effect on me, and in turn will effect her relationship with my child. i refuse to let her have this unilateral relationship with baby K just thru OH. thats not how it works.
i could go on - give so many examples of situations where i was excluded from, hurt, ignored while in the same room, etc - but i've already written too much. sorry for the huge vent. well, not sorry, i feel better! but you know