Kara- I lost bloody plug when I dilated from 0-2 and from 2-3 I lost NO plug.. then lost a bunch again this past week, so excited to see if I've made any progress. But I'm at a 3, regular contractions, and nothing is flippin happening
Also I have begun swelling like crazy too! My wedding ring is STUCK! I don't even wanna try, we tried Vaseline lastnight and almost made my finger explode pulling it.. so I hope that theory is right and that my reward will be here soon!!
Waves- I love the pic, you inspire me and my DH loves seeing your pics on IG.. he always comments on how fast she grows and how we need to take lots of pics too- lol!
Sarah- GL I can't WAITTTT to see him!!!
Julie- This ISSSSS the worst TWW ever! Lol. As of yesterday the soreness of my back/hips really set in.. I couldn't lift my legs into bed either, felt very strange as I haven't had much pain at all this pregnancy. Ready to meet these babies!!
As for guests, I was wondering the same thing. According to the doc, only 2 ppl are allowed in delivery (DH and my sis) but DH made it clear to MIL that he wants NO ONE in delivery!!!

So MIL had a cryfest about it and has been a total beotch ever since. So we will have fam in there up until the very last moment (or until I say so LOL) and then no one for the birth. I love the idea. But I am also afraid all 15+ of the immediate family will want to run in once she's born.... and SORRY friends but I will be getting her on the boob the MOMENT I can! And I want AT LEAST an hour before stupid MIL runs in to take awful pics of everything to upload to FB (she doesn't give a crap, uploads any/everything and I want to put up her first pics, NOT HER! grrr) So I hope things go okay and DH supports my wishes like he says he will. I just think that first moment is so important after what we've been through. Maybe I'll put out a disclaimer once we're in the hospital- FYI birth and an hour+ after, NO VISITORS- you idiots have the rest of her life to swoon over her.. Mom and Dad deserve that important time alone to appreciate what we've been waiting on for over 2 years. So you can come to the hospital, but you'll be waiting out there for hours! Gotta problem, you can suck it!