Thanks for the reassurance ladies! I guess I just expected to feel more and sooner this time since I knew kinda what I was feeling for and don't have an anterior placenta.. boy was I wrong!
Waves, so glad that it was an easy fix! That's so weird.. I've never heard of that, but it makes sense. Hubby and I want to do the rocking chair picture like that. He had showed me a picture on FB like that that he saw and wanted to do, and he isn't really one to say "Let's do this with Baby! or Let's do that!" specifically. He will pick out clothes, toys, décor, that type of thing, or make comments about taking him/her here or there, but he's not into pictures, so that was definitely something on my list to make sure we did. I think we are going to garage sale for one that we like and paint it a pretty color to match the baby's room. I'm excited. I have so many Pinterest picture ideas! So ready to bust out my camera. I'm even excited to get a belly and take pictures, something I didn't really do last time, and most of the few I had were on my phone that got stolen so I don't have much left as far as that goes unfortunately. Jerks. I woulda given them my lithium battery since that's probably all they wanted. Haha.
I'm truly not sure how we are goin to handle visitors and social media and such. I'm a little worried because having a C-section, won't they take the baby while they are finishing up with me? I don't want hubby to leave me all alone, but I don't want the baby left all alone either. I don't want them to take it to do whatever. I don't know how all of this works because I was out last time and it wasn't the "normal" scenario.. I don't want everyone posting pictures before hubby & I get to or sharing our news. I'm sure it will happen, and I have bigger fish to fry such as getting this baby into the world alive and well. I guess I just need to ask the doctor how it all works and what happens.
I thought for sure I'd feel something early on with this being my 3rd pregnancy but I never did. Granted, I DID have an anterior placenta but still. I barely felt anything until 30 weeks. With my 2nd pregnancy I felt a few flutters around 14 or 15 weeks (like popcorn popping sensations) but it wasn't until 16 or 17 weeks that I REALLY felt baby.
As for the belly button thing - definitely weird. I'd never heard of it before either but I had asked about it on FB and in a local mom group I'm part of on FB and apparently it's pretty common. Neither of my other girls had any issues so I didn't think anything could happen other than it falls off and that's that lol. Now I know lol.
I definitely recommend something like the chair idea for everyone. Even if you use a giant stuffed animal, your own bed, a crib, anything... it's neat to see how they grow and now the rocking chair will hold a special meaning for us and our family... something to pass onto one of the girls when they have babies of their own. It's become something my fiance looks forward to us doing each much just as much as I do. I really wanted to do neat belly pictures this last pregnancy based off some Pinterest ideas I'd seen but oh well.
As for the c-section... this is how my experience went with a scheduled c/s:
We arrived at the hospital at 10am and were taken to the c/s recovery room. They put me in a gown, hooked me up to the monitors (baby's heart rate & contractions) and I was on the monitors for a little over 2 hours, just until it was time to go into surgery. While on the monitors, they asked me endless questions and we kinda went over what to expect. Surgery was scheduled for noon but they were running a little behind. Closer to surgery time, my OB and her student came in to talk to me, ask how I was doing, if I had any questions, etc. After that, the anesthesiologist came in to explain his part in everything & what to expect with the epidural.
At one point during all this, my nurse came in with her shoe covers and cap/hat thing on. To me that signaled it was almost surgery time and I nearly freaked lol. There was a flurry of activity in the hall outside my door as everyone (OB & student, anesthesiologist, nurses for me, nurses for baby) was getting ready to head into the OR. When it was surgery time they walked me into the OR (it was through a set of doors right next to my room) while OH stayed in our room and got changed into his hat/gown/mask thing. Once I got into the OR, I climbed up on the bed and had to sit indian-style while I had my epidural inserted. Then they laid me down, strapped me down, and brought OH in. Once Leah came out, they showed her to me around the curtain and she went straight to her nurses to be cleaned up and quickly assessed. OH went to be with her (it was only a few feet from me) while they worked on stitching me up. Once she was cleaned, they swaddled her and gave her to OH to bring over to me. Once I was all stitched and cleaned up, OH went back to the recovery room and they transferred me back to my other bed and gave me the baby and wheeled us into recovery. We were there for about an hour and I had the baby with me the whole time. I finally got a small snack, juice and pain meds, started breastfeeding the baby and did skin to skin with her. When it was time to go to the post-partum room, I let them take her to the nursery to finish their assessments and give her the first vaccination while I got settled into my pp room and OH brought up our bags from the car.
Luckily our room was directly across from the nursery

They brought her to me as soon as she was done and we had immediate family only visit that first day. I had told everyone in advance that I didn't want anyone there until we'd gotten into our PP room and had been there at least an hour. My dad showed up earlier than that only because he came straight from work and works nearly 2 hrs away & wasn't sure how traffic would be. Anyway... we told family we were ready for visitors and they came up and stayed about 2 hours max. Leah was ready to feed again so we said goodbye and kicked everyone out. I told everyone friends could visit the next day but to let us know if they wanted to so we could coordinate times so we didn't have a ton of visitors at once. Luckily only my mom and 1 friend came by on day 2 and both stayed for a short while. Day 3, nobody visited and day 4 we were discharged.