TTC and Beyond!

I'm going to look into that, Morgan. Thanks! I do feel fortunate that our doctor knows and understands what we have been through so I feel like she will be as cooperative to making things go as best and smoothly and un-stressful for us as she possibly can. FX for your sweep! Do you have the same doctor?
Someone just asked why I wasn't getting ultrasounds and blood checks more often when on femara. Now I'm freaking out. I either use soft cups or just go to bed right after.
Why would you need ultrasounds and/or blood checks more often on femara?
For cysts and multiple eggs. I feel dumb now. I didn't ask for it, they just said they would do progesterone checks.
Don't stress about it if you can help it. I'm sure everything will be fine. Maybe some women are at higher risk for them? I didn't have anything while I was on clomid except one progesterone test that was a dud because I still O late, even on clomid. I hope this is the cycle for you so you don't have to worry about it anymore! Can you call and ask for it or at least ask about it?

I talked to my hubby, who said that they have stuff for the baby in the same room as they are doing the C-section so maybe they don't take it away. I don't know, but I do know I'm going to be asking the doctor what happens, even if I am only 16+6 when I see her. She already knows I'm pretty much crazy.. what's one more question? Haha. I still sent him the link to the article and asked him to read it though.
Thanks for the reassurance ladies! I guess I just expected to feel more and sooner this time since I knew kinda what I was feeling for and don't have an anterior placenta.. boy was I wrong!

Waves, so glad that it was an easy fix! That's so weird.. I've never heard of that, but it makes sense. Hubby and I want to do the rocking chair picture like that. He had showed me a picture on FB like that that he saw and wanted to do, and he isn't really one to say "Let's do this with Baby! or Let's do that!" specifically. He will pick out clothes, toys, décor, that type of thing, or make comments about taking him/her here or there, but he's not into pictures, so that was definitely something on my list to make sure we did. I think we are going to garage sale for one that we like and paint it a pretty color to match the baby's room. I'm excited. I have so many Pinterest picture ideas! So ready to bust out my camera. I'm even excited to get a belly and take pictures, something I didn't really do last time, and most of the few I had were on my phone that got stolen so I don't have much left as far as that goes unfortunately. Jerks. I woulda given them my lithium battery since that's probably all they wanted. Haha.

I'm truly not sure how we are goin to handle visitors and social media and such. I'm a little worried because having a C-section, won't they take the baby while they are finishing up with me? I don't want hubby to leave me all alone, but I don't want the baby left all alone either. I don't want them to take it to do whatever. I don't know how all of this works because I was out last time and it wasn't the "normal" scenario.. I don't want everyone posting pictures before hubby & I get to or sharing our news. I'm sure it will happen, and I have bigger fish to fry such as getting this baby into the world alive and well. I guess I just need to ask the doctor how it all works and what happens.

I thought for sure I'd feel something early on with this being my 3rd pregnancy but I never did. Granted, I DID have an anterior placenta but still. I barely felt anything until 30 weeks. With my 2nd pregnancy I felt a few flutters around 14 or 15 weeks (like popcorn popping sensations) but it wasn't until 16 or 17 weeks that I REALLY felt baby.

As for the belly button thing - definitely weird. I'd never heard of it before either but I had asked about it on FB and in a local mom group I'm part of on FB and apparently it's pretty common. Neither of my other girls had any issues so I didn't think anything could happen other than it falls off and that's that lol. Now I know lol.

I definitely recommend something like the chair idea for everyone. Even if you use a giant stuffed animal, your own bed, a crib, anything... it's neat to see how they grow and now the rocking chair will hold a special meaning for us and our family... something to pass onto one of the girls when they have babies of their own. It's become something my fiance looks forward to us doing each much just as much as I do. I really wanted to do neat belly pictures this last pregnancy based off some Pinterest ideas I'd seen but oh well.

As for the c-section... this is how my experience went with a scheduled c/s:

We arrived at the hospital at 10am and were taken to the c/s recovery room. They put me in a gown, hooked me up to the monitors (baby's heart rate & contractions) and I was on the monitors for a little over 2 hours, just until it was time to go into surgery. While on the monitors, they asked me endless questions and we kinda went over what to expect. Surgery was scheduled for noon but they were running a little behind. Closer to surgery time, my OB and her student came in to talk to me, ask how I was doing, if I had any questions, etc. After that, the anesthesiologist came in to explain his part in everything & what to expect with the epidural.

At one point during all this, my nurse came in with her shoe covers and cap/hat thing on. To me that signaled it was almost surgery time and I nearly freaked lol. There was a flurry of activity in the hall outside my door as everyone (OB & student, anesthesiologist, nurses for me, nurses for baby) was getting ready to head into the OR. When it was surgery time they walked me into the OR (it was through a set of doors right next to my room) while OH stayed in our room and got changed into his hat/gown/mask thing. Once I got into the OR, I climbed up on the bed and had to sit indian-style while I had my epidural inserted. Then they laid me down, strapped me down, and brought OH in. Once Leah came out, they showed her to me around the curtain and she went straight to her nurses to be cleaned up and quickly assessed. OH went to be with her (it was only a few feet from me) while they worked on stitching me up. Once she was cleaned, they swaddled her and gave her to OH to bring over to me. Once I was all stitched and cleaned up, OH went back to the recovery room and they transferred me back to my other bed and gave me the baby and wheeled us into recovery. We were there for about an hour and I had the baby with me the whole time. I finally got a small snack, juice and pain meds, started breastfeeding the baby and did skin to skin with her. When it was time to go to the post-partum room, I let them take her to the nursery to finish their assessments and give her the first vaccination while I got settled into my pp room and OH brought up our bags from the car.

Luckily our room was directly across from the nursery :) They brought her to me as soon as she was done and we had immediate family only visit that first day. I had told everyone in advance that I didn't want anyone there until we'd gotten into our PP room and had been there at least an hour. My dad showed up earlier than that only because he came straight from work and works nearly 2 hrs away & wasn't sure how traffic would be. Anyway... we told family we were ready for visitors and they came up and stayed about 2 hours max. Leah was ready to feed again so we said goodbye and kicked everyone out. I told everyone friends could visit the next day but to let us know if they wanted to so we could coordinate times so we didn't have a ton of visitors at once. Luckily only my mom and 1 friend came by on day 2 and both stayed for a short while. Day 3, nobody visited and day 4 we were discharged.
Thanks, Amanda. I appreciate all that. Glad to know you really weren't separated much. I'm a nervous freaking wreck and I still have months to worry about all of this. I can only imagine what kind of shape I'll be in before it's all said and done. ;)
You're welcome :)

Honestly - no matter if you go through something traumatic like you did or had an uneventful pregnancy... you always worry about the big and small things. And it never ends. Once baby is born you're just full of all NEW worries. Being a parent is the most stressful job on the planet, I'm sure.
I believe you there. I just feel like I am so much more worried and afraid this time than last time since I know all too well what can go wrong and that it really does happen, not just on TV.
To be honest, I was more paranoid/afraid with each pregnancy than I was with the pregnancy before and I didn't have any particular reason to be (like you obviously do.) Even in a relatively uneventful pregnancy, you still learn all the possible things that can go wrong - be it because of a scare you had yourself, something a friend had happen to them or some random freak incident story you read online. And those will make you more nervous in each new pregnancy.

For example with Morgan's story... we had a horrible winter with so many multi-car pileups due to the snow. So whenever I would be out driving in a snow storm this winter, I was naturally afraid of getting into an accident (pregnant or not.) But because of Morgan's story, I was terrified of getting into an accident while pregnant and wearing my seat belt. I would have never thought that my seat belt could be something I'd fear while pregnant but I often found myself loosening the strap across my waist/belly and at times, HOLDING it away from my bump if I was stopping and sliding lol.

So honestly, I think each new pregnancy makes you more and more nervous than the ones before, no matter what you've been through.
Okay pregnancy hormones def just took over... Waves I just started sobbing reading the end of your story, imagining the first night we get to spend with her.

I CAN'T WAIT! This is by far the best part. So fun, so exciting.
My cousin is about a year younger than me and had her first baby last year. He's 9 months old right now, I'm pretty sure. I don't know details about her and the baby's father other than they dated for awhile before getting pregnant. Pretty sure they were on & off before the baby but I think they were living together on their own up until recently. My cousin just reactivated her FB 2 weeks ago and her first post was something about finally be free and allowed to have a FB again so I'm assuming she was referring to her bf/ex-bf/baby's father and he probably didn't allow her to have a FB. Like I said, I don't know details but it sounds like they separated.

Anyway, she just posted this on FB: "Just went home for lunch to check on my baby ( who's w/his father) only to find ryan in his swing while his fathers passed out drunk on the floor!!!!"

One of her friends commented, "Wow, welcome to parenthood." Um... that's not a welcome to parenthood situation. If baby were to poop all over you, THAT'S a welcome to parenthood situation. Caretaker/father being passed out drunk on the floor is not one of those situations. But unrelated to that - WOW. If that were me, I would have flipped shit and called the cops on him, taken the baby with me and immediately make plans to strip him of parental rights.
Okay pregnancy hormones def just took over... Waves I just started sobbing reading the end of your story, imagining the first night we get to spend with her.

I CAN'T WAIT! This is by far the best part. So fun, so exciting.

Aw sorry lol. But it really is exciting. I mean, as awful as the end of pregnancy is with the sheer exhaustion, physical pain, being mentally/physically DONE being pregnant... it really is exciting. It's only a matter of time before you finally get to meet that little booger that's been growing and moving inside your belly. You wonder what they'll look like, if they'll have lots of hair or be a bald little babe, wonder what their cry will sound like, how much they weigh, how soft their skin will feel. It really is the best moment.

With my c/s I was so upset that I wouldn't get to hold her on my chest the moment she came out but honestly... when they pulled her out of my belly and I heard her start crying (she was crying VERY angrily/loud lol), I just started bawling my eyes out and I hadn't even SEEN her yet. It really didn't matter... I just knew she was here and she was mine, you know?

You ladies will all be okay and so will your babes. And your angel babies will be there with you on baby's birthday, watching over and just as excited as you are to meet their sibling.

I'm excited for everyone else to start having these babes. We need some new faces in the group ;)
I can see that being true, Amanda. I often think about Morgan's story. I worried about my seatbelt before I knew Morgan's story, but now I think about it much more frequently. I also cried reading your story.. because that's what I do these days! haha.

And as far as your cousin, I would do the same as you. That's absolutely ridiculous and not okay. In the slightest. If baby daddy were sick and passed out because something was medically wrong, okay, but to be drunk and passed out?! I would have called the police.
Lol it's okay!! Happy tears! Just after 2 years of the anticipation building and finally making it this far, I'm certainly a ball of emotions!

Can't believe it really! SANDY don't feel bad, it's ttly normal. I asked the doc if my water broke, should I stay on all fours to reduce risk of cord prolapse? She LAUGHED in my face, said "honey that's so rare"..

I was a bit angered by that............. if mine breaks I'll certainly do everything I can to NOT be upright working with gravity just in case. Thanks to your story. No statistics will calm mamas like us who WERE the statistic. I don't understand why a doc can't understand that! And no, I am at a new doctor that I LOVE love love. Love. So here's to hoping it's a great experience like I anticipate. It's a MFM hospital (maternal/fetal medicine) so very focused on women. Just what I need :)
Oh Morgan, how awful! I agree, no statistics will calm those of us who WERE the statistic. For your peace of mind though, I didn't have a cord prolapse. When my water broke, the cord was ripped completely off of the placenta, and the placenta started tearing away from the uterine wall, which was why there was so much blood. The cord ripped away because it didn't form where and how it was supposed to. I should have had a C-section, and it would have prevented it all. That is why I am like... TERRIFIED of water breaking. Anyone's. Like Sarah yesterday? My heart seriously started POUNDING. It's crazy. It only happens in 1.1% of pregnancies, which is next to none, and yet since it did, I'm terrified by it.
I have to get up and be at work so early tomorrow. Don't worry if I don't update 5 am is not easy for me! Must get pregnant so I can quit.
Ladies: is this normal? or should I call my doctor?

A few minutes ago I went to the bathroom to pee. While washing my hands, I got a gush of liquid. I was talking to someone so I couldn't run back into the stall. So I just went about and came back to my desk. It was back at my desk that I noticed it was enough to soak through my pants (very thin, parachutey type pants) and make a wet mark! I've been wearing pantyliners because i've had an increase of CM, but this was not CM. I'm thinking it was urine, but I guess I have no way too be 100% sure. I REALLY don't want to run to my doctor if I don't need too. It's happened a few times, and it's ALWAYS right after I use the bathroom. Do you think I need to call? I have an appointment next Friday. Can it wait until then?

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