TTC and Beyond!

Ugh so yesterday's cramping just gradually got worse and worse. I mean, excruciating at times. And it was made worse when I stood up/walked around (as was the vaginal/rectal pressure I felt.) At times, I was literally curled up in a ball on the couch with a heat sock on my belly in tears. It sucked so bad. It was a constant cramping but the intense pain would come in waves and last like 1-2 minutes at a time. I really don't even know how to explain it.

And then my bleeding (which had subsided the day before) came back gradually throughout the day and with all the intense cramping it was bright red and there was so much of it along with little clots here & there.

I asked on my local mom FB group if anyone had something similar happen to them pp with a c-section or if anyone knew what it could be (there are tons of nurses in the group.) Everyone said to go to the ER, bleeding still is normal but the pain is not. Bright red blood means you need to get checked out. Several people (including an ultrasound tech) said it sounds like there could be some remaining "products of conception" such as a piece of my placenta still in there in which case I'd need a D&C to remove it. I've never heard of such a thing happening to be honest. But the ultrasound tech said she scanned a girl over the weekend who was only 2 weeks pp that had the same symptoms and that's what was going on with her.

I was debating whether or not I should go to the ER because it was around 9:30 at this point, the girls needed to go to bed, OH had to work in the morning and we can't risk him calling off AGAIN, etc etc. And then by the time I went to bed a few hours later, the intense pain had subsided. When I woke up this morning though, there was a lot of blood on my pad and I've been having bright red bleeding still today but the cramping was gone until I started writing this post.

Now I have the cramping I felt later in the day yesterday. It's not as intense as it was when I was in tears on the couch but it's slowly intensifying to that point like it did yesterday and it's definitely more painful than regular cramping. Ugh. OH is at work for another 5 hours (gets off at 7pm) so if it doesn't get better or stays painful for several hours, I guess I'll go to the ER when he gets home.
I would go in if it gets worse again. PP cramping is normal but I don't think that much pain is. Hope you get sorted.
Waves is it possible it's AF since you aren't bf? Have you called your OB? I would give them a call to see what they say.

Bb - sorry for your loss

Ash - 30 weeks is exactly when I started feeling like crud and swelling. I also had bad pelvic pain the week before I had Ellie. Make sure your doc checks your cervix
Molly-So sorry you have to worry about all this...just remember lots of babies are born this early and end up perfectly healthy. Each day he stays in there is a bonus at this point. Hang in there!

Morgan-There is a full moon around the 15th, so I'm secretly hoping I go into labor around then...maybe it will help w your sweep too! Lol

Waves-Def go in or at least call your ob! Better safe than sorry...

Ashlee-That's about the same time Grayson got down in my pelvis and started rubbing. It's more annoying than painful for me pubic bone seems to be taking all the weight these's really fun when Olivia is scraping one side of my pelvis and Grayson is on the other lol

Amanda-Lol about the email...either way it was therapeutic, right?! Really hope things are better for you after all this :hugs:
Well since I posted that whole thing... the cramping got even worse and I suddenly felt like something was falling out of me so I ran to the bathroom. When I pulled my pants down, this HUGE clump of tissue (almost the size of a lemon) landed on my pad covered with blood and blood clots. Wiped and there was lots of bright red blood and dark red blood clots. I still have the horrible cramping and just feel a constant trickle and occasional gush of blood.

So it definitely seems like retained tissue (I thought since they suction out my uterus with a c/s, they couldn't miss anything.) Saved the tissue and am hoping OH text me back soon. Wanna get to the ER now to make sure there's nothing else left in there since I still have the intense pain.

And of course, he's not replying. Nor is my mother answering her phone. And I think Hannah's waking up from her nap.
Huge Hugs Amanda. That sounds awfully painful and scary. I hope OH or your mother can get back to you quickly. I would def get to the ER as soon as you can. Have you called your OB? Maybe an advice nurse can provide some insight as to what is going on?
Ash- I finally got a birthing ball and have been using it the past 2 days and am horribly sore too! Doc said she is very low so I'm sure that's the case for you too! Before this she had been still floating around super high. Urgh my hips and lower back feel like hell!
I keep meaning to go get one of those! lol I always forget. Probably wouldn't use it quite yet, but would like to have one. So exciting that miss Mar is going to be here so soon!

Im jealous you are ready to have her! I am in preterm labor again :( I hate this, having to hope and pray and TRY to keep my babies inside me. I am so uncomfortable, LOSING weight, and praying so hard this sweet boy will stay put for a while and be born healthy and strong. Dilated to 3, effaced 70% and super low down in my pelvis. Sigh

Ugh so sorry Molly :( I hope that he stays in there to cook a bit longer.

I had this draft email going to my ex just about my thoughts, etc. I never intended on sending, just needed a place to put all of the thoughts spinning through my head down into words. Therapy helps a lot, as an outlet, but i still have a lot going through my head and would just jot it down. It was a very well composed thoughful and honest email. And then i accidentally sent it this morning.

Ash, your ticker says that Lux is the size of a cucumber and its cracking me up. All the other fruits I understand.....but I just can't figure out how a baby is the size of a cucumber. length? just such an awkward comparison! lol.
Whoops on the email! At least now he'll know how you feel, even if he doesn't respond.

And I know lol, I always thought the cucumber comparison was a weird one. Has to be length.

Ash - 30 weeks is exactly when I started feeling like crud and swelling. I also had bad pelvic pain the week before I had Ellie. Make sure your doc checks your cervix
I'm not feeling that bad yet, still able to sleep pretty well even. It's just the grinding feeling in my pelvis. And I have had some swelling which up until now I haven't had to worry about. Trying to stay off my feet at work too much and elevate them when I get home. I'll make sure to mention the pelvic pain at my apt for sure. Hoping Lux decides to at least stay in until 37 weeks preferably after 38.

Ashlee-That's about the same time Grayson got down in my pelvis and started rubbing. It's more annoying than painful for me pubic bone seems to be taking all the weight these's really fun when Olivia is scraping one side of my pelvis and Grayson is on the other lol
It's not really painful for me either, just a bit irritating and achy. I can't imagine what it must be like for you with the weight of two lol. So crazy that they could be here literally any day now!
Thanks :)

Mom called back and her car is still broken down. OH called and said the owner and head boss of the company just showed up so he's not sure if he can leave but he's going to talk to the female boss assuming as a female, she'll have some sympathy and he'll be able to leave.
Ugh Amanda! Definitely try and get to the hospital ASAP. Hope that everything is okay!
Thanks Ashlee. OH's is on his way home from work now. I just need to have him take a note for proof to his boss or something along those lines.
Bb, sorry to hear that! Thinking of you guys!

Molly, praying for you. I'm sure it's extremely scary, but everything WILL be ok!

Morgan, so exciting! Hard to believe she will be here so soon! !

Ashlee, yay for everyone else having boys! ;) Sorry you are so sore!

Waves, how scary! Glad you are able to go get checked out!

Amanda, oopsy! Sorry things aren't able to be worked out, but maybe it is a good thing. Keep your chin up!! You deserve only the best. Glad you feel better finally!

I'm sorry if I missed anything or anyone. I am on my phome so it's hard to look back and remember it all by the time I get to the end.
Molly- I'm sorry he is giving you such a scare. The longer he's in there the better and I am keeping everything crossed that little Gabriel holds on tight for a while longer!!

Katrina- temping can definitely be stressful! FX that you have O'd or will O soon! Keep BD'ing just in case ;)

BB :hugs: Sorry about your Nan dying but sounds like she was surrounded by love and family <3 <3

Amanda- So glad the D&C went smoothly and that your ex came to support you. That's really so nice of him. Hoping things get back to 'normal' and on track for you soon. What about ex-ex (lol)? Is he in the picture at all?

Ashlee- YAAAAY for a boy! Keeping my FX that Britt has a boy too. I saw she said she was feeling girl and was like, uh-oh... Ash is gonna be pissed!!! Lol

Morgan- So exciting to be getting the sweep!! Marley is gonna be here so so soon!!! Ahhh can't wait to see those chubby cheeks and full lips IRL (well, real life pictures.. not ultrasound pics! Lol!)

Waves- Ugh. So sorry about you being in so much pain. Sounds like it may possibly be retained tissue. Sending you lots of love and positive vibes. Hope all goes well at the doctor and they can help <3 <3 <3

AFM, GD test one week from today and I get to see my baby girl again! Can't wait!
Oh my, sorry Waves! To console you a bit- they suctioned me out too and I think my bleeding was 10x worse than a vaginal birth... Horrible clots too, not lemon sized but golf ball jelly-like clumps. Scared the crap outta me too. I also wasn't BFing, I bound my chest to cut off supply and they said that makes it worse, BFing helps regulate those sorts of things, so try not to worry too much! FX'd you get it all sorted out at the ER though.. and that the pain goes away! Def never had pain that bad though, ugh I can't imagine, esp with being alone w/ the babies :/

Cass- I can't wait to compare the 3D US pics and IRL pics, Waves' were scarily similar.. LOL I guess that makes sense though!
OMG Waves- I hope you get checked out ASAP. That sounds a little scary!

Ash- yay for another boy!!!!

Molly - So sorry you are going through this and you are being carefully watched. It's nothing to do with you, so try not to feel guilty! If he does come early, like Ellie, i'm sure he will be just fine, juat a tad longer hospital stay!

RR- I am glad your ex came to your procedure but i'm sorry it can't work out. Maybe he's just overwhelmed right now. Just do your own thing, and you never know what may happen!

Morgan- YAY!!!! I'm so excited! Little Marley will be here soon!

Afm- I'm having a really bad day. I posted a huge post in my journal, but here are the cliff notes. We met with our daycare lady last night and now i'm realizing just how POOR we are going to be once Harper is here. I'm talking like, wont be able to save any money, or go to dinner, or go to the movies. It's going to be SO SO close that i'm not sure how we are going to live. We make decent money, but have a lot of bills and both are paying car payments. I'm so stressed out. I honestly don't even know if we can have another kid until Harper is in school, and out of daycare.
Thanks girls. Laying here in bed is an identical reminder of when I was doing the same with Silas, so it's just so difficult. Every day feels like a week, and the thought of 4-5 weeks from now (seems unlikely, but I will believe it can happen) sounds like an eternity. Not to mention how scary it all is. Nobody every expects their baby will just die during birth, and now that IS what I think about. Even laying down right now, the pressure on my cervix is unreal.
You're right Molly. I have no idea what you must be going through and i'm sure it's absolutley awful. I know I don't have any words that will make you feel better, but I'm thinking of you!
Molly- praying for u and baby!!

britt- tell me about the money thing. We r in the same boat!!! That's why my mom is living with us, just so we can afford daycare. Without her wed b in trouble. And dh is ready for her to move out ....
Lol cassidy, I'm pretty sure the only reason she thinks girl is because she's had girl dreams but we all know how reliable the dreams can be.

Just got home from my apt. Fundal hight measuring just over 30 weeks which is okay since I'm 30+6. BP was fine, weight was 158lbs(15lbs gained), Lux's heartrate was 145. She's still in the LOA position woohoo! Midwife said that the aching is most likely the relaxin affecting my pelvis and hips right now getting ready to drop because baby's head is still out of my pelvis. Also she said to try papaya enzymes for my heartburn because she's had several patients claim that it's working for them better than tums so I'm giving it a try!
Hugs Molly! I hope he waits a while longer to meet his mom.
Ashlee yay for another boy.
Morgan that's awesome she will be here soon.
Afm I feel like crap from my back down. I worked 14 hours of running and standing on cement. The women's rest room was not working correctly. I just want to sit at home and watch tv, but my remote is missing. I will keep bd well until Friday morning when I'm gone for the weekend.

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