TTC and Beyond!

Molly - huge hugs. It is terrifying to go through and I'm sure it's far worse having been through what you went did with Silas. Two things you have over Ellie is that they know about you being in preterm labor and you've gotten steroids already. Make sure they continue to give them to you.
Molly, I'm sure you're absolutely terrified, and you have every right to be. I think you said it very well when you said, "Nobody every expects their baby will just die during birth, and now that IS what I think about." I'm not in pre-term labor, and yet I wonder the same thing. Every. Single. Day. Is everything okay in there? Is everything going to be okay?! I just try my best to remain positive as much as possible. I hope that you can, too. Hopefully he waits a little while longer to meet you guys. And Rachel has a good point with the steroids. That's always so helpful!My nephews were born at 29 and 33 weeks, and all is well with both of them 2+ & 5+ years later. Everything is going to be okay. Praying for you!

Ashlee, glad all was well at your appointment!

Katrina, that's all you can do. I'm sure you've covered your bases. What are your OPK's looking like?

Waves, hope you're doing okay!!

Britt, I hear you. I'm really nervous about it, too. We'll make it work though. We'll figure it out. So many people do, somehow. It will all work out! Is there a different daycare that is more reasonable?
Positive from Sunday to yesterday. I didn't use one today since I was in a hurry this morning. But both clear blue and answer were positive then. Dh thinks I broke my thermometer but I doubt it. But I haven't had a full 3 hours straight of sleep in a few days.
Ugh! I'm sorry you're not sleeping well. TTC is so stressful. It's awful.
Molly - huge hugs. It is terrifying to go through and I'm sure it's far worse having been through what you went did with Silas. Two things you have over Ellie is that they know about you being in preterm labor and you've gotten steroids already. Make sure they continue to give them to you.

So the steroid shots arent just a one time deal? How often?
I thought they were just a one time deal. I'd like to know, too. Just in case I ever need the info.
Need ideas plz! I'm helping host a baby shower.... Any one have game ideas or prize idea? I have a few ideas.
Nikki- great game idea, my MIL shot it down, but... Fill like 12 diapers with different chocolate or brown foods. Have everyone pass them around giving them 30 seconds to sniff/guess before they have to switch. Whichever person's list matches the most correct poops wins! It's so fun to watch everyone sniffing and guessing lol. We did it for my aunts shower and it was a hit :)

Also my MIL is such a bitch. I'm sure DH wouldn't want to hear that so I'll share here. I messaged/emailed her ALL day at work today, trying to talk to her. She's been ignoring me since the baby shower/feeling unappreciated tantrum she threw the night of my shower. She finally emailed back at 4 (I'm off at 4:30) and said "sorry was at lunch" so I didn't bother to respond since she answered none of the questions I had asked. Well now if you take a gander at my FB status about my sweep and Marley coming next week, she posted a bitchy comment about "thank god for FB or I wouldn't know when my grand baby was coming......." Not yay I'm excited, not oh sorry for ignoring you all week, but FB drama like a 12 year old. Then 3 of her bitch friends liked it, and also Aaron's step sister (the one who cried over being preggo with a boy). I swear if it wasn't for my sweet husband I'd blow up that whole family.

Lmao thanks for listening. She is tickin me off! We'll see if she gets to see Marley within a few hours of her being born >:/ can't stand the negative energy she puts off.. Always something.. I can't help it that she's miserable and everyone thinks she's a grump!! Jeeeez I never thought I'd have to deal with the classic evil MIL..
Mirolee-Super late response....but I like the second dress. They are both very pretty though!

Britt-Back to who is allowed to see the baby when...I say be a bitch! Unfortunately, I think that's just part of being a mom. In order to stand up for what you need and what your child needs, sometimes we have to be bitches. Plus, I think it's perfectly reasonable to want a little space after giving birth to let your brain adjust to what just happened and bond...if they don't understand that, then they are jerks/idiots anyway!

I am right there with you on the being poor...I can't believe how much daycare is. One thing that will help us is that my car will be paid off this summer. It's still going to be tight though bc we have credit cards and student loans to pay off...
MIL's latest and greatest idea is that she will watch the babies all week for only $25 a day. She is going to take that money and save it for us so we'll have it when we want to start the kids in daycare. In the end, it is still cheaper and we will end up getting the money back...but the whole point of her helping is that we wouldn't have to pay her. Plus, why does she think she needs to save money for us. I just hate her having that control! It pisses me off bc it's obviously the better deal, but I really wish I could just tell her to go f herself and we'll just pay for a week's worth of daycare...but then we would really be poor!

Sandy-I know this was a few days ago, but I wanted to respond...for the c-section stuff, definitely talk to your doc. Ask how the procedure will go, write down your questions. I have probably asked my doc the same questions a few times lol A lot of how a c-section is handled depends on the hospital policies and the doctor.
For example, I am allowed 2 people in the room with me. So, DW and my mom will be in there. Mom will videotape (some hospitals don't allow pics/video) so DW and I can focus on the birth. If babies go to NICU, DW goes with them and mom stays with me.
My arms will not be strapped down. So, I think the babies will be looked at under the heater thing, but then will be placed on my chest for skin to skin. Once both babies are out, DW will do skin to skin with the one I'm not holding. Unless babies need NICU time, they will not take them to the nursery. The babies will stay with us. I even hold them as I am wheeled back to my room after I'm all stitched up. After that, the babies stay with me basically the entire time. They will do their assessments and everything in the room. Doc said the only thing they take them for is if they get a circumcision or for a few min in the morning for something...I forget. They do not bathe them or anything unless I say it's ok. They don't take them from the room unless I say I would like a little rest, etc.
Definitely write down questions you have and ask your doc. I know even within the same hospital it can be different. My doc allows someone to take your placenta for placenta encapsulation, but there is another doc who doesn't allow it.

You did bring up a point I'm curious about though...I need to make sure my family knows they are not allowed to post pics until we are ready! I wonder if they have to go to the NICU if the family will see them at all...I'll have to ask.

bb-Sorry for your loss...I'm glad she went peacefully.
That sucks they are making you draw bloods again after they left you so sore. What happened with that?

Ashlee-I'll have to try the papaya enzymes! I am so tired of tums...

Katrina-Sorry you aren't feeling well...sounds like you had a long, hard day of work!

Morgan-That sucks that your MIL is being that way. Honestly, I would just ignore her. You could actually delete her comment, that would be kind of funny lol I think my MIL knows I am way too stubborn and outspoken to pull that crap with me bc she knows I would ignore her and keep her out of the loop.
Just ignore the stupid comments and let her know when she can see the baby. If she continues to act that way, then she's got to realize it's only going to make it worse and she won't get to see Marley as much as she would like.

Doc appointment for me today (Thursday). Prob won't be too exciting...A lady I used to nanny for offered us her rock n play for free. Her son is 6 months old and too big for it, so she's just passing it on. We are pretty excited! She also offered us a co sleeper, but it's a mini so it's a little small for twins. Also ordered my breast pump today! We've also been getting the rest of the things we purchased off our registry, so just tedious finishing touches and cleaning until babies are here...
My pain has definitely increased this week. I'm wondering if they babies are moving down causing more pain/pressure. I dread getting up to pee or standing up...or moving really lol I want these babies to come when they need to, but at the same time I sure could use some relief!
Julie I went to the hospital yesterday morning for repeat bloods. No-one knew who I was or why I was there. I was so mad!
Morgan/julie...thats why I deleted fb...couldn't deal with family on it. More my family then dh family.

bb- ugh...can u change docs? Don't like them!

waves- u ok?
Sandy- No cheaper daycare.. $125 a week for an infant is the best you can find in this area. I have no idea what we would have done if it was MORE. I don't even want to think about it.

Julie - ugh! I can't believe she's offering to "save" money for you! That's insulting. My dad's mother offered to watch our child, but she's in her 70's. She hasn't been around small children in about 20 years and I just don't want to do it. I'd rather go to someone certified and who knows how to handle an emergency with a child. Oh yeah, plus she's a big beer drinker. If I found out she consumed one beer watching my girl, she'd never see her again.
Ladies who are further along than me: when did you stop feeling big kicks? Harper squirms around a lot and I can constantly feel her flipping around inside, but I haven't actually felt a strong kick in awhile. I'm not really concerned, because I figure she's probably changed position. I feel a lot of "hard parts" up near my ribs and i'm pretty sure it's not feet, but maybe a butt? When do the intensity of kicks die down because they are getting too big?
I had the big kicks the whole time, but he was head down with his feet just under my right ribs so you could really see them. And he was head down the entire time.
Hmmm, I have no idea where she is. I can feel hard parts but I don't know what they are.
Britt- I wish our day care was $125/week...ours is $250/week! And that's the cheapest around. Also kicks become reduced around 28 weeks... At least it was for me and doc said that was normal. They don't have the space to kick as much/hard and there usually starting to face your back so there limbs are not where u feel strong movement.
Julie I hope your appointment goes well!
Morgan I hate fb most the time. She sounds awful.
Afm I feel better today and managed to take my temp I'm not sure how accurate it is and I am not getting excited about it. I also used the last of my opks. Answer was still positive, clear blue advanced was at high fertility. I'm going crazy and Dh thinks I'm a lunatic.
You are not loony Katrina!! One more BD and I say you should relax and kick your feet up. That's a lot of positives, I'd be feeling a little crazy too! Gosh I hope this month is the end of the road for you, it's been a long hard year of TTC and it is just physically/emotionally draining!!!
Oh my, sorry Waves! To console you a bit- they suctioned me out too and I think my bleeding was 10x worse than a vaginal birth... Horrible clots too, not lemon sized but golf ball jelly-like clumps. Scared the crap outta me too.

My bleeding is definitely lasting longer than with my vaginal deliveries. However I never really had any clots this time. I had some while still in the hospital the day of and after delivery but nothing really since. However after my vaginal ones, I had tons of huge jelly-like clots.

So I went to the ER and they did an ultrasound and pelvic exam and blood work. It was retained tissue/placenta but it looks like I passed everything, thankfully. Ultrasound just showed lots of blood, clots and debris but nothing concerning.

Blood work showed my HCG was still at 13 when it should be below 5 by this point. That's common with retained products of conception though (elevated HCG) but they kept asking if I'd been sexually active yet. I finally had to say it would be immaculate conception if I were pregnant again. Haven't DTD since a few weeks before she was born lol. So because it's still elevated, I have to have a repeat blood draw in a couple days to make sure it's going down now that the tissue has passed. They wouldn't prescribe any pain meds though because it's still elevated just in case I'm pregnant again. So ridiculous. Why would I even lie about that??? Oh well.

On the plus side, the cramping and bleeding lessened a great deal several hours after the tissue passed. It's just crazy to me that it took my body 5 weeks to realize there's something in there that shouldn't have been, you know?

Speaking of - Leah's 5 weeks old today :) She had a bottle last night at 8pm and went down for bed around 9:30. She didn't wake up for another bottle until 5am! That's about 9 hours between feedings... so crazy. Of course we stayed up watching 2 episodes of Sons of Anarchy and had a couple beers (I picked up beer to help with the cramping since they couldn't give me pain meds - Tylenol, Motrin & heat weren't helping.) OH took that 5am feeding, even though I had to get up for 15-20 minutes to help because she had a huge blowout through her diaper and he needed clean clothes for her. Then she didn't wake up to eat again until roughly 9am and that's when I got up for the day. Most sleep I've had since just before she was born. I'm going to attempt dinner in the crock pot tonight so fingers crossed!!

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