Happy Vday Mirolee! I still can't believe it.. after how long you worked for this sweet baby, it's so amazing to think he'll be here so soon!
Sandy- Sorry it's so hard.. I can't imagine the stress and on top of it not being able to eat the foods you love- no fun!! Esp when preggo! I hope your doc can help you make some easy adjustments so you can quit worrying!
AFM- Sorry for being MIA so much lately, I certainly read along everyday still! It is so beautiful here today, high of 81 this afternoon. I got a nice suntan yesterday, finally. This weather is really lifting my spirits and making these last few days bearable.. minus the hugely swollen fingers/toes :/ lol. Spending lots of time watching Breaking Bad on Netflix (I'm gonna CRY when it's over!! Lol) and bouncing on my ball. Working from home is great, finally getting to spend time with hubby and get all my last minute prep done. Dinners frozen, bags packed (and re-packed every other day LOL), Marley clothes washed and folded. I just can't wait to hold my girl. Praying that this full moon/lunar eclipse madness works in our favor this week Kara and Julie!!!
Oh and yesterday we spent the day hiking at a local cave and walking around a huge flea market.. As I was getting out of the car, the car door blew open into my belly and scraped it super hard. More of a scrape than a hit.. it had a blood blister looking mark, and within an hour a tiny bruise. I didn't wanna call L&D bc we were 3 hrs away and I knew they'd say come in asap just in case (since they can't really give you closure over the phone), so I called my mom who was of course a bit worried but said to just make sure she was continuing to move regularly. Well she has been, but I can't WAIT for my NST tomorrow to hear things are alright. Thank God for my Doppler. Being PAL sure turns you into a crazy woman.
Also bought the CUTESTTT fleece at JoAnn's today to make some knot-tie blankets for Marley, I'll post pics when I'm done! Then off to plant some flowers at Jaxon's grave and then take the dog to the park to attempt to walk the 2.5 mile path.. hope we make it lol.
Stripping my membranes Weds. and I couldn't be more excited!!! I don't want to waste this beautiful newborn Easter dress, we have reservations next Sunday so I hope she's here!!
Have a wonderful Sunday ladies