Mmm delicious. I made oatmeal raisin ones and added pecans. They are gooey and I think that's normal bc the ones I had the other day were gooey too. DH wanted some so I made him non lactation cookies but I think I messed them up bc they taste like muffins. Mine are good though. He's afraid to eat mine...
So Nikki I'm joining the experiment. I just pumped - 30cc from one boob, 20cc from the other (pitiful). I'm also taking fenugreek capsules and brewers yeast tabs which I started yesterday. I wonder how long it takes to see an increase? I should do protein shakes with brewers yeast in them too...
Mine r in the oven!!! Can't wait, hope I didn't mess them up cuz I forgot the brown sugar until the way end and it was supposed to be added at the beginning. Good idea with the brewers yeast and protein shake... I might try it. Let me know how your experiment works. Also what's a cc equal to in oz or ml?
Is it weird to have a bad sore throat but no cold? I thought for sure I'd wake up this morning with a full blown cold, instead I still just can't swallow. The swelling has been making my tmj horrible, maybe allergies? Argh.
I hope the cookies work I found oats always worked for me.
AF arrived today. It never gets any easier
Can any of you that have used Agnus Castus look at my thread please?
Kara- when I'm exhausted I get sore throats... I usually sleep with a humidifier and get rest and it gets better...however u might have something more. I live in a very dry climate... But doesn't hurt to try if u have a humidifier.
Rachel if you have the time, pump between feedings and just stay on the pump for like 30 min and see if u get a second let down... Best to do in the morning. I find I get a few let downs in 30 min that doubles if not triples my amount of pumped milk then I would have gotten in 10 min.
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