yep, BB! That's what i'm afraid of!! it's OUR NEWS to share with people. I don't want other people tagging us, and talking about how Harper is here. So I think I'll just deactive on the way to the hospital, and then reactivate when i'm ready!
I don't know if any of you are interested but I don't think I've shared my birth story, this is it if anyone wants to read it
Kara how did you get in the tub with an EPI? Or was that before?? LOL about Clueless.. I'd be having a nervous breakdown.. I was having bad contractions yesterday and I thought it was TIME (even installed the carseat) but I began to have a meltdown- it's so nerve wracking!!! Lol but I'm ready I so wish I was you!
When you have a moment tell me what you were doing when your water broke!!
Can't wait to see these 3 babies... I keep checking on FB and nothing! Waiting patiently, off to another stupid NST now!
Kara, that's great news. I know I couldn't do it without anything. Yikes! Thinking of you. Can't wait for pictures
Julie, hope you all are doing well! Can't wait to see them!
That's a good idea to control the Facebook tagging and such.
Morgan, hoping for good news for you!
Longest/fastestMonday in awhile. I'm so sore in my back and hips after working last night. I'm nervous about my doctors appointment Thursday, too. Just afraid of a MMC mostly.. I wish that fearvwould go away!
So I just decided to check out the website for our local children's museum. I expected it to be expensive like everything else "fun" for kids but it's only $8 a person and Leah would be free. And they have regular hours on Saturday & Sunday which are the only 2 days we could go since OH works all week. I hope we can take Hannah next month sometime. I looked at the exhibits they have and I think she would have a blast.
If it's anything like the one we went to you'll have loads of fun. There's some pictures in Tristans 3rd Birthday album on Facebook if you fancy a nosey
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