Feel better Sandy :/ I can't believe this... it was 81 DEGREES yesterday, and this morning I woke up to a blanket of snow and it's freezing and windy.. same there too?? Unbelievable!!
Rachel- I love the pic of you and Ellie in the carrier.. too cute! She is such a pretty little peanut
Britt- Word of advice for BH contractions.. stay in bed, lots of water, and just go to sleep. I find the longer I think about birth/baby the worse they get. Your mind can give you the oxytocin high you need to keep them going, hence why they tell you to think of baby during nip stimulation when trying natural induction methods. Also to have a milk let down when pumping, the mind is powerful!! But I'd go to the doc if they really don't go away for a while, might need that shot Molly got if pre-term labor is a possibility!
Aw Julie/Kara your babes are absolutely beautiful.. Def keeping my baby fever at bay for this last day!
Stripping my membranes tomorrow at 8 am... spent 12 hours at L&D yesterday after my NST... contractions 2 mins apart and 3cm but they wouldn't let me go home til they made sure my scar was okay during contractions. I couldn't eat either for the risk of scar rupture and needing emergency surgery.. leads me to believe I won't be able to eat/drink in labor either :/ How can they even do that to a woman who needs ENERGY to birth a child?!?! I'll be stopping by my favorite restaurant before we head to the hospital, pain or not this momma will need some food lol.
I hope it works, I hope hope hope it works. Might be MIA for awhile but just know I'll (hopefully) be bringing my rainbow baby into this world!