TTC and Beyond!

Tried trimming the hedges today - and I can baaaarely see the entrance anymore. Tried a couple different ways of pulling the belly out of the way or lifting a leg, but... It might be time to buy a mirror for the shower ;)
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't posted much. My mom is visiting and we've been staying busy. I've been reading along though.

Sorry for the bfn Katrina. I hope you get your bfp soon.

Mirolee - I used to put soap or oil between my thighs and my belly so it would lube up the area and I could bend over more. Mostly just did it blind....

Had my pp appointment last week. All was good. Cleared for sex! Yay! My mom leaves tomorrow so it's on! Started the mini pill for bc. The IUD freaks me out so I'm trying the mini pill first. If I get pregnant then I get pregnant. We are only going to wait a year before trying again anyways. Doc said next pregnancy I will have to be on weekly injections and early bed rest. Without knowing why I went into early labor they just have to prevent it from all angles. Ellie is getting huge. Growing out of some of her clothes. She's had a rash on her face and neck for a week. I think she's allergic to aveeno bc it's gotten better since I stopped using the soap and lotion on her. I also wore a new shirt without washing it so it could have been that. Not really sure. DH went back to work last week. Kinda sad. Tonight he started nights for a month which is even sadder.
Mirolee- I just blind shaved too lol. Tried moving my belly outta the way but near the end it was impossible.
Time to buy mesh bumpers. She is all over the place in her crib. Woke me up for a second time because her arm was struck.

sandy that a1c number is great. Mine was 5.2 when they did it at 26 weeks.

mirolee- I did it blind.

Rachel - so glad Ellie is doing so well. Its sad when Alia grows out of clothing. Enjoy the sex, its awesome when you can move well and there isn't a "purpose".

Alia has started to enjoy her bouncers. She's getting so big. She has her favorite stuffed animal...a horse we named thunder. She's trying so hard to roll over. She's such a joy!

I had my yearly general practitioner check up and I'm getting a whole panel of bloods done in the a bit nervous! I'm getting cholesterol, thyroid, fasting blood sugar, metabolic and a bunch more things tested. I hate it because I know my body has changed since pregnancy and I'm scared to find out results. For some reason my blood pressure is 120/80, which is ok, but mine has always been like 110/ not too happy about all this. However I went running twice this past week...hoping to go again tonight or tomorrow night.
Nikki was it weird the first time you had sex or ran? I'm a bit nervous for the sex that it's going to feel different, especially for him.

They have those mesh bumpers at target. I almost bought one last night but Ellie is still in our room so there's no point right now. Let me know how it works out.
No neither were weird. Dh said sex felt the same... Hopefully he wasn't saying that to be nice. But I made him go slow at first until I was comfortable. Running is hard and tiring because I am way out of shape, but doesn't hurt.
Same here - I pretty much just shave blind and so far it's not been too bad (that I know of. LOL)

Rachel- Sounds like you had a great PP visit!!
Rachel I'm glad your appointment went well.
Afm I've started cramping so my guess is af will be here tomorrow, I had another low temp today too. Well I have to run we are working calves today, giving them shots and such.
LOL Mirolee- I just sat here wondering... why was your belly in the way of your hedges?? And what's the use of a mirror?? Oh..... THOSE hedges.. haha I was lost for a moment. It sucks, I've given up. It's been 2 months now. I'll just have a blind hack every few weeks or so to keep it under control lol.

Nikki- Aww she's getting so big so fast.. any sleep tricks you'd like to share??

I spent all of yesterday Googling things like "how long/often to burp a breastfed baby" and "breathing techniques for labor".. I'm slowly but surely having a nervous breakdown lol

Baby tomorrow...... wtf
Morgan, I seriously did the same thing at first!! It wasn't until I saw the part with the mirror I went "ohhhh!" LOL

I can't believe Marley will be coming SO SOON!!!! I can't wait to see another sweet baby face!

afm- I don't know what to do about this constant hunger i'm getting!! This morning I ate gluten free oatmeal and some sausage thinking that should be enough protein to hold me over for awhile. I am already feeling hungry, and I haven't even gotten to work!! It's just crazy. I chugged a glass of water, and it's not really helping. If I let it go too long, then I just feel like i'm going to pass out, so I guess I just really need to eat a lot more? Did anyone else feel this ravenous around 31 weeks?
Thanks Britt! Yes, I'm starving almost always. Give into it though, you only have a short time left to use the preggo excuse ;)

I fully embraced a huge buffet last week and let me tell you it felt GOOD. Ate the crispy skin off of about 5 fried chicken breasts while the lady 2 tables away just stared at the ravenous/hugely pregnant lady. :hi::munch::icecream::finger:

............and that^ may be why I've gained 55 lbs this pregnancy. Lmao. I'll be P90xing hardcore come June.
omg, morgan, marley will be here tomorrow! crazy! haha, i love that you gained 55 lbs - not that you can tell - but it just goes to show how different we all are. and like you, i'll be p90x and spinning and doing breakfast shakes!
i am also always hungry. we eat breakfast at 730 every morning - same thing - oatmeal w/ cheese, mug of coffee. it's now 9am and my stomach is growling. how is that possible? some days i give in, others i just tell myself "it's in your brain". and other days i say "it's in your brain" while eating a muffin, hehe.
i'm too scared to do the brazilian, but i think i'm going to get my upper/back legs waxed.
and alek is a crazy baby - he moves all.the.time. and big kicks. last night, OH was laying his head on my belly and alek full on front kicked him in the face, hard. OH was impressed! i was 1% in pain (not too bad, but it wasnt great). regardless, i will always take a nice solid kick than no movement at all. :)
Morgan, I seriously did the same thing at first!! It wasn't until I saw the part with the mirror I went "ohhhh!" LOL

I can't believe Marley will be coming SO SOON!!!! I can't wait to see another sweet baby face!

afm- I don't know what to do about this constant hunger i'm getting!! This morning I ate gluten free oatmeal and some sausage thinking that should be enough protein to hold me over for awhile. I am already feeling hungry, and I haven't even gotten to work!! It's just crazy. I chugged a glass of water, and it's not really helping. If I let it go too long, then I just feel like i'm going to pass out, so I guess I just really need to eat a lot more? Did anyone else feel this ravenous around 31 weeks?

I feel like that now just b/c he dropped even more, and is so low that I have tons of room on top for my stomach to stretch again. I would add peanut butter to your oatmeal, or any type of fat. Butter, coconut oil, almond butter, etc. Fat + protein keeps me full for longer. I just grilled a whole grain sandwich with an egg, a whole sliced banana and tons of peanut butter on the Foreman grill, drizzled with maple syrup...omg. heavenly!! It was like a pb/banana "grilled cheese". Butter on the outsides to grill. :thumbup:
Thanks ladies! And Molly that sounds delicious!! I guess I could add some peanut butter to the oatmeal, and that would be pretty tasty! I'm also trying to watch my sugar intake because my doctor gave me a big warning this past friday at my appointment. As of 31 weeks, I've gained 23 lbs and I don't think it's horrible but he was lecturing me about sugar and how bad it is at this point and every time I want sugar, I should picture a 10lb baby crowning. Ugh!

While, I don't completely agree with him, I HAVE been eating a LOT of sugar and my weight gains are more than i'd like them to be, so starting this week i've been cutting way back. I only had 43 grams of sugar yesterday.
Morning Ladies...I'm back after the crazy end to tax season then having internet issues, blah blah anyways...I've just skimmed through 45 pages to "try" to catch up.

Hope you all had a great Easter...still so happy about all these babies making their entrances they are so precious and definitely helping me cope with baby fever...I'm so happy for each and everyone of you and have been praying for safe/easy deliveries.

nothing really to report here. We went to church on Easter and the Pastor called us up to the front to honor our anniversary which was so nice then we did a bunch of yard work which made me super happy. Zara is still fighting the potty training battle but it is slllloooowwwwlllyyy getting better. She is such a good puppy in terms of being around people and kids especially, shes so gentle its adorable...I'm so thankful for that!

Promise promise promise I will try to chime in more...not sure how much i have to offer but I will follow along reading during the day
Morgan- no great advice on the sleeping methods. She was just a good sleeper. I tried at 4/6 weeks a routine. Up stairs by 9pm for bath every other night and last feed. Then put her down. Now one her own she's made bed time earlier. She now cries at about 745 to go up stairs. Through out the night id feed on demand. She is a good self soother. We r now working on her naps being in her crib as well, instead of in my lap. Since at daycare she naps in a crib. By 2 weeks old I made sure to start pumping. I made sure to do enough sessions to freeze at least 4 oz/day. They say milk comes back in an try to do in and hr after a feeding and hope baby doesn't need food for an hr. As for calming methods they say the 5 s 's: swaddle, shush, lay on side, suck, and sway. We started paci at 4 weeks...people have different opinions on this, but she was needing it. I was told burping is needed for bottle, and not a must for breast feeding. But feel free to ask me anything. I'm a very comfortable mommy now!!

oh...i ordered fenugreek pills...ill let u all know if they work!!
fenugreek will make you smell like maple syrup, so just a heads up in case you hadn't read that yet lol. i've known many ladies who were taken by surprise because of that.
Good luck tomorrow Morgan! Can't wait to see pictures of your little lady <3

Sunday is Hannah's 2nd birthday and in two weeks, Leah will be 2 months old. So crazy. I really need to figure out what kinda hours I will be working when/if I go back because we need it financially. SO bad.

OH works at an auto body collision repair shop. A few weeks ago he hit a customer's car with another customer's car. He only received a warning and has to pay about $180 toward the repair, which will come out of his checks. Not sure if it'll be all at once or over the course of a few checks. On top of that he missed 2.5 days of work in the last month which affected us financially. And with buying formula, diapers for 2 kids and groceries and gas for the car, we've overspent and I'm freaking out about upcoming rent and some past-due bills. On top of not having bought Hannah a birthday present yet.

So then he goes to work this morning and calls me to say our brakes are going out. He nearly slammed into a stopped car, coming off the highway at 50mph. Thank goodness he didn't because he'd be in the hospital and we'd be out of a car completely but he managed to pump the brakes to regain brake pressure. He had someone at work check it out and it seems like it may either be our master cylinder or booster cylinder but we need to pay to get that fixed ASAP so he can get to/from work so we're not out of MORE money but now I'm not sure what we're going to do about bills/rent/formula/diapers (all of which we need right now) plus we need to do some grocery shopping because it's been awhile. So mega-stressed right now.
So sorry Amanda! That sounds so stressful! I hope it resolves itself and the repair doesn't cost too much!

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