TTC and Beyond!

Thanks :)

From what I understand... it would be as low as $50 or around $100+, not sure if that includes labor cost either.
Morgan I can't believe you get to see Marley tomorrow!!!

Lol mirolee at trimming the hedges! I tried the other day and it was so hard!!

AFM, not too much going on. Started working on Lux's room. Just finished the little owl pics I painted and framed them :) can't wait to hang it


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Amanda, sorry that's really frustrating...i hate when you feel like you can't catch a break. I hope its on the lower side of the cost scale.

Ash, that is sooo cute!!
Ash, adore those pics! Can you paint me some for my house? Seriously.

Mirolee, I love brazilians. Yes it hurts but oh man 6 weeks of smooth is nice :) The first time is the worst and now a lot of places offer a spray before hand to numb you up a bit. I use it extremely liberally and generously. Esp now that its swim suit season. Spent all weekend in a suit and didn't even worry about stubble/ razor burn!

Morgan, hollllyyy crap shes going to be here tomorrow. Loved your easter pics, you are one adorable pregnant lady!

Just booked a trip to Cabo. So.Freaking.Excited. June needs to hurry it up. This single thing may not be so bad afterall. Total adjustment and I miss him, but having the hormones gone surely helps remember why I left and why we didn't work. and, its okay to miss him. its only human. but, I was miserable and being alone is a hard learning curve but also really good-- I'm learning that I am entirely responsible for my own life and happiness. I've given up on finding a new relationship and I know that one day someone perfect will walk into my life and want to have kids (and be able to!) and also be supportive of what i want and need in a relationship. Until then, I'll just be here forcusing on me and what makes me happy :)
i'm not scared of the pain, i'm scared of the person looking directly at my hairy hoo-ha and bum! but i should have just done it because now i have to wait until it grows out again - oh, and until i grow balls to be nekkid spread legged.
btw, so happy youre getting happy RR :) it warms my heart!
Thanks, Mirolee, makes me happy. Something clicked last week and life got a lot brighter. I'm doing really well. Had a bad few weeks but don't we all.

I just have to constantly remind myself that a) this person does it for a living and chose to rip hair out of hoo-has b) this can't be the worst they have seen and c) i dont ever have to go back, so this could be the only time i will ever see them and d) they're ripping hair out of my hoo-ha, modesty has gone out.the.window.

eta: I am blonde, but have crazy thick hair and all of my hair on my legs and lady parts grows in dark and thick (tmi, but hey). You kind of have to go in with a "i dont give a fuck" attitude and know that you're going to walk out looking a whooolllleee lot better than you did walking in.
Helloooo ladies!!

Today is my first day home alone with Makayla so I finally have some time to sit down and tell our story!

My water broke last Monday morning. I had gotten up around 2:30 am to get some Tylenol for my head cold when I felt a huge gush...luckily I was in my kitchen and not my bed! I thought I was peeing my pants! Then I realized it wasn't stopping and wasn't pee! lol Went upstairs (with a huge bath towel between my legs), and poked DH and asked him if he was ready to have a baby! :) We both showered, and called the doctor, and then we were off to the hospital. The got us right into L&D and checked that it was in fact fluid and that I was 2 cm dilated. Checked via U/S that Makayla was still head down and told me that she was back to back so I was definitely going to have some back labor.

They brought us down to our labor room and monitored for about 20 minutes and then unhooked me and told me I could use the labor ball or walk around if I wanted to. I tried both and preferred the ball so I sat there and bounced for a while. My contractions gradually got stronger and closer together. When I started having big contractions that my labor nurse called "mother makers", I started to get violently ill when the contractions would start...that was a bummer lol - not so fun to barf and contract at the same time - with a horrible head cold. LOL

They came and checked me and I was 3cm, 100% effaced and I asked them to fill up the labor tub. This was AWESOME. The warm water and the weightlessness felt SO good and definitely made the contractions easier but I was still puking with the big ones so that made it tough to like hang over the side of the tub/barf/contract/and not drown. That was basically when I decided to go for the epi- too much for me to handle!

So they called anesthesia and they were there within like 5 minutes. They had to tap me twice because the first attempt kept veering off to the left side of my spine. After about an hour of complete relief from the epidural I started to feel full force contractions on my right side so they have to come adjust the catheter so that the medication was more evenly distributed. I stopped vomiting after the epidural was in, thank goodness. After a couple hours I started feeling like I needed to push badly. Doc checked me and I was ready to go! At that point I was like holy crap, this is really happening!!

The doctor told me was could try pushing for 45 minutes and if I got too tired we would take a break. I pushed 3 times with the first contraction and my OB looked at me and was like "oooook, Im going to go get my mask and booties because you're going to get this baby out quickly". I pushed our little girl out in 23 minutes, have only a 1st degree tear of my left labia, and no 'roids! :) DH got to cut the cord and they laid Makayla right on my chest, she hardly cried and looked SO content. It really was a surreal moment to look down on my baby girl and up at my teary eyed husband.

I did end up with a spinal headache from the epidural, which was awful and required a blood patch (when they re-tap you and take blood from your arm and inject it into your spine to clot the hole made by the epi). The whole thing was kind of heinous but relief was instant.

Makayla was born 19 inches long weighing 5lb, 12 oz. No jaundice, no issues what-so-ever. We left the hospital at 5lb 7 oz. but had our first pedi apt yesterday and my little champion eater was back to birth weight. The doc was thrilled and said it usually takes two weeks to gain that much back!

I nursed in the hospital and for the first few days we were home but didn't love nursing because shes so small and her mouth is so tiny and when my milk came in and my nips got flat and it got hard for her to latch so it was just kinda frustrating for all parties. So since then I've been exclusively pumping and bottle feeding her expressed milk. I'm pumping 4 oz every 3-4 hours and had to start freezing today!

Seriously loving every minute of this, she is such a good baby. She only cries when shes hungry or needs a diaper change. She's on a pretty consistent feed every 3 hour schedule and falls right back to sleep at night with a full tummy.

I'm only 7 lbs over pre-preggo weight 7 days post partum, so that's awesome too. Hopefully the pumping and daily walks with baby girl will get rid of that super fast! It was SO nice to get outside and go for a walk today, yay for a nice-weather maternity leave!! :)
Hahaha Mirolee you crack me up <3 I can still see down there but have a feeling I won't be able to for much longer. May have to recruit DH for help LOL.

Nikki- Yupp sounds like time for mesh bumpers, post some pics of Alia!!! Can't believe she's getting so big so fast!!

Morgan- EEEEEEK holy moly lady you're gonna have a baby girl in your arms tomorrow!!! Can't wait for pictures!!!

Britt- I'm around 25-26 weeks and feel like the hunger is coming back. In the beginning I couldn't go more than two hours without eating or i'd be puking from hunger. I had been able to go 4 to 6 hours more recently.. but i've been starting to feel starving all the time again!

Molly- how are you doing?! Past the 35 week mark!! YAAAY!

Brittney- Where are you at in your cycle hun? So good to hear from you and glad you had a great Easter!!

So scary Amanda! So glad you didn't crash but ugh, financial and car problems all at once. Life always loves to throw that crap at you at once! Can't believe the girls are growing so quickly! Time just goes by faster and faster, it freaks me out!! Lol

Ash- your pictures are aaaadorable!!! I love them :)

Amanda (RR)- Yay your post just made me so happy :) You're so right lady. It's okay for you to miss him. But you have your entire life ahead of you. Go out, have fun, and you're going to bump into that perfect someone when you're least expecting it! Hey... maybe in Cabo ;)

Kara- Sounds like your labor went pretty smoothly! So so happy that Makayla is thriving and you are all doing so well! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!

AFM, All is going pretty well. DH is becoming more and more comfortable with the fact that there is a baby in my belly. It definitely was freaking him out in the beginning.. the 'holy shit we're actually gonna have a baby' aspect. He's been able to feel her more and more and is becoming more comfortable talking to her. His favorite thing seems to be blowing raspberries on my belly to 'wake her up' which I think is just adorable <3 I wish I felt her more though. Around 24 weeks I was getting a few big kicks here and there from her but now I don't feel much. Little pops and some rolling around. I just wanna feel her more. I try not to stress but when I go 8+ hours without feeling anything I start to freak out. And DH starts to freak out too, and of course she'll always give us a tiny little kick to reassure us which makes my heart melt every time but I just can't help stressing and questioning if she's okay in there! I can't wait until she is in our arms.
Soooo reccommed a brazillian before labor. I had laser on my whole area but still get some patchy growth so I thought I could get by with a pre-labor shave. Now that's like the only thing bothering me- the re growth is aggravating the already itchy stitches...yowza!
Also, apparently my left boob leaks on it's own now! Before both of them would only produce colostrum if I was messing with them (lol.) Started at 19 weeks exactly. Woke up this morning to dried colostrum on my tank top from my left boob. Noticeable spots lol. Nothing from my right boob without messing with it yet. Assuming my left will produce more. Hoping it's a sign of good production.
Kara- thx for sharing...glad it went smoothly!!

morgan- sooo soon!!

Robert- glad all is going much better! Cabo sounds amazing!! We r talking about Jamaica in dec for my 30th.

ashley- wow artist! Very nice.

I will post Alia pics shortly, my computer froze. However, the pics aren't her best because she's not looking or smiling.

also, you ladies wait until breastfeeding to talk about hunger...omg!!! Always hungry!
LOL Nikki!! Too true!! My girlfriend sent me this yesterday! ALWAYS hungry!!!


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Yep and always thirsty!

Sorry not really had chance to catch up. Been major busy, funeral is tomorrow and our holiday in 6 sleeps! Hope everyone is ok!

Morgan good luck tomorrow. So exciting!
O and I've got lots of watery/EWCM today and crampy on the right hand side. Hoping I'm gearing for early O!
Oh and Alia is doing really well holding he head up!!! YAY baby noodle!

white dress is Easter!


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