Re: them! (both hubby is brazilian) Just go for it Mirolee...the first time is awkward for a second but then you get over it real quick.
Kara, thanks for sharing...glad things went relatively smoothly, except the throwing up part. She is absolutely precious!
Cassidy, cute invites...I wish we all lived closer and could attend each others showers. Also, I think you asked about my cycle...I'm currently on CD 16 haven't been tracking anything except the number of days in my cycle. I think July we will start "trying" again. Right now we are working on the house- putting in new hardwood, fixing trim, windows, paint, fixing ceiling, etc. For now I'm just rooting all you preggos on, and getting so excited now that babies are showing up!
Morgan, saying an extra long prayer for you tonight for a safe and uneventful VBAC tomorrow!!
Katrina, sorry about your sore back...have some wine...or a bottle, that always helps me feel no pain lol
Amanda RR -- so happy you are feeling back to yourself. There is someone waiting to be with you and have a family with you and its just not time yet...enjoy your cabo trip...I'm super jelous
Nikki, Alia is getting sooo big! shes absolutely adorable
and here's the latest pic of my baby lol!...