Katrina- I think Femara just needed to regulate, maybe O will be more reliable this time! Prrraying for that poppyseed!
Sandy- That is awful, try to tune out unwanted opinions even though ik its hard.. You can have one baby here and one in heaven. I think thats wonderful! Dont know why anyone would give their 2 cents anyways! Hope all is well with you
When are you finding out pink or blue?! I hope I didnt miss that announcement!!
Everyone else Ive been following on FB/IG.. so many beautiful bellies!!! All I can say ladies is- enjoy your life while its YOURS! Lol
AFM- Wanted to try and share a quickish birth story, well see how that goes lol. So induction at 6 am. I had the foley bulb and dilated to a 4 within 30 mins and it fell out. Doc wanted to break my waters at that point (around 9 am by now) since I had a bulging bag, like they said at the membrane sweep. But they wanted to try Pitocin and see what happened. So they upped the dosage every 30 mins, all day, I had regular contractions but no pain and no dilation. So by 10 p.m. they decided to break my waters, since I had labored for 12 hours with no progress. As soon as they did that, I lost 12 gallons of fluid and the real contractions came!! I told the nurse I wanted to try natural labor for a while, to test myself and see what its like, just to say I did. And it was hellacious!! I hee-hee hoo-hooed for an hour and a half, moaning and bouncing on the ball but nothing helped. After about 2 hours of laboring, I asked for the EPI. She said the doc was in surgery, and it would be 45 mins :/ So by then I was just engulfed by the pain, miserable beyond words. He pricked me in between contractions, and I remember saying it was crooked, to the right a bit, I could feel it. He said it was fine. So 30 mins later, half (the right side) of my body was numb and other half completely normal >:/ They had to up the dosage in my EPI so high that the normal half was pretty numb, and the other half by this point was completely paralyzed lol. But I felt heavenly, wouldnt shut up about how much better I felt! Oh by the way, MIL didnt find the birth important enough to get out of bed for at 11 pm, so my mom and sister both were in there with hubby! It was great my 3 favorite people! So once I was finally comfortable and numbed up, I asked to take a nap since I knew Id be laboring all night. The nurse laid me on my left side and stuck my leg up in a stirrup to help the baby move down, and I drifted off to sleep. About two hours later, my sister and Aaron came into the room from the cafeteria, it was about 1 am by now. They woke me up, and my mom who was sleeping beside me in a rocking chair. Aaron asked how I was doing. I said- I dont want to say this but I think shes coming, call the nurse. I had that poop feeling. The nurse came in to check me and said her head was on its way out and she had lots of dark hair. From that point on the lights came on, and it was a tizzy of nurses flying left and right preparing the room for my girl. I started sobbing and Aaron was deliriously happy. He came over and held my hand and kissed my forehead while I buried my face in him, I was terrified and all I could think of was my sweet Jaxon. It was time and there was no avoiding the fact that it was eviction time. I was so flooded with emotions and my sweet hubby was so excited he couldnt see straight. Such a surreal moment Ill never forget.
Pushing was hard because I couldnt feel a thing. I feel like I just gave myself an aneurism and didnt help at all. They kept telling me to push down, PUSH PUSH PUSH but I couldnt feel a thing.. haha I kept apologizing for not helping. But I guess I helped enough to get her out to the shoulders and they pulled her the rest of the way out. She was beautiful, looked just like her daddy, 8 lbs 11 oz, big ole girl! They delivered the placenta and stitched me up, and then all hell broke loose. I heard the nurse say to the doc- help, is this normal?? and she ran over grabbed a bunch of supplies, called in about 10 more docs/nurses and it was a zoo in there. They were running around wildly. I started to feel like I was dying, it was a strange sensation, just terrifying. Then at the same time I heard them say my pulse was in the 40s, they were whispering among one another. I had PLACENTA ACCRETA (like I told the doc when I began to have all that bleeding in the beginning of this pregnancy!!! He said I was crazy for worrying about something so RARE!!) and was hemorrhaging. I lost so much blood, not sure exactly how much but it was scary. My mom passed out, she was so scared. My sister was white as a ghost beside her, not moving. Aaron was trying to take care of the baby until they took her away too. I didnt get to breastfeed her or see her once she was cleaned/assessed. It was awful. As soon as the birth was over I started convulsing, shaking violently. I guess the placenta had completely adhered to my c-section scar and they had no idea. Again like I SAID in the beginning of the pregnancy, I asked that question a million times. The doc had to rip the stitches back open, and use a bladder something (huge L-shaped metal tool) and scrape the placenta out that had adhered. They gave me a complete D&C. Aaron said he watched it all, said it was unreal. He went off to be with Marley in the nursery once I was semi-okay again, they gave me 2 blood transfusions, and all I remember is shaking to death and having a million blankets on me and falling asleep for 5 hours. But Im okay. Not at all the way I planned my VBAC, but hey, the actual birth part was a breeze lol. If only the doc would have listened to my Dr. Google diagnosis, maybe the accreta could have been seen earlier!! They said if theyd known that from the beginning (like week 12 when I was bleeding my uterus out) then they would have had me on bedrest the entire pregnancy. Makes my blood boil to think about, but God was watching out for us and everything turned out okay.
At about 6 am a nurse brought Marley in to my room. They kept my epidural on and the Pitocin going all night and morning so that I would contract the rest of the placenta out, if there was any. So I had stimulated contractions a good 12 hours after birth, thats always fun. Aaron and my sister were sleeping in chairs beside me, my mom had gone home by now. The nurse left and I was alone in a dark room, writhing in pain with a sweet face staring at me through her little incubator. I picked her up and said hello. It was not the way I planned it at all, I wanted to love her and nurse her from the moment she was born.. but it had to do. I nursed her, feeling like an idiot not knowing what in the world I was doing.. but she latched right on. She was perfect. I didnt even have to help. No asking for help from lactation.. this girl had it figured out from the very first time. She did great.
So I had to stay in the hospital for 5 days, she nursed great and I couldnt wait to get home. She never cries unless shes hungry (a boob shuts her right up) or if she needs burped bc her belly hurts. She has been sleeping great too.. I must say its been too easy. Shell wake up at 12 am, 5, and 9 to eat and I feed her about every 2/3 hours during the day. Back up to 8 lbs 12 oz, so above her birth weight.. and as I said I have noooo milk production issues lol and she nurses great. Im so happy to finally have my rainbow. Jaxon looked just like me and Marley just like her Daddy. They do look similar though, it makes my heart happy to think of him often when I see her face. I have a whole new take on life now. Its a whole new world, Im all of the sudden preoccupied with making life count and getting things done before she goes away to college lol. May just be post-partum hormones, but I dont ever want her to grow up! She lost her button stump and I was so sad! Shes 2 weeks old this Weds., time just goes by way too fast. So enjoy those bellies ladies, because once your sweet squishies get here, life will go by at lightening speed!!
Hoping all is well with everyone, going back to catch up now!