TTC and Beyond!

Haha yea Nikki, I got to bed at 9 when I put her down, it's definitely a new way of life!

Hope you have a good day too, Katrina!

My mom is babysitting Friday night so DH and I can go to dinner for sushi, SO looking forward to date night!! :)
Glad you both got some sleep! Ellie slept good too but I stayed up cleaning till 1 am. She is like her old self again. I'd like to think it's the meds. She just woke up and was laying there smiling and doing her stretches. My mom ordered a satin sheet for Ellie. When I went to get her around 5 she had turned sideways I guess from kicking and the sheet being so soft lmao. I couldn't help but laugh
Kara/Nikki/Julie - what kind of bra do you wear? I wear an underwire bra and a cotton sleeping bra at night. I wonder if the underwire bra is too constricting and affecting my milk?
I wear a coobie most of the time, bc I'm spilling out of my D cup and refuse to buy a DD lol. When we go out for gatherings etc I wear my regular underwire but 95 % of the time I'm in the coobie.

Might be worth trying something less constricting!

Rachel-have you tried a sling? I wear Makayla in a K'tan sometimes to I can have two hands free to clean and stuff! She loves it! Falls right asleep!
For those of you not in the FB group, I had to go to L&D last night. Got a big leak of fluid that was enough to run down my legs and be on the floor. They did a few tests and I was monitored, but the don't think it was anything and sent me home.

I am so tired. I only got a bit of sleep. I can't take off today, and I have meetings and we are already short staffed. I'll keep an eye on how i'm feeling. Right now battling a headache (which is not abnormal for me). took my temp and it's fine, so I took some tylenol. Off to work I go...
Thanks gor the tip! I'll look for it tonight!

Britt, scary! Hope you feel better!
Rachel I wore a wireless nursing bra. The ones with the clips on the straps. I wore normal underwired bras if I was dressing up.

Britt that's scary! Hope your ok.
Also Rachel/Nikki- what about the flange size? I know I'm for sure using the wrong size with these big ol tatas. I know you can maximize output with the correct flange size! Check your membranes as well! One of mine had a tiny tear and it made a huge difference!
i passed my GD test @ 117! woo hoo! i have mild anemia but nothing worth supplementing -so steak and donuts for lunch!
Nikki - it's not a sign of anything. Almost all babies prefer sleeping on their belly. I know when we transition Leah to the crib (not sure when I will) we'll probably put her right on her belly.

Leah went nearly 11 hours between feedings last night. Had her last bottle at 6:30pm, went down for the night shortly after and woke up at 5am. Just wish her last bottle was closer to 9 or 10pm so she's sleep til morning though. It's not practical for us to go to sleep when she does that early. We have her 2 mth check up and shots today :(
Waves-why don't you wake her up at 9:30 and give her a last feed so she'll sleep later in the morning?
I wear underwire bra all day and sports bra to bed. I have huge boobs (DD at the least). My flange size is 30. The lactation consultant at the hospital told me to use 30s. Yes I agree with changing out the white membranes...dh read about that and so I do it on her month bday ever month. I agree it makes a difference. I also inspect them and if they were cut I would change then. They help with suction. I also recommend massaging the boob while pumping. Oh, and I shift around my nipple in the flange to optimize the production.

waves- good to know its not just Alia. So you are saying its normal that she screams/cries/kicks/arches back when on her back, but as soon as I flip her to belly she passes out? ...interesting...

what age do you all think is appropriate to let her sleep nights on belly? She has good head control, but hasn't fully mastered rolling over ...she can do it but doesn't do it often.
Kara/waves- that's called a dream feed.... My doc recommended it, but I told her I got to sleep within 30min-1hr of the time she goes to bed
Mirolee- Awesome about no gd!!

robert-if ur reading....alia has been sleeping in the blankets you bought her....its been so warm that its been the perfect weight. Thanks to you and all you lovely ladies that helped buy alias baby shower gift! Ps. How r u?

afm, I got 3 moles removed yesterday and they are being tested...praying I don't have skin cancer. And praying it doesn't cost me and arm and a leg for the removal of them. Alia slept pretty good last night and I produced the exact amt of milk she ate yesterday!! My morning pump is good too. Also, is someones husband a contractor for the government? I feel like someone once mentioned that. If so I have a question.
Nikki-from what I've read, the back to sleep thing isn't completely bc of the being able to turn the head. It can also have something to do with the developmental stage of the brain stem and some kind of apnea reflex. Meaning the baby can stop breathing, even with an uninstructed airway and the brain won't tell the baby to breathe again. That being said, there's a line between what recommended and what keeps you sane. We sleep on back for now, but inclined, which isn't recommended either. Talk to the ped and decide what's best for you as a family.

Also, when a baby is placed in they're tummy, all the pressure is pushed towards their back, making their belly a lot more comfortable, (this is why this position helps a lot in calming a gassy baby). When laying on their backs all the pressure goes to their tummy, so it's understandable why the babes are for sure more comfy on their tums!
Thanks ladies. I'm still a bit worried. I've read stories (before last night) about women saying that they thought their water broke and the doc told them it didn't, when in fact it had. But I guess I have to trust in the medical system (and the ph strips) and hope that miss Harper hangs out in there a bit longer. Feeling sick today. Told my boss I might leave early, but right now it's not bad enough to leave.

Mirolee- so glad you passed your GTT!! That's awesome!!

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