TTC and Beyond!

Yay Mirolee! By the way, I seriously LOL'ed. Quite the combination!

I have been STARVING lately. its ridiculous. Hubby is out of town tonight so I think I am making cabbage roll type stuff.. inly I'm not rolling it. Just putting it all in the pot and cooking it
Leah had her 2 month check-up today. She was born at 6lbs 3oz, 19.2" long and a head circumference of 13.25". Now today she's up to 11lbs 14oz, 22.5" long and a head circumference of 15". She's growing so well! She has a bit of an umbilical hernia but he said she should outgrow it by 1 year old. And then she got her shots One oral vaccine & 3 shots. She did ok with the first shot but after that... she was crying so hard She's doing okay now though.

We go back mid-July for her 4 month checkup and next round of shots is at 6 months. Doc was a little surprised at how much she's eating (5oz every 4 hours) but said there's nothing wrong with it. Suggested maybe adding rice cereal around the 4 month mark if she starts taking 7-8oz bottles regularly but we'll see. Hannah had it added to her bottles around 2-3 months because of her reflux and did okay but Leah's a different baby so we'll see how it goes. I'm in no rush.


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Waves-why don't you wake her up at 9:30 and give her a last feed so she'll sleep later in the morning?
Kara/waves- that's called a dream feed.... My doc recommended it, but I told her I got to sleep within 30min-1hr of the time she goes to bed

I've thought about it and had people recommend it but I'm just worried it'll throw her off and she won't sleep a long stretch. There was one night she started to wake at her feeding time (11:30?) so we gave her a normal bottle and she only went 4 hours between the next feeding and 4 hours after that... didn't do a long stretch. So I've been afraid to try it since lol.

waves- good to know its not just Alia. So you are saying its normal that she screams/cries/kicks/arches back when on her back, but as soon as I flip her to belly she passes out? ...interesting...

I mean, what you described as far as laying on her back/flat sounds like reflux and that's a normal reaction in reflux babies but reflux or not, babies just tend to prefer sleeping on their bellies. I know I do lol.
Glad Leah's check-up went well Amanda! She's so cute I love seeing her little face pop up on my FB dash and IG! She's so stinking adorable!

Morgan- I don't think i've commented on your birth story yet. WOW mama, what a scare. The pictures had me tearing up, you look so overwhelmed but so so happy and I love the one of your mom and hubs reactions! So priceless! I am so glad Marley Jaye is here. She is absolutely beautiful and looks a lot like her big brother Jaxon <3 So happy you got your VBAC even though things may not have went as smoothly as possible. I'm just so so stoked for you and your little fam.

Molly- thinking of you! Hope all is going well with you and your little man!!

BB- Chart stalking you always ;) Hoping this is THE month!!!

Katrina- I wish I could live on a farm. I would absolutely love it. My family friends used to own a cattle ranch and I got to bottle feed a calf. One of my favorite memories. FX for this cycle!

Sandy- CANNOT WAIT for you to find out gender!!! So exciting!!

Colette- I forget if I asked, are you finding out gender? If so- when?

Nikki- Glad you seem to be producing the perfect amount for Alia! I'm hoping i'll have good production, FX. My right boob is actually producing what looks like milk now. The left boob is still clear colostrum but my right has a milky looking substance. P.S... could do with some more pictures of your cute baby girl since I don't have her face brightening my facebook feed! Lol!

Rachel- So glad the medicine seems to be helping Ellie! I love her little expressions, she's so dang cute!

Julie- Hope all is going well for you! You go mama, breastfeeding one and pumping for another- you must have awesome production!!! Lol.

Kara- Omg I saw the pic you were tagged in of the professional photo of little Makayla- SOOOO CUTE!

Britt- I hope little Harper hangs in there for a while longer, gets some more chub on them bones! :)

Has anyone heard from STG?? Been wondering about her a lot, worrying about her too. Hope all is going smoothly with her pregnancy.
I'm still worried ladies.. She said my cervix was closed last night. I asked if your water can still break with a closed cervix and she said yes. Okay.

They never once said they thought I peed myself. She just kept saying discharge. It was so thin and watery, I don't see how it could be discharge. It was running quickly down my legs and pooling on the floor.

And I don't get the contractions thing. When they said I was having contractions, coudl that have just meant BH? or was it the real deal? I don't know.

I haven't had any other fluid leaks of any kind today, and Harper is still moving around a lot. Should I still push for more answers at my appointment on friday? I've been reading online ( I know, bad) and i'm just suprised at other tests they can do, that they didn't do.. (ferning.. sonogram to check fluids). Maybe they were just trying to keep from doing unnecessary tests? I don't know. I'm sure i'm fine, i'm just worried.
Glad Leah's check-up went well Amanda! She's so cute I love seeing her little face pop up on my FB dash and IG! She's so stinking adorable!

Thanks <3

I'm still worried ladies.. She said my cervix was closed last night. I asked if your water can still break with a closed cervix and she said yes. Okay.

They never once said they thought I peed myself. She just kept saying discharge. It was so thin and watery, I don't see how it could be discharge. It was running quickly down my legs and pooling on the floor.

And I don't get the contractions thing. When they said I was having contractions, coudl that have just meant BH? or was it the real deal? I don't know.

I haven't had any other fluid leaks of any kind today, and Harper is still moving around a lot. Should I still push for more answers at my appointment on friday? I've been reading online ( I know, bad) and i'm just suprised at other tests they can do, that they didn't do.. (ferning.. sonogram to check fluids). Maybe they were just trying to keep from doing unnecessary tests? I don't know. I'm sure i'm fine, i'm just worried.

Like I said on FB, I thought my water was leaking with Leah like 5 times. They never said I peed myself, just said it was discharge every single time. At the end of pregnancy, you develop a biiiiig increase in discharge, generally watery. Amniotic fluid will smell a little sweet, won't smell like water or discharge at all. I'd still push for more answers Friday for peace of mind but it's possible it was just a lot of discharge. I mean, with Leah I'd have it dripping down my leg or feel gushes but it was always just discharge/normal.

I was having 2x a week biophysical profiles where they would check my fluid levels and they were always great, never decreasing in volume even though I swore I was leaking lol.

As for contractions, I don't think BH pick up on the monitor the same way a regular contraction does so it's possible you were having real contractions but look at Morgan --- she was contracting regularly for weeks and it wasn't really ever changing her cervix. I remember being in labor with Autumn and on the monitors and the nurses kept asking if I felt that last contraction, asking how I was doing, etc... because I didn't feel any of the contractions for several hours lol.
Thanks Waves. You are right. I don't WANT anything to be wrong, and I want her to stay in there until she's at least full term, but I can't help but worry as well. It was just strange because I haven't had much discharge at all in over a week. So to have this sudden burst, and then nothign again today, seems weird, but then again as a FTM, what do I know?

I guess i'll just express my concern on friday and see what they have to say!
Amanda Leah is so cute!
Britt I hope she stays put for awhile longer.
Anyone who comes visit will get to pet a calf! Lol. Tomorrow I'm going to be busy, chores, going to grandpa's grave, picking out mothers day gifts for my mom and maybe face time with my sister.
Oh and I hate people someone thought I was pregnant today. Must be fat today.
Britt- did they do a cotten looking swab? Its a swab that turns blue if it was ammonic fluid. If not id want that done. If so and it wasn't blue I would say your water didn't brake. I believe there is a water sack out side your sack that holds your baby. I believe that can break and not mean anything. Also I was having contractions when my water broke and I couldn't feel them at all.
Leah is adorable! Glad she's doing so well!

Thanks Cass! I'm super excited! Not only to find out but to see him or her and to make sure everything is well and the cord is in the right place this time. How are you?

Mirolee, I just had grilled steak (with grilled zucchini and broccoli cheese pasta) inspired by your mentioning it earlier. Lol.

Britt, you have EVERY reason and right to be concerned. A puddle? ! That's a LOT to be "discharge". I would certainly push for answers Friday.

Katrina, I hope you are! Do you think you have O'ed yet?

I had every intention to clean tonight, but I am tired and itchy with swollen ankles so I am sitting in the right recliner with my feet up instead. I'm a bum. :(
oh and Mirolee- YAAAY for passing your GD test! So happy for you! :)

I'm feeling pretty good! I threw up super randomly yesterday but other than that i've been feeling great! Zuri's movements have progressed from big kicks to mostly rolling around, it's so cool watching my belly move from side to side! We got our pack n play off our registry, my aunt ordered it for us! So I set it up today and it's all next to the bed ready for little miss! Makes it a lot more real!
IV never seen ff predict ovulation w a solid red line before it happens like that
Wow we talk a lot.
Lines gone now :haha: I don't know what I did but at least it's back to normal.
Mirolee Yayyyy for passing your GD test!

Leah is so cute :)

Britt I would push for more tests if your still worried. It's a lot of discharge for it to be pooling on the floor!

Katrina FX for you this cycle!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I have never had a line with my losses before 11DPO and even then they've been squinters!
Yay for late night feeds so I can see good news!!! Go pee on another!!!!!!! That's a beautiful line for a cheapie!

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