Colette- I hope everything goes well at your consultant
BB- I am so glad that you have answers and that they are being proactive in treating you! I'm sorry for your diagnosis but am glad they can take precautions for you and your pregnancy! I am keeping everything crossed for you, your tests look great and this is a sticky, take home babe!
Katrina- Eeek I hope this cycle is it for you!!!
Waves- Guys can be so freaking oblivious sometimes ugh. I hope you guys go to the game and have an amazing time. Tornado watch is scary

LOVE the girls pictures, they are too cute!
Brittney- FX that AF stays away!!!
Britt- Ugh sorry for the swelling and horrible weather and you feeling like crap.... but HOLY CRAP Harper is going to be here anytime now! Craziness!!!
Same to you Ash, WTF, Lux is gonna be here so very soon! Can't wait for more baby pics to fill up my fb and instagram feeds ladies!
Sandy- sorry you are miserable.. and hungry all the time! I think I was right around where you are when I was at that stage.. I could eat forever!!! Enjoy it because now I can barely eat anything before feeling super full lol.. I think everything is scrunched up in there

So excited for your baby BOY still! Eeek! Thinking of names?
I hope everyone is doing great! Love all the picture updates all the time mamas! Your babies are so damn beautiful!!!
AFM, had a 3D scan today. My placenta is always in the way and baby girl was turned more towards my back so we didn't get the GREATEST pics, but we still got some pretty good ones and I absolutely love seeing my little girl.. it always makes my day

Here's a few pics. Other than that, I've been feeling pretty good and have a check up appt. tomorrow where they just do the basics. We got Zuri's changing table sanded and painted and have just been getting stuff done around the house to prepare! 29 weeks on Friday, woohoo!