Colette- I love the name Elise

It's very elegant!!
Rachel- Ellie is too freaking cute! Growing so fast already! Love the pic updates on here and FB. Her eyes and those chunky cheeks melt my heart! Lol. Poor baby girl getting her shots. I guarantee i'll cry when i have to take Zuri. I hate needles!! I'll make Kevin hold her

Ash- Stubborn babies with their hands in their face!!! Zuri is always like that lol the two best pictures we got were RIGHT at the very end. Sorry you're working a ton right now making extra $$- you're superwoman!!!And sorry about family drama.

LAST thing you need right now!
Sandy- I hear you on needing to be motivated. I have SO much that needs to get done and have been seriously slacking. Time to get my booty into gear!
Brittney- I got EWCM usually around 7dpo in my TWW for some reason. I hope you figure out what's going on in your cycle!!!
Katrina- implantation dip today?! Maybe?! Lol. Tell your boss to kiss your ass and that you will not be working with pissed pants. People are allowed restroom breaks! Ugh.
Kara- Hope that zantac is working well for Makayla! Her 1 month picture is too adorable!!!
BB- Ugh for the bruising with your injections!! Glad everything seems to be going good! Happy 5 weeks little bean! Stay strong!
Nikki- That's AWESOME you got that much pumping! Go mama!!!
Britt- Sounds like she prob. just irritated your cervix from all that moving, or maybe she's moving down lower. You're getting so close!! Glad your BP was good and there was no protein in your urine. YAY! I'm not sure how i'll feel about dilation checking. On one hand I know i'm gonna be curious and want to know if there's ANYTHING going on down there but on the other hand I know women can stay dilated for weeks and weeks and I wouldn't be all anxious for that entire time.. plus I prefer for them to stay away from that area too unless necessary
Julie- the babies are absolutely precious! And growing so fast already!! LOVE their newborn pictures!!!! Each of their little personalities shine through already! UGH about the MIL. I love my MIL to death but feel like she will be a bit overbearing initially, especially with us living directly next door to each other. She's already ridiculous with my freaking dogs, she comes over to bring them to her house to visit every day.. LOL. We'll see. Hope your MIL gets the point and at least starts helping instead of just being in the way!!! Glad DW is being awesome
I've tried getting a hold of STG too. I hope she's okay.
Molly- I see you!! How are you doing?!!?
Sonia- you're extremely close!! How are you feeling?!?!
AFM, been pretty busy lately. Working, making headbands, getting stuff ready. Baby shower is 3 weeks from today- super excited!! Kevin's mom has to have a 7 hour back surgery on Tuesday. So nerve wracking

But hopefully she'll be feeling a lot better afterwards.