Good here. Yesterday was our birthing class. Not sure if birthing is for me anymore. The options are natural, epi, c section (grand speaking). Those three equal pain, catheter, general anesthesia (in order). So, I'm thinking he can just stay inside and I'll home school him

hehe. But seriously, the class did scare me a bit. Im not really worried about many big things - clothes, space, sleep, money - but man, I'm worried about delivery. And it's not that I'm not worried about those other things, but I can do something with those. I can't really do much with delivery. It just happens. So. There's that. OH did great, although we were both a bit bored, as the woman was quite the rambler. Then we met friends out for dinner and dessert - dim sum and gelato. Omg, it was so gooooood. The food, yes, but moreover the evening with our friends. They are simply lovely.
Today is low key. I vaccuumed and OH and I went for a walk. He is leaving for work for the week, so I'm making play dates and food ideas for myself. And my gf is having her c section tomorrow, so I'll be going to visit her maybe Wednesday in the hospital and the babies. Excited for that.