Nikki-Alia goes to daycare but you haven't left her with your mom or MIL? Has anyone else watched her? I've left O and G with my mom while I went to Target, but that's about it. I promised DW a date next week since we didn't do anything for our anniversary on the 5th and we will leave them with MIL...I am not looking forward to it. It's going to be difficult...
Rachel-That's so hard when they fuss during feedings! We have to keep O and G upright during and after feedings bc I think they've been getting reflux as well. G has been fussing during feedings, the last 2 days he will cry during a feeding and it's difficult to get him to take a full feeding even though he's hungry. I'll have to call our ped if he keeps it up!
Britt-We had to set limits with parents as well. My mom was more difficult bc she stayed with us for 2 weeks. We were sad to see her go, but at the same time we were ready to have the place/kids to ourselves. In the hospital, MIL was showing up everyday. The 3rd day she showed up in the morning, which was already annoying. I ended up kicking her out later that day. We also told her not to come the next day bc we needed time to ourselves. They can just be so oblivious! We felt like we hadn't had time just to soak everything in and be with the babies bc people were there so with the c-section I was in pain and tired of everyone being around for things being checked and my tits being out to feed all the time lol
Waves-That's the kind of thing I worry about with MIL, doing things she thinks is best (like keeping baby awake longer). I have a feeling we will be going round about things quite often...
bb-Yay for scan! Boo for constipation, I had a rough time with that!
Katrina-Sorry about AF
Well, yesterday was one of the rougher days I've had. Grayson was fussing during his feeding in the morning. Kept crying but wanted to eat still. I was giving him some gripe water to try and help thinking it was probably gas. The stupid syringe is not very smooth and I ended up squirting a bunch in his mouth at once. Of course this made him cough and choke. He seemed fine for a minute and then puked all over himself and me...Had to give the poor guy a bath bc it even got in his hair lol Afterward he took a nap and breastfed and was fine. He's still been fussing, but not every feeding. Not sure what's going on. That just started the day off on the wrong foot though. It wasn't horrible, just exhausting. I didn't get anything done, I was tending to babies all day. This was the first day I was just waiting for DW to get home so she could take a baby lol
Like I mentioned above, I promised DW we would to see a movie and go out to dinner. We haven't had any us time since the babies got here, even for our anniversary on the 5th. MIL will be watching them and I am not excited about it. It's going to be hard to leave them, hard to leave them that long, and especially hard to leave them with MIL. I know she'll do fine with them, but I have control issues and I don't want her taking care of them. I secretly hope they drive her crazy and cry at the same time (except that I hate when they are upset) that evil? lol