TTC and Beyond!

Can't wait for u to test Katrina!!

we r also on the..if it happens we will be happy and we aren't preventing.

I have no idea why Alia is puking after she eats at daycare. Only thing I can think of is that she's drinking milk pumped at the beginning of April and at home she's drinking fresh from the boob. So I gave them milk I pumped today to try tomorrow to see if maybe that milk is bad. However what confuses me is shes keeping the cereal down and its the same milk pumped in april. So we will see how tonight goes and how tomorrow at daycare goes with the fresh milk. They said she napped well and is her happy self.... Just not keeping anything down. They also said she's peeing/pooping well.
SOOO have high hopes for you Katrina!!

Nikki-is DH pulling out or are you totally just chancing it?? Sheer curiosity-sorry if it invasive! Lol (I kinda love that we can ask each other these questions) LOL!
Can't wait for you to test either Katrina!!! You're chart is looking super intriguing... i'm excited!!!!

Nikki- So weird Alia is puking at daycare and not at home. Hope you figure out why! Hope you don't have pink eye.

Mirolee- I'm pretty horrified of the actual labor and delivery part too lol. Hopefully all goes smoothly for all of us ;) I'm feeling you.. i'm pretty tired lately too and literally my ribs feel bruised from how much she kicks me up there!

BB- Your midwife is pissing ME off lol, wtf?!?! Can you request a different one?!

Rachel- your avatar is so stinking cute!!! Lol

Sarah- Hope the meds for reflux work. You've got yourself a little chunker there!! He's adorable!!!!

Kara- LMAO thanks for that laugh! hahaha. Yay for getting the go ahead to DTD!

Ash- You know how I feel about the situation. You gotta do what is right for you and Lux. :hugs: :hugs:

BB- I'm sure all is okay with your babe. I had so many days I didn't feel any symptoms at all. I didn't even start getting nauseous until 6 weeks. Stick little bean <3 <3 <3 I also spotted a little after straining too hard and freaked myself out. Constipation is definitely normal, as well as lots of EWCM lol. Can't wait until your scan!!

Sandy- UGH I hate nightmares and I have one just about every night. Shakes up your whole day. :hugs: Sorry love.

Julie- Pffft ya right you have it easier. Taking care of ONE baby alone is hard, you have TWO to tend to!!! I can only imagine how preoccupied you are constantly with those babes! Give her a day to see how it really is on one of her days off!! Lol

Brittney :hugs: hun i'm sorry. Our bodies not doing what we want can be soooo frustrating. Hoping that everything regulates SOON! <3

I feel all you ladies on the financial situation. I stress about it but try not to let myself get too worked up over it. We're going to figure it out one way or the other.

AFM, been a long last 24 hours. Kevin's mom had major back surgery (7 hour procedure) so we've been up at the hospital a lot. She lots some blodd during surgery and had to get a transfusion but other than that it went smoothly. I feel so bad for her though, she is in SO much pain and Kevin is really struggling seeing her like that. She's on a shit ton of pain meds but is still in agonizing pain, it's so sad. And it sucks because every time she falls asleep her breathing slows SO much that her oxygen levels drop too low and we have to wake her up immediately. So Kevin sat up there literally all night long next to her bed watching her sleep and making sure she was breathing. He got home about 6 this morning, we're going back up to see her when I get off work tonight. Hoping she starts feeling better quickly and gets to come home and recover there. On the pregnancy front, everything is pretty normal here... feeling big but not OVERLY uncomfortable.. yet. Loving how I can watch her move around in my belly and she looks like a little basketball rolling around in there. I can tell how she's positioned.. always with her feet under the right side of my ribs. PAINFUL! lol. But so worth it!

Can't believe how close all of us preggos are getting! Eeek!
I'm glad it went mostly smooth for her Cass I hope she recuperates quickly
I was just watching the monitor cuz she didn't want to fall asleep and she rolled over!!! Go Alia!!
Katrina your chart is looking great, can't wait for you to test!

Nikki how exciting! Is it the first time she's done it?

Cassidy so glad the op went well. I hope she recovers quickly!
I can request a new midwife but it would be awkward so going to see how she is next time and hope she was having a bad day.

AFM - woke up feel nauseous and tender boobs!! :happydance: I also woke up with a sore throat and sneezing, hope I'm not getting ill!
Thanks everyone who gave feedback on nighttime feedings!

Mirolee-I think that sounds like a good idea. That's kind of what I am trying to get going right now, except it's all based around DW's schedule. Her schedule changes all the time, days off aren't set and hours aren't set either...

Britt-DW is the same way! She is so grouchy!!! Especially around 9:30/10pm. I have a feeling we'll end up with me staying up later with babies and her getting up earlier bc I'm a night person and she's a morning person. She does what needs to be done, but she'll try to take shortcuts when she's really tired (like trying to lay down with them when they aren't ready, they still need to be rocked...then gets mad bc they aren't just being quiet and going to sleep lol).
It is common to fight a lot when a baby is born. You are so tired and exhausted! I think we are doing pretty well, but a big part of it is bc we communicate. Our friends' daughter is 1 year old and they were just saying how they are just starting to like each other again...granted, I don't know how they ended up married in the first place but I thought that was interesting lol

Kara-LOL You made DW's day with the "heavy sighing, violent burping" comment. She was like, "we aren't the only ones!" lol
We've talked about the same policy of not holding each other accountable the next day for things we say at night.

bb-I always had random bouts of EWCM during pregnancy. BMs always caused more to come out than normal.

Nikki-They aren't over feeding her are they? Seems strange your milk would be bad unless something happened to it...Is she actually throwing up or just having large spit ups?

Sarah-That is so cute! These guys are on the verge of smiling and I love it! I feel like they are starting to try and reach out too. Love it!

Katrina-Your chart looks great! Can't wait for testing :)

I talked to DW this morning and basically was told her "one of two things happened, either you just lost confidence or you gave up bc were being selfish and wanted to go back to sleep faster". She laughed at the second one bc it was true! lol So I think on days that she works, I will take the night shift. When she has the next day off, I get to sleep more (as much as I can, although I have to pump or my boobs might explode!).
We are trying to do the 1 up, both up method (if one twin wakes, wake the other to keep them on the same schedule) but it doesn't always work out.
I'm trying to breastfeed during the day and pump as much as possible so I can feed faster and get help at night, but it's difficult.
Basically...I'm just tired. DW hasn't been stupid enough to say I have it easier, she tells me I'm a rock star all the time. She just gets selfish when it comes to sleep I guess lol

She actually offered to let me have time to myself yesterday. She was going to take the kids to her mom's. Problem is, she didn't ask me before telling her mom she might come over. I don't feel like I need much time to myself and I didn't have enough milk pumped to do that, so it didn't happen. Her mom threw a fit. DW told her we would drop by after their peds apt today. So we stop by and tell her it's only for a few min and she can't take them out bc they are sleeping. It was getting close to time to eat and I didn't want to have to feed them there bc we still had errands to run. She threw another fit and started guilt tripping DW. She thinks she needs to see them all the time and for extended amounts of time, but we are trying to wean her lol I seriously can't stand that woman right now. She keeps fishing for ways to babysit..."oh, you need to get groceries, you can bring them here and I'll watch them" "you girls really need some time just the two of you" The more she does that, the more I don't want to leave them with her at all. I think I have control issues lol
Bb- daycare said she's done it a few times. Shes doe it with me during tummy time when I "force" it. So first time on her own in her home crib. Which makes me more confident letting her sleep on her tummy.

julie- they said throw up, IV asked that question, I assume they know the difference. I'm going to ask them for a picture after it happens, if they can. they r currently under feeding her so they don't waste as much milk. They said if she holds it down they'd just give her more. I'll ask to see if maybe its too hot, but they have a crock pot and I'm sure its at a consistent her teacher is really good and would notice that. As for mil, my mil and fil (and others) don't get that Alia has a routine and shes only away for about 7 hr a day total. And lots of things, including feeding and bath and mommy/daddy time need to happen. And she has set this routine and get fussy/screams if shes not napping after being awake for 2hr (that's her max) or screams if not feeding by 630pm for bed time. So its not easy pleasing everyone, especially for long periods of time. They r disrespectful by taking her out of crib just because she made a sound when sometimes shes still sleeping. And the worst part is they don't get that pushing Alia to be awake for them to see her or changing alia's schedule really effects alias's nights in a negative way...and guess who is the person that gets to deal with it ... ME! So I have to put my foot down and tell dh these things because it effects me and then inturn he gets to deal with me pissed. So I totally get the frustration with inlaws always wanting to see babies , but its not up to them. Alia is 4.5 months old and I still can't just leave her with inlaws or my mom.... Its completely me, I'm not ready.
Katrina, fx sooooooo tight!

Bb, great to hear!

Julie, i can't imagine how difficult it must be to do everything with twins! Great job mama!

Yay Alia! Hope you get to the bottom of the tummy troubles, Nikki!

Cass, hope your MIL recovers quickly!
Nikki did Alia go through the 3 month growth spurt? Or waves are you dealing with it with Leah??

Ellie didn't sleep more than 30 min at a time yesterday and fed every 2 hours through the night. And she woke up screaming each time. Normally she just grunts and groans. She also is chewing on her fists more and chewing on her paci. Ugh. I feel like we keep taking one step forward and two back. If I give her a formula bottle she still screams like she's starving. If she gets the boob, she screams. Maybe her Zantac isn't really working or maybe she's just in a growth spurt. Who knows. All I do know is I'm exhausted, she's exhausted and I want my baby to be happy &#128548;
Oh-and I hear you on the in-laws. My MIL said a few weeks ago she wanted to wake her up to hear her cry-she's a freakin weirdo! My mom would NEVER say something twisted like that!! I did leave Makayla with her the other night though and she didnt come home too screwed up lol
Oh Julie- Your MIL would drive me nuts!!!! My mom keeps talking about all the times she's going to come over and help, and as much as I'm sure i'll appreciate it, I'm like "geesh. Step back. let me have some time with my brand new daughter" DH's mom doesn't really even talk to us, so I'm not worried about her.

Katrina - Can't wait for you to test

Cassidy - I hope DH's mom starts feeling better soon! That sounds like a rough time right now.
Yay Britt
In laws are nutty, when we told them we were having trouble ttc. My fil suggested flushing my ovaries. He meant ivf, I said no.
I started spotting this morning, so I didn't test. I'll call in my femara and probably end up taking my first pill on memorial day so no drinking then either.
Nikki did Alia go through the 3 month growth spurt? Or waves are you dealing with it with Leah??

Ellie didn't sleep more than 30 min at a time yesterday and fed every 2 hours through the night. And she woke up screaming each time. Normally she just grunts and groans. She also is chewing on her fists more and chewing on her paci. Ugh. I feel like we keep taking one step forward and two back. If I give her a formula bottle she still screams like she's starving. If she gets the boob, she screams. Maybe her Zantac isn't really working or maybe she's just in a growth spurt. Who knows. All I do know is I'm exhausted, she's exhausted and I want my baby to be happy &#128548;

I'm not sure honestly. The last few days she's been wanting to eat at the 2.5-3 hour mark instead of her usual 4 but she slept through the night okay still. She's not napping long during the day either. She'll nap for maybe 20-30 minutes and then wake up whereas she used to nap pretty well until the next feeding (that's with me putting her down an hour and a half after she last woke up.) She's been putting her hand in her mouth a lot lately, chewing on it.

I've heard Prevacid works better for reflux than Zantac but docs almost always prescribe Zantac first. If you don't think it's working, I'd ask the doc about switching to Prevacid.

I did see that Leah's a few days away from a wonder week/mental leap so maybe you're dealing with that on top of a growth spurt or something along those lines.
And she has set this routine and get fussy/screams if shes not napping after being awake for 2hr (that's her max) or screams if not feeding by 630pm for bed time. So its not easy pleasing everyone, especially for long periods of time. They r disrespectful by taking her out of crib just because she made a sound when sometimes shes still sleeping. And the worst part is they don't get that pushing Alia to be awake for them to see her or changing alia's schedule really effects alias's nights in a negative way...and guess who is the person that gets to deal with it ... ME!

My mom started babysitting now that I'm back to work and the other day she text me at work saying she was going to try and keep Leah awake longer so she'd sleep better for me at night. It took everything in me to not call her and ask her if she'd lost her mind lol.

I don't know what it is about our parents/grandparents thinking that's how it works lol. I quickly told her if she stays up TOO long, she gets overtired and very fussy and is harder to get to sleep. And that she sleeps just fine at night. She'd been up for 2 hours at that point so I told her to put her down for a nap right away.

How hard is it for our parents to follow our most basic instructions?? I love when they think they know what to do because they raised us a million years ago lol.
I was in absolute agony this morning, reduced me to tears. Rang EPAU and they advised me to see my Doctor first. I've been to see them and how embarrassing, I'm constipated and really backed up! I've been given a fibre drink and suppositories!

In other news, I've just got home to 2 hospital letters. I have an appointment with consultant at the beginning of June, a scan on Tuesday, a scan on the 20th and a scan on the 30th! :happydance:
That's awesome news about the appointments bb! Not so much about being backed up though.

Yay for 1 month Britt! And everyone else that's getting close!

Waves - I read about the wonder week thing and I'm pretty sure she's in it now. She's eating so much, bf every 2 hours or sooner and if I give her a bottle, she's eating up to 6 oz! Little piggy! I think it's a combo of the growing and the reflux bc she's started coughing again and making sour faces and now she screams when we lay her down. She spits up a lot after I give it to her so I don't think she's really getting a therapeutic dose. I called her dr and they changed her over to Prevacid. It's a dissolvable tablet so maybe she will keep it down better. DH got her to sleep in her swing while I went out to lunch but then she woke up so I've got her sleeping on my chest while I do my grocery list...hope she gets a good nap in bc an overtired baby is not fun.

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