Kara I feel that way too. I get frustrated too but more during the day bc she changes her nap times daily and gets overtired easily which leads to fussiness which in turn gets me frustrated. If you were to quit bf you would still have to get up to give a bottle. I supplement Ellie with formula bc I just don't make enough milk. Especially now that she's eating 5-6 oz when she gets a bottle. We will usually top her off with a formula bottle or give an entire formula bottle before bed so DH can feed her if he's been at work all day. She will sleep about 5 hours (last night 6.5 hours) straight, then I bf her and it's enough bc I make more at night and I pump right before I go to bed so my boobs know to refill. Then she usually sleeps till 5 or 6, bf again and sleeps till 8 or 9. Who knows how it will be when I go back to work...
Hopefully it's not ppd. It's very easy to get frustrated, IMO. Especially when you are home alllllll day by yourself. DH works 12 hour shifts and while I absolutely love giving my undivided attention to my baby, I would love it if she slept on a schedule during the day so I can get more done and be able to plan around her