The last few days the babies sleep really well from their 6/7/8 o'clock feeding (notice the range bc there is no real schedule lol). They wake around 11/12 and seem to think it's party time. Once they go down after that they aren't so bad. The 3/4/5 feeding they usually go back down pretty easily. The breastfeeding is difficult at night I feel like bc it takes so long. I've been doing bottles of expressed milk at night just so I can get some sleep. They take a bottle faster than they do the boob. We always change them and then feed them. That way it helps wake them up all the way to eat and if they fall asleep after it isn't a big deal.
I feel like Olivia is kind of fussy like that. She cries bc she wants to eat. Is content for a little bit then cries some more off and on. Grayson isn't far off, but he'll lay there content longer than she does. She likes to be held, that's for sure. I think some reflux has been a big part of that though, they do better upright like when I'm holding them. I've been rocking them in the glider and that helps get them to sleep. During the day, wearing them in my boba puts them to sleep. Also, if you have an exercise ball, bounce on it with them. Calms them right down!
I've been reading the baby wise book too. I would love to get them on more of a schedule. I can tell they are starting to space their sleep times out a little, but are still pretty much on an every 3 hour eating schedule. So, I pretty much am letting them lead at this point but I do try to wake them during the day if they sleep too long. I also try to hold them off if I can, but I don't push it. If they are hungry, they're hungry and I feed them. The one thing I try to stick to is the "1 up, both up", meaning if one of them wakes to eat, I wake the other to eat. It's so much faster to feed them at the same time...not easy, but faster and helps me keep my sanity by being more likely to have time to do things while they are both napping.
Days like yesterday I get no breaks! I managed a shower finally around of them started fussing as soon as I was out though. Days like that it is such a relief when DW gets home just so she can take a kid lol I am trying to exclusively breastfeed, but I feel like it takes a million years and they never seem to be fully satisfied bc it takes so long. So, I've still been topping them off with expressed milk after they finish. I tried to do it without bottles yesterday morning and I felt like I literally had a kid on a boob the entire morning and had no time to do anything (like feed myself). Then they were completely off of a schedule and not scheduled together and didn't sleep as well...I'm at a loss.
I haven't really had a time when either of them was really fussy in front of anyone...knock on wood! If they do get fussy, so far I haven't had a hard time calming them. Hopefully that continues...