Ash- YAY for painful contractions! LOL. Hoping Lux comes soon! Glad it's not cholestasis but sorry you're having to deal with that miserable rash

Sorry about your dad in the hospital

Hope he recovers soon! Sounds like a busy week ahead of you, but should be fun!
Britt- Harper is gonna be here sooner than you know it! So crazy! Can't wait to see these beautiful babies faces that are joining our thread!

Sorry you have to go back to work. I'm sure they've missed you! Lol. I hope your day goes by fast so you can get home to Ellie and give her some snuggles

I don't think you're creating bad habits. She'll grow into other sleeping habits, I wouldn't worry about it.
Kara- you know what's best for you and your babe! Don't let anyone critique you or try to tell you otherwise. FX that weaning goes good!
FX the fertility doctor gives you some more answers/help Katrina. ACTUALLY- FX this cycle is the cycle and you won't even have to deal with that

Looks like O time, get 'em girl!
Sonia- SUPER EXCITING, she's gonna be here anytime now!!!! Good luck mama!!!
Mirolee- Happy pineapple week! Due dates are creeping up on us... eek! Babes are gonna be here so soon!!!!
Nikki- I'd probably contact them too.. just because i'm a scaredy cat and would be worried they would realize later that I hadn't taken the test and then there'd be possible repercussions lol.

Hun. Nothing I can say can take away that fear but look at you! Already almost 8 weeks. Saw a heartbeat and your little bean measuring perfectly. I have all the confidence in the world that this is your take home, rainbow babe! Ask them for another scan for reassurance, better to have peace of mind and i'm sure they would understand!