I don't know if anyone would have any idea but posting anyway.
So Monday night Hannah spent the night at my mom's house. She came home with some scrapes and scratches from playing outside, no big deal. Wednesday I noticed this little bump under her arm by her armpit and figured it was a mosquito bite from playing outside. Today I noticed it looked more swollen and red and painful. It hurts to the touch, doesn't seem to itch her like a bite would.
I posted this picture (she wouldn't sit still long enough so it's a bit blurry unfortunately) on my local mom group on FB and asked their opinion and a couple suggested applying witch hazel, so I got some at work & just put some on while she's sleeping. Several people said it looks like it could be MRSA and to have her seen by a doctor. My mom apparently told Tyler she can't believe I think it could be that. I have no idea which is why I asked for opinions but I got so many saying MRSA, so of course I'm going to think it's possible.
Anyone have any input/ideas here? She's supposed to go to my Grandma's tomorrow for the weekend. I work at 11am and my Grandma was gonna pick her up from my mom's (since she babysits.) Tyler wants us to both call into work (I would either call off entirely or just go in late, he'd go in late) so he can watch Leah while I take Hannah to the ER just to be safe, before she goes off to my Grandma's for the weekend. I don't have insurance for her right now so I can't just make a doctor appointment, unfortunately.
Am I crazy for thinking of taking her in? I don't want to go for nothing, if it's just a bug bite... but if it were MRSA and I sent her to my grandma's all weekend, it going untreated, I'd feel horrible. But I know nothing about MRSA or if this could even be it.
Also, Leah seems to maybe have some reflux issues so I'm calling her ped in the next few days to schedule an appointment (her 4 mth check-up isn't until July 15 and that's too far away to put up with her screaming during bottles.)