TTC and Beyond!

Understandable. Just a thought. :)

This little guy is practicing field goals I think! And I may be having a few braxton hicks contractions every now and again. It just gets tight.. no pain. Normal? Too early?
britt, i'm not nearly as far and i totally understand everything you're saying. i'm uncomfortable sitting, but while standing gives some relief in my belly, it's not feasible to stand all the time. i would like to have sex, actually, but then when we get there i cant breathe or feel HUGE and un sexy and OH is not putting much before-hand effort in, so it's sorta like "oh, ok, well that didnt take as long as i expected". and my stomach also feels like it's going to burst; yesterday we went for a walk and i was "carrying" my belly - supporting it underneath with my hands clasped together. it just feels like it could fall off - and i have LOTS of numbness in my belly skin. it's a weird mix of being numb and itchy. i was telling someone yesterday that while pregnancy in a whole big picture of nine months is a miracle, and a fascinating experience, and such - the day to day is tough. i'm tired even though i'm sleeping; i walk slow, and awkwardly; it takes me twice as long to get anywhere than anyone else; i cant pick things up anymore; i dont want to be treated differently, but i wanted to be treated differently. Etc.
at least you know when you're LAST day will be - so a light at the end of the tunnel!
You are so right Mirolee! That's a great way to describe it! Looking back pregnancy has flown, but here at the end when you are huge and uncomfy and swollen, every day feels like 3 days. To be told I have potentially another 10 days, makes me very sad. I know everyone says "oh you'll miss being pregnant!" but it doesn't make me feel better. I've never been more uncomfortable in my life. I just want to meet my little girl now. She's full term.. she can come now!!
Katrina-so sorry!!

Waves-that does look a little angry-I'd keep an eye on it and def take her in if it isn't better today!

Brit-I think that's kinda crap for the doctor to say!! My best friend wasn't dilated of effaced AT ALL at her last appt and then the next day BOOM water broke-baby 12 hours happens ALL THE TIME 0 to baby!! Weird thing for the doc to say-disregard!!

I've been nauseas for four days straight and taking pregnancy tests LOL-DH thinks it's funny for me to be on top and not let me off when he finishes!! It wouldn't be the end of the world but id rather the babies not be born 11 months apart!!! Everything is neg-I think maybe just allergies! :)
Got my drugs for this cycle femara 2.5 mg day 4-10, estradiol day 11-19, progesterone day 19-28. I called about taking estrogen after o and haven't heard back. Either way this is going to be a fun month. Lol On the plus side it wasn't billed as fertility all the new drugs are for menopause.
Katrina- so glad that it seems like the doctor is wing really proactive!! Fxd for you on these news drugs and this new cycle!!
thanks Kara.. that makes me feel better! I read a bunch of articles today about how the cervix is "not a labor magic 8 ball!" and how it means nothing, and even if you are 0/0 it doesn't mean you can't go into labor the next day.

I'm having some CRAZY BH again today. My entire stomach is getting tighter, tighter, tighter and then I can't ignore it. Then it slowly releases. Hope this is a sign of real labor around the corner.

Also, going to try the sex tonight and see if that does anything. It's only fair to DH, and it could also help, so will give it a shot. LOL.
Britt don't give up hope yet! My apt the week before my due date I was 0 dilation and 50% effaced and my midwife said she thought I'd most likely go overdue. Next week I was having contractions all night and even in the waiting room at my apt and she checked me and I was dilated to 2 and 85% effaced. 5 hours later I was admitted to the hospital and Lux came the next morning right on her due date!
K, make sure you ask for progesterone after O, not estrogen.
Sorry I've not been keeping up much ladies. Finally got a moment to post my birth story.

Last Wednesday at around 12:30am I started getting contractions that were a lot stronger than my typical BH so I downloaded an app and started timing them. They were about 10 minutes apart and lasted about 1 1/2-2 minutes ad I was having a lot of bloody show. I tried sleeping between them but it just wasn't happening. I called into work because I wasn't really sure if I'd be progressing much or not then of course around 8am they started to space out to about 10-15 minutes apart. So I grabbed my exercise ball and started bouncing for a while hoping that they would pick up again. It wasn't until about 1pm that they started picking up again and were about 6-8 minutes apart. I had my weekly apt at 2:20 and the waiting room was packed so needless to say I was pretty uncomfortable sitting in the waiting room trying to breathe through my contractions without drawing attention. Finally I got in and the midwife checked me and I was about 85% effaced and barely 2 cm dilated. She said that she could peel baby's forehead and top of her nose. I told her how far apart my contractions were and she said she expected that I'd be in the hospital later that night or the next morning. Definitely a nice change from the previous eek when she said she thought I'd be overdue. Well, having her check me helped speed things up. When we got home I was timing my contractions which were getting stronger and closer together. By about 6 they had gotten to 5-6 minutes apart and 2 mins long for about an hour. At this point I was in the hallway draped over my exercise ball sobbing through contractions. I have a low pain tolerance. I definitely began changing my mind about my birth plan. I asked DH to call L&D and they said that they usually like you to be about 3-4 minutes apart for an hour with bloody show but that they would pull my file so they were ready when I did come in. I waited about half an hour and told DH that I didn't want to wait anymore so he packed up the car and we headed to L&D. Of course, my contractions were strong and close together when I got there but as soon as they got me all hooked up and had me laying there they slowed down :? she checked me and I had dilated to a 3 which was good news since only a couple hours earlier I was a 2. The nurse had me get up and walk around for half an hour to try and get the contractions to pick up again and they definitely did. By the time I got back to the bed, they were at 2-3 minutes apart and I had dilated to a 4. Finally they decided to admit me. She said she had read my birth plan and my only response was that I wanted the epidural. I know in my birth plan it said no, but I had definitely changed my mind. By this time they had gotten a call that another woman was coming in and so they wanted to wait until they admitted her to call our midwife and let her know. Meanwhile I'm hating every second of my contractions and telling DH that "I just want the fucking epidural already!" Finally around 9:30 nurse came in and they gave me an IV and she started me on fluids and some pain meds to take the edge off the contractions until I could get my epidural. Meanwhile my midwife had called back to say to check baby girls presentation since earlier she'd had her face toward my cervix which if she still did I'd have to get a C-section. Fortunately they only felt the suture marks on her skull so she had moved her head into the right position. Fast forward to about 12:30 I was at 6cm, finally they moved me to the delivery room and the anesthesiologist came to give me the epidural. Was pleasantly surprised when it was someone that I knew. He was a client at my work so it made it a lot easier to relax with him poking things near my spine. DH on the other hand almost passed out while holding my hand through it and had to sit with his head between his knees. Once it started to kick in it was soooo nice, however, my left side wasn't numbing as well so I had to press my little button to up the dose a few times to get it to catch up to the right side. At this point I had basically been awake 40 hours so it was so nice to get some sleep. I woke up at 6am because my midwife had called and asked the nurse to check my progress. My contractions had slowed down but when the nurse went to check me I was at 10 and my waters burst all over the bed as soon as she stuck her fingers up there. At this point they started pitocin to get my contractions sped up for pushing and my midwife said she'd be in about 7:30. It was a strange feeling to be able to wiggle my toes and kinda shift my legs but have them be dead weight and I could feel the pressure in my bottom when the contractions were coming but not the pain. At 8am she came in and took a look and said she could already see baby girl's head and told me that with the epidural pushing could take 30 mins to 3 hours, so she went to change and came back about 10 minutes later. My mom and nurse held my legs and DH held my head out of fear of passing out if he was down there lol. I was surprised how fast I figured out how to push. At 8:29, so about 19 minutes of pushing, Lux was born. I can remember how relieved I was to hear a little gurgling cry right after her head came out, before her body had even come out. As soon as she was out they put her on my stomach and she peed and pooped on me immediately lol. Fortunately for me, I had no tears in my perineum and I had requested no episiotomy. However when Lux came out she had a hand next to her face as usual and I did get a minor tear on my labia, but other than the couple stitches for that my midwife said it looked like I hadn't even pushed a baby out of there. We did skin to skin as soon as she was wiped off and my mom had cut the cord and also had her latch on and feed a bit. They gave us a little time to hold her and my sister came to visit us in the delivery room then my bosses came by to take some pictures for us. After everyone left, DH gave her her first bath then I got to go take a shower before they moved us to our room. Overall, I'm super happy with how her birth went, even though I didn't stick to my original birth plan. Really, I got most of what I wanted and I'm totally okay with the fact that I decided I needed the epidural.
It was a strange feeling to be able to wiggle my toes and kinda shift my legs but have them be dead weight and I could feel the pressure in my bottom when the contractions were coming but not the pain.

Aww congrats :) No birth plan EVER goes as planned, which is why I've never made one lol. Glad it was a relatively easy labor and delivery though! Yay Lux :)

I totally agree though (with what I quoted up there.) For my c-section, they did my epidural and laid me down and every few minutes the anesthesiologist would ask if I could feel my legs/toes. After like 10 minute I started freaking out because I could still feel and wiggle my toes, so I panicked thinking I'd be able to feel the surgery. I seriously kept telling him, "I can feel my toes. I can move my toes! I CAN MOVE MY TOES STILL, IS THAT OKAY?" I probably drove him crazy until he told me I wasn't supposed to be completely numb lol. I was still paranoid I'd feel the incision until they started without me even realizing it lol. Such a weird feeling.
Well.. I am not dilated or effaced AT ALL. Doctor said he couldn't sweep my membranes even if he wanted to. He said he highly doubted i'd be in labor before my next appointment next friday. So I go back on 6/27 for a 40 minute sonogram and to check to see if i've made any progress. If nothing happens over the weekend, I'm going to be induced on Monday 6/30.

So sorry to hear you've made no progress so far but try not to be too let down! I was 3-4cm for several weeks with Leah and still made it to my c-section date/39weeks lol. Heck, I started dilating at 32 or 33 weeks and no luck on going into labor myself.

And then Ashley went from 0cm to 2cm and then admitted within a week basically. ANYTHING can happen. Your body is definitely gearing up, which is a good sign. Good luck mama. Harper, we all want to meet you so hurry up ;)

Waves is it warm? Firm? You could draw a line around the redness and if it spreads beyond the line then it's infected. Looks possibly infected to me but it's hard to tell

It looks like a pen-tip sized scab and is red around it. The scab part feels hard underneath but not the rest of it. I don't think it felt warm. It looked less red/swollen this morning so I put more witch hazel on it and let it go. She's at my grandma's house now, for the weekend, and I have her keeping an eye on it. I'm going to call in the morning to follow up.
Congrats again Ashlee! How has DH been? Are things better now that Lux is here?
congrats Ashlee! Awesome job.
Mirolee I know they gave me progesterone for the later part in my cycle. I don't know if the estrogen will delay o and that's why I will be on it so long, or if she only wanted me to use it until i od and then not use the rest. I forgot she was out of the office until Monday. But I won't o for about two weeks, so it's not a pressing thing.
Lol Amanda, I was surprised that I could still wiggle my toes and kinda move. I was thinking I wouldn't be able to move or feel anything at all. I'm actually grateful that I could because I was a little freaked out about not being able to push or feel anything going on down there.

Thanks BB!

Thanks Katrina!

Rachel, thank you! DH has actually been stepping up quite a bit. He's been keeping up the house, making sure I took the prescriptions my dr had given me, making sure I always have something to drink or eat and even taken over most diaper changes. The last couple days I had some breast feeding breakdowns. Lux wasn't latching correctly and it was causing a lot if nipple damage and pain. I think the poor guy felt pretty helpless with me and the baby crying at feeding time so he called the lactation consultant yesterday and she came to help. Turns out that because I'm already large chested and also am producing a large volume of milk my breast isn't being compressed enough for we mouth the latch around it so she was just chewing on my nipple making it flat and bloody. They were so engorged that she tried to hand express som milk and couldn't compress them enough to get any out so we had to pump and compress them. I ended up feeding lux and then pumping an additional 5oz after. And she showed DH how to help me compress my breast so that lux can latch easier . But now I have to pump a little before to get my nipple to stick out more then feed her then pump both breasts after she's done to keep it from happening again. And she told me to got topless most of the time if I can help it to help the damage on my nipples heal. So happy that DH called her though because it's made feeding so much less painful even though it's a bit annoying to have to pump right after. He's doing good, trying to be as helpful as possible. Only time I get frustrated with him is at night because he sleeps through everything and I could use some help during night time feeding
Kara- I've been so nauseous too, and I tested!! (- obviously lol) Also did a few OPKs to see if I was ovulating.. not on BC yet so just trying to figure out my body. No period yet since it stopped at 4 weeks PP! I need a good year before I consider trying again so it's a bit scary.

Sandy- SO FAR ALONG! Wow I hope all is well with you!

Mirolee- You too! Love that pic of you on the bike, I can't believe the belly! (in a good good good way!!)

Ashlee- Beautiful birth story!! She is gorgeous, I can't believe she's over a week old already. Enjoy it.. somehow mine is 2 months now and I have no idea how that happened!!!

BB- Don't think I said congrats on the bean sonogram yet.. so so exciting!! Have you told Tristan yet or will you wait?

Katrina- Yay for new drugs and an exciting cycle and hopefully a little bean!

Britt- Nothing worked for me either! Just enjoy these last few days.. After they booked my induction I kind of gave up trying knowing that it was inevitable now! I can't wait to see her! You are also looking GREAT and that belly is beautiful :)

AFM- Sorry I suck ladies.. been so busy but reading along still! Everything is wonderful with us.. Just soaking up every moment! <3

Oh and Britt, about "missing it all when you're not pregnant anymore"... I DO NOT FEEL THAT WAY!!! I'm sure Waves can attest to that too lol, not sure about other FTMs, but this baby feels so much better on the outside!! Lol

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