Katerina- so scary about the storms/tornado...stay safe PLEASE (and the farm animals)!!!
BB- How meaningful. That is exactly what happened with my grandpa and Alia (and we had planned to name Alia after grampa Al before we even got preggo)... Alia had such a connection with grandpa Al...her due date was even grandpa Al's bday!
Kara- thanks for the advice on the idea of slightly waking Alia an hour before her internal clock wakes her. Also, what is this wonder weeks ap? how do I get it??
Molly- cute baby! hes adorable!!!
As for Alia, she is no longer getting fed in the middle of the night... some nights she wakes and goes back to sleep in seconds other times it take a few tries, but she had 2 ok nights.
As for me, I feel like im on deaths bed... I was in the ER and end result was pain pills (which i HATE taking but have been feeling SOOO horrible that I have actually taken them to function a little bit). The doc thinks I have WESTNILE!! All I have been hearing is horrible stories about it lasting a month +. UGH! I warned my boss and he said do whatever I need and as a "dad" he would like me to rest and take care of myself. Oh and with this sickness, I have FULLY accepted stopping breastfeeding/nursing if it becomes too stressful. At this moment I nurse if I am awake and have the energy and I pump if I have the energy or in too much pain not to. Otherwise, if milk stops coming I am ok with it. Specially if we want to start trying again in dec/jan because we both need about 3 months to prepare our bodies with vitamins and for me pills to stabilize my hormones (and these pills will reduce my prolactin levels)... so I am fine if it had to happen soon because it will have to stop soon anyways.