LONG time no see everyone

Reading a little bit in the few moments I ever get on a computer these days lol. Gabriel is 9 weeks now, and keeping me going nonstop! He is quite the fussy baby, which really sucks

He has bad reflux and is on meds, and has really slow digestion which means a lot of fussiness, grunts, discomfort, waking up many times, etc. He is a terrible napper and not a good sleeper at night either. I sound like a terrible mom! It really is exhausting though, mentally and physically. There are days I feel super inadequate as a mother and wonder how I am going to get through this, but gottra remind myself he wont be a baby forever and I will miss him being so little. I am totally smitten by that face though, so in love! He has gone through a lot already with his little ear (getting a temp hearing aide on a softband this week), physical therapy for torticollis weekly, the horrible acid reflux, astigmatism in his right eye, and that is all we know of right now. We also have a teacher and nurse coming to the house weekly to evaluate him, weight him, etc. etc. I am overwhelmed! We have to see a geneticist here in the future to see if he has any associated problems with a couple syndromes.
Oh also, he hasnt smiled YET! He is 9 weeks, 5 weeks adjusted, and I really expected it by now. Makes me so sad, especially on the days where he is just wailing all day long. Anyone had a baby just smile and coo a little later? I worry about his cognitive development.