Good morning ladies!
Collette, you look fantastic! I hear ya! My belly button is SO shallow, I'm afraid it's going to pop out. My skin is stretched to the max. I had a very couple stretch marks from the first pregnancy, and they are starting to stretch at the tops.

It's just so tight. I Don't even really care about the marks. You're getting close!
Cass, you look fantastic, too!! Hope your sis is doing well and things go quickly and smoothly for her. Hopefully Miss Zuri will decide it's her turn pretty soon! Glad you made some progress at your appointment though!
Kara, you ARE brave to be trying again! I don't blame you though. My brother, sister, and I are all within 5 years of each other. It was probably difficult at times, but nice, too. So sorry about your friend and your aunt.

On a brighter note, your picture cracked me up! Can't believe she's big enough to do that!
Rachel, I can't believe Ellie is so big, either! My friend swears by Huggies overnights. She says they are great! I don't know what we will use for BC or if we will since I had such a hard time getting pregnant to start with, but I imagine so. I know I don't want a mirena or anything implanted though. I Don't want to potentially cause anymore scar tissue and make it harder IF we do decide to have another. Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
BB, I hope you get some answers and relief sooooon! How awful to be miserable!
Waves, Leah sounds like she's getting so big, too!!
Nikki, ew to jury duty! I got called once, but I didn't want to do it. I hate the thought of having someone's future in my hands like that. What if I'm wrong?! I was excused since I knew the accused and the witnesses in the case. Awkward!
Katrina, I think this is your month. I'm just sayin!
Brittney, did you FRER?? Did you tell hubby??
AFM, so glad I have an appointment today. And ultrasound. Love seeing him. Such a relief for a little bit anyway. He was moving SO much last night, more than ever before and it was so constant and HUGE movements that I was convinced there was something wrong and he was in distress. How sad that I automatically jump to those type of conclusions?! Blessed are those who have never had experiences like some of ours for sure! Then I thought to myself, you need to shave your legs! (Not that I haven't been, but I have missed a few patches and it had been a day or two..) Now not that I can see anything at this point.. and I had my leg all propped up on the tub and that KILLED my sciatica. Like comparing it to my C-section pain which was a 10, this was a 7. I could barely walk! I almost fell down multiple times. It was awful. Hubby tried to make me go to the ER, but I'm like um.. no. Not going to the hospital until it's time to have this baby! Lol. So I took some Tylenol and went to bed with my hot rice pack. It's much better this morning (like a 3), but wowza. I was going to have to call off if it was still that bad because I couldn't move! I could barely walk and I could not bend over at all. Not even to feed the dog. So needless to say, my toes didn't get painted either. Time for a pedi before long I think.