TTC and Beyond!

Not much. Non stress test went fine, her heart rate is great and fluid levels are great. Still 3cm dilated and 75% effaced. Machine was showing me have contractions about every 10 minutes but I didn't feel much. Scheduled for the same thing again Monday morning and if I haven't had her by then they are gonna talk about different methods of induction I can do..
This was posted in a coupon group I'm in. Get a box of 648 count Huggies wipes for only $1.97 shipped. ** This only works if you're not already signed up for Amazon Mom though. **

1. Sign up for Amazon Mom (make sure it's having you sign up for the 30-day FREE TRIAL otherwise you will be charged about a hundred bucks for the subscription) --

2. Search for "Huggies Simply Clean Wipes" and click on the 648 ct. Make sure you pick the "Subscribe and Save" price. NOT the "one time order" price. It should pick this for you automatically.

3. There is a digital Amazon coupon for $2.00 off - click this to apply it to your basket. It pops up next to the product image, I believe below the price. Huggie brand products are also 50% off. You'll see that applied once you get to the final screen before confirming payment.

4. Add the wipes to your cart and checkout. After all applied discounts your total will be ONLY $1.29!!

5. Once you receive the wipes in the mail, make sure to login and cancel both your subscribe and save subscription and your Amazon Mom account so that you're not charged anything more once the trial period is up
great tip Amanda!! You've been doing so great with couponing. I was really into couponing a couple years ago and had quite the stash (some of which we are still using!!) I was never really good at the food deals though, mostly i stocked up on stuff from cvs/walgreens...did you mention there was a FB group that helps with ad/coupon matching? I definitely need to get back into it again.
Colette - You look great!

Katrina- So glad you loved your photo session!

Cassidy- I also went into labor at 12:30am.. night time is common!

afm- Harper's first overnight visit with my parents is tonight. She started at 6 weeks with my nephew and he's incredibly close to them, and she wants the same bond with Harper. I'm a little sad, but Dh and I have so many things we need to get done, it'll be nice to have over 24 hours baby free. I got my first PP period at exactly 6 weeks, and I think it's done today. SO GLAD. Still holding on to my last 10 baby lbs. They won't budge, and i'm almost 7 week PP and my wedding rings still don't fit. It breaks my heart. Our one year wedding anniversary is 9/6 and i'm really hoping they fit by then. I know it's silly, but I want to wear them again.
It's not silly. I'm sure it will fit soon! I'm sure Harper will have a blast.
Brody is so cute
Nikki-Scary! Glad they got him!

Rachel-We are doing 6 month pics too and I'm also hoping they are sitting up by then!

Lotalaughs16-Yes, I cramped a lot around the time my period was due and then off and on for a few weeks.

CantHrdlyWait-An overnight already! lol I've done an overnight, but I was in the same house...I'm weird about that though. I think it's a control

Good thing about pumping is that I still haven't had a period! Almost 4 months without one and I'm ok with it staying away for a while.

Waves-Good idea on the wipes! The only problem is I forget to cancel things lol

Katrina-I was very scared for my boudoir shoot but ended up loving the pics! They really know how to make you look good and feel sexy. It was very hard to keep it a secret too! lol

Week 1 of work down...It's kind of funny bc I think DW hates me working just as much as I do! She gets mad at her parents for things so easily. Her mom sent us a pic of the babies in bouncy seats propped in front of the tv watching Daniel the Tiger...I sent her some info on why babies should watch tv that young and she was like "it's only 30 minutes". It's just frustrating bc that's not something I would ever do with them, there are so many other things I can find to keep them entertained. Not that they never watch the tv with us, but I don't prop them in front of it like that.
She bought all this crap from goodwill and once upon a child...I was like, you need to get the mats out and be doing tummy time and have them try to grab things and roll over, not stare at the tv! Read a book to them. Put them in a bumbo and talk to them, show them things, sing to many more options than tv. It's so just frustrating...and it goes back to the whole control thing too, I'm sure. Just hoping it gets easier.
It didn't get better for us unfortunately. My MIL feeds our LO crap all day, chocolate biscuits etc. She then let's him play on the iPad most of the day!

We didn't let Tristan sleep out until he was about 2. I just couldn't. :lol: I'm a bit soft like that. Still am!
great tip Amanda!! You've been doing so great with couponing. I was really into couponing a couple years ago and had quite the stash (some of which we are still using!!) I was never really good at the food deals though, mostly i stocked up on stuff from cvs/walgreens...did you mention there was a FB group that helps with ad/coupon matching? I definitely need to get back into it again.

Thanks :) Our grocery store is really awesome for food shopping. They double coupons with a face value up to $0.99 and offer fuel perks (they have a chain of gas stations and you earn money off per gallon of gas.) So I'm in a couple groups for that store. I'd just search "(Store Name) Couponers" or "Couponing at (Store Name)." I'm also in ones for Target which are pretty good for non-food deals. Couponing at Target Too, Target Couponing, and All Things Target. There are some for Walmart and Kmart too. And obviously CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreens. Walmart just came out with a new feature/app called "Savings Catcher." You upload your receipts from Walmart shopping trips and it searches local competitors ads to see if anything you purchased is lower at another store and if so, they give you the difference in the form of an electronic Walmart gift card.

To make it all even better/rack up more money and savings, there's a ton of apps you can use to earn rebates on items purchased. I use Checkout 51, Ibotta, Saving Star, and Shopmium. There's also Receipt Hog where you upload pictures of your receipts and earn coins based on the amount you spent. Those coins add up and you can trade them in for either Paypal money or an Amazon gift card. Then there's also Shopkick where you earn points for walking into select stores and then more points for scanning select items in those stores. Points add up to trade in for gift cards at various stores (Starbucks, Target, Best Buy, etc.) I use that for Target gift cards. I also use Kellogg's Family Rewards where you enter codes on boxes of Kellogg's products and earn points. Points are then cashed in for different rewards but I use them for buying coupons on other Kellogg's products (mostly Eggo waffles for Hannah.) And finally I use Cartwheel at Target which are like mobile coupons except they're reusable until they expire and you can stack those with a manufacturer coupon, Target coupon and your 5% red card savings :)

We've found one name we both like, Brody!

Aww what a cute name. Matches with Tristan very well :)
I should check into some of those groups! I use checkout 51 and its pretty awesome
I survived camping! I am swollen and tired, but I survived. Lol. I love love love couponing!! I cant say that I am good at it, but I really want to learn.

Cass, any progress?
Glad you survived Sandy!
Afm I feel miserable, I have a headache, thought I was going to be sick and now am resting on the couch. I have everything ready for the baby shower this afternoon but haven't decided if I will go. :haha:
Julie- yep. first overnight was last night. She asked me when I was still pregnant and I was like "no! I might not be ready!" but after almost 7 weeks of being alone with her except for 3 hours a day, Momma needed a break. My parents have been watching my nephew every other weekend ( and sometimes weekends and weekends in a row) for 4 years. I trust them more than I trust anyone else. Plus, it was a really nice day for Hubby and I. Today we are going to go to the store and clean up the apartment and then pick her up. My mom sends me pictures and updates and said we come any time to see her or pick her up. She still gave me a lot of control, so I was fine with it! I've done surprisingly well. Plus, I think it will help making her going to day care a little easier because i'm used to her being in someone else's care.
Love the name Brody, bb!

Awe Harpers first sleepover britt, how cute!

Nothing here :( another non stress test tmw and think they'll schedule me for an induction a few days after that. Really didn't want to be induced :( :(
Come on little zuri! We want to see your chubby cheeks!
I can't wait until this weekend! My brother is coming up to help fit tomorrow, calves go to the fair Thursday, Friday is the show and Saturday is the sale.

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