Nikki-Scary! Glad they got him!
Rachel-We are doing 6 month pics too and I'm also hoping they are sitting up by then!
Lotalaughs16-Yes, I cramped a lot around the time my period was due and then off and on for a few weeks.
CantHrdlyWait-An overnight already! lol I've done an overnight, but I was in the same house...I'm weird about that though. I think it's a control
Good thing about pumping is that I still haven't had a period! Almost 4 months without one and I'm ok with it staying away for a while.
Waves-Good idea on the wipes! The only problem is I forget to cancel things lol
Katrina-I was very scared for my boudoir shoot but ended up loving the pics! They really know how to make you look good and feel sexy. It was very hard to keep it a secret too! lol
Week 1 of work down...It's kind of funny bc I think DW hates me working just as much as I do! She gets mad at her parents for things so easily. Her mom sent us a pic of the babies in bouncy seats propped in front of the tv watching Daniel the Tiger...I sent her some info on why babies should watch tv that young and she was like "it's only 30 minutes". It's just frustrating bc that's not something I would ever do with them, there are so many other things I can find to keep them entertained. Not that they never watch the tv with us, but I don't prop them in front of it like that.
She bought all this crap from goodwill and once upon a child...I was like, you need to get the mats out and be doing tummy time and have them try to grab things and roll over, not stare at the tv! Read a book to them. Put them in a bumbo and talk to them, show them things, sing to many more options than tv. It's so just frustrating...and it goes back to the whole control thing too, I'm sure. Just hoping it gets easier.