TTC and Beyond!

Group b strep. About 20% of pregnant women develop it. They don't test for it in the uk but it's routine to test for here. I have to get iv aantibiotics during labor to prevent it from being passed to baby (although the chances of passing it to baby are extremely slim without antibiotics anyways). frustrates me they won't give me a sweep. There's no evidence showing that there's any more of a chance of the infection being passed with a sweep. Basically half of the doctors here will give you a sweep even if you test positive and half wont. And obviously in the UK you don't even know if you have it so tons of people get it done. :( annoyed and disappointed.
Cass she'll be here one way or another and you won't care once she's in your arms. I'm gbs + unfortunately it passed to Elliott when I had him and he was a sick little fella.
Katrina, I'm not finding out until I give birth, I like the surprise.
Sandy I'm due 14th oct but the midwife thinks I'll be early , I really am massive and there isn't much room left in there.
Brittney the cramps are normal, I had pretty bad ones right at the beginning . Your body changes so quickly and is just getting ready to house the baba for the next 9 months.
We've nearly finished Elliott's new room. I'll post a piccy. My sis is an amazing artist and drawn and painted all his favourite things. Can't wait for him to move into the room .
Eek how excited and nice to hear from you! I can't wait to see the picture.
Sorry cassidy! on the plus side, since you are dilated they can just use a dilation ball or pitocin which in my opinion is better then a c-section if you weren't dilated.

as for gender stuff, that is really interesting. I am going to check myself. My guess (although Ill check DH too) is that DH is boy, because is diet ONLY consists of meat and potatoes. I could live off meat and potatoes to get a boy! It would be easy because that's what I cook DH all the time. Ill also try to stay in-tune to the OPK and dtd to try to only dtd day of pos OPK. However, I can't finish AFTER DH because we found that i squeeze all the solders out. the first time i finished before him when dtd-ing was of BFP... so I don't think I can finish after. Anyways, id love a boy next.

what is really interesting is I wonder if the pH thing is genetic because on my dad's side of the family my uncle comes from a LONG line of ONLY boys... like 4 generations. They can't make a girl for the life of them....
Nikki there is only one girl on Hubby's side!

Colette where you checked for it? I'm going to question it with my midwife.
Thanks ladies...first day was ok. Felt very unorganized bc I can't unpack bc I'm moving rooms (hopefully this week) and I don't know the school and I have a million things to do...I cried more today than last Monday (the first day back but with no students). I think bc having students makes it more real lol

I can't believe my babies will be 4 months old on the 14th! It flies by so fast...

Cassidy-All I hear is that you are going to have a baby before the week is up! lol Hang in there, she's almost here!
Collette, Elliot's room is super cute!

Julie, sorry you had a rough day! Hope tomorrow is better!!

The only thing I like about summer is the food. Grilled chicken, baked potato, zucchini and yellow squash, and sliced garden tomato for supper! Yum!! Otherwise I can pass on sweating in the air conditioning! And I forgot to take my blood pressure pill til 2 when my noise was bleeding because my BP was ridiculously high. Oops. I thought I took it. I didnt. It came down some, but it is still up. If it stays up, Im calling tomorrow.. So afraid of pre-eclampsia!
Nikki - I haven't checked my cervix in a long time. No clue where it is.

Julie I've been back for a little over 2 months and it still hasn't gotten easier. I just worked 3 12s in a row and Friday I got home late and Ellie was already asleep. Saturday it flooded so night shift was late and I got out late again. I almost cried. I'm sure at some point it gets a little easier.

Collette the room is cute!

Sandy - you are almost there. I can't believe you went camping. That's crazy to me.

Waves - what happened with your insurance? Did it get straightened out?

Cassidy - I hope she comes on her own! Didn't they change your dates in the beginning? Maybe you are not as far over? I can't believe she's being so stubborn

Nothing really new on my end. Started my nuvaring the other day. Packed up some of Ellie's things that she has outgrown. Took her in the pool today. She loved it. After her bath tonight I noticed a rash on her back and a little on her tummy. Her dinner had blueberries and pumpkin in it, neither of which she has had before. I guess it could also be from the pool too. I guess we will stay away from pumpkin and blueberry for a bit and reintroduce them individually later. Hopefully it was from the pool and she doesn't have a food allergy.
Hope her rash goes away. Was it a personal pool? Or public?
Afm Dh wants to get in shape before our re appointment so we went on a half a mile jog. I didn't think it was to bad, Dh on the other hand is asleep already.
Nope my due date has been the same the entire time. Based off of my ovulation date. She's just too comfy in there lol.
It was our neighborhood pool. It's very clean. Could be from the chlorine. I took her to the water park before but we just sat in the kiddie pool so it was just her butt and legs in the water.
Rachel-I can't imagine working such long shifts! I work 7.5, at least those are the required hours. It's impossible not to work more as a teacher. 12 hours is so long though, I don't know how you do it!
I hope her rash goes away! Hopefully it's not a food allergy...

DW declared she wants to have the next baby. I think she really wants a child that looks like her, but she's also seen what I've gone through and how much work it is which scares her. So my goal is paying off some debt so I can stay at home and her goal is to lose some weight before trying to get pregnant. It will be interesting to see how this goes...we have very different personalities and I have a hard time picturing her pregnant lol She's already said she's afraid she'll feel trapped in her own body. I think it will be weird for me not being the pregnant one.
Cass any movement?
Bb no I wasn't checked. I had a smear test at the hospital prior to be pregnant and I showed as +for gbs. But nobody informed me and they picked it up from my notes just as I delivered him. Took him away to test and he was + aswell. I was so relieved that it was picked up as on the news there were a couple that lost their baby to gbs and they were campaigning for the uk to make it a routine test in pregnancy. This time I'm going on a drip so baby will be fine this time.
Rachel poor you doing such long shifts. Get your feet up and get some relaxing time in for yourself.
Collette, so scary!!

Cass, hope something happens!!

Julie, hope today is better! That would be neat for DW to experience pregnancy. I.wish Hubby could. Even just a day. He is missing out and would be more sympathetic! ;) Seriously though he takes good care of me. No complaints here. The babies are adorable, by the way!

Rachel, I know I am crazy. Lol. Hubby really wanted to go though so we went. Last trip of the season though. At least pregnant. We may take the baby. It just depends on.. Every thing really. I hope Ellie.s rash is better! 12 hours sucks, but getting it done and over is nice!

Bp is ok today. 160's before my pill so hopefully it comes down more! While I AM over being pregnant, I can wait a few more weeks til he is more ready.
Julie i think it's awesome she wants to experience pregnancy.
Colette scary. I'm glad all was well though.
Collette, Elliot's room is soo cute!!

Rachel, hope Ellie's rash goes away soon and its not a food allergy.

Julie, sorry you're having a rough start to the school year...I think its great that DW wants to experience pregnancy :)

Sandy, glad your bp is lower're soo close, in the home stretch!

Cassidy...I REALLY hope Zuri makes her debut for your sanity lol I can't imagine how anxious you are to meet her!
We'll her rash seems to be gone this morning. Maybe it was a heat rash....I would think a food allergy would stick around a little longer. Either way, I'm going to stay away from blueberry and pumpkin until I can reintroduce them individually. Ellie and I went for a pathetic run this morning. Ugh I haven't ran since last summer. It was embarrassing lol. I ran a 10 min mile which isn't horrible I guess. But it's already hot as crap out and I'm out of shape.

I'm trying to get Ellie to chew on fruit in the little mesh baggies. She's starting to get the hang of it. Tried peas yesterday, that was a no go. Gave her mango during our run and she seemed to like it. She loves mango anyways but it's just a different texture. I'm going to buy some watermelon and give her some tomorrow when DH is off. I also went up a nipple flow size bc I want her to start using a transition sippy at 6 months. My friend did this with all 3 of her kids and they were all off the bottle by 1 year. So I'm going to start with the breakfast bottle in the sippy then transition to just mealtimes then eventually all but bedtime.

She's growing up so fast and as much as I'd love to keep her small, I know I can't.

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