TTC and Beyond!

We did our last camping trip this past weekend... No phone service. But I'm back.

Alia has top teeth coming in. Can't tell if its 2 or 4. Well see soon. They came through. She's doing way better then she did with bottom two.
Katrina- how are you feeling?! You're in the 2WW now right?! Lol

Brittney- How are you feeling mamas? When is your next scan?!

Kara- How are you feeling?! Lol. When are you planning on announcing to everyone this time? Excited for you and think it's cool you're trying to stay team yellow. I really would like to eventually.. but feel like until I have one of each I'd be way too freaking impatient to wait lol. Is DH super excited?!

Nikki- Can't believe Alia is over 8 months old. WTF?! Where has the time gone?! So crazy.

Sandy- Eeeek the day is creeping up quickly!!! Excited for you and can't wait to see your babe!

Colette- How are you? You're staying team yellow too right? Do you have any intuition?

AFM, we're doing great here. Zuri is such a laid back and chill baby. I feel like we got so lucky with how 'easy' she is. I just adore her so much. <3 Here's some pics from her newborn photoshoot at 11 days old. And then the last 2 pics are from yesterday.. she's grown so much! 4 weeks old on Wednesday and 1 month old on Saturday! Ahhh!


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Nikki I think it was a padded decorative one. It's happened a few times in the UK. I know they are illegal in some countries, I'm hoping they soon will be in the UK too!

Lovely pictures of Zuri :)
Thanks Cass! Zuri is adorable!! :) I'm almost down to single digits really (I'm not counting the day of so.. 10 days! Eeeeek!)

Nikki, I feel bad, but I said I was done camping for the season. We have a camper, but it's so much work and I just don't have the energy for it. Lame, I know! How is camping with a baby? Any tips or tricks?

Rachel, how is Ellie? How is her reflux?

BB, how are you feeling?

I feel bad, but I saw that Princess Kate is pregnant and how it's "breaking news".. and while I'm happy for them, I don't feel like it's "breaking news"..

I'm *finally* starting to feel better for the most part, except this lingering bronchitis-y cough that better go away before I have a C-section of my guts will be ripped apart for sure! Lol. Maternity leave started today officially. Weird. I have a million and one things I want to do, but first on my list is a trip to the grocery store. I have 2103982 coupons to use. We'll see how that goes. I totally scored 6 free bottles of Pantene over the weekend with my mad couponing skills! ;) I *think* I'll get 3 free cans of shaving gel today when I go. It's better if I go when hubby is at work. He gets a tad impatient when I walk up and down alllll of the aisles sifting through, matching things up. ;) Then I have a hot date with the house. It needs some attention! Hope you all have a great Monday!
Happy Monday Ladies!

Cass, I'm feeling great still, just really tired...I have my first prenatal appt on friday so I'm hoping to hear the hb on the doppler and my next scan is October 3rd. I'm excited that the u/s will look more like a baby is not a blob lol I can't believe Zuri is almost a month already! She's so adorable and I'm glad you're enjoying motherhood!

Sandy, Happy first day of maternity leave :) Sounds like a busy day ahead for hubby never came with me when I was couponing because he's super impatient in the grocery store and just ends up annoying me lol

How's everyone else doing??
My dh doesn't come to the grocery store with me either and I don't even coupon shop. I only usually take 45 min to shop and he gets annoying! I end up coming home w too much junk food when he comes with me, so I leave him behind.

sandy- my biggest camper/camping tip would be to not bring a pack -n-play, just let baby sleep w u. However when he starts rolling put a pillowed off area around hum on the bed for naps. When he crawls I am not sure how to protect him from rolling off the bed, we haven't gotten there yet. However your camper might be different, but the pack-n-play took up too much space that it wasn't worth it. Also bring baby lots of warm clothing. This weekend Alia had plenty of outfits packed, but every time she spat up it was on me...and I ran out of clothing. So pack yourself extra. Oh also, we have plastic bibs. So we bring one of those camping so we can use it all weekend. Lastly, a big no-no that we do,is we use bottle water for her bottles camping and just microwave them to warm up. We shake well and test before giving her them.
Cassidy she's so adorable and yes as much as I can guess I'm in the tww.
Sandy yay for leave. I agree I don't think princess Kate or Carrie Underwood being pregnant deserves primetime news. There are so many important things going on.
Doing well ladies, it's becoming harder for me to check in as Harper isn't really napping much right now and she takes all my attention! She's 11 weeks today! She's growing so much. She just started "talking" and it's so cute. She does it constantly. She also has started grabbing her blankets and stuffed animals, and brings them up to her face.

I go to work on the 15th. I just worry about her at daycare. She's getting better at not needing to be held constantly but she doesn't nap in the day unless I'm holding her. If I try to put her down, she just wakes up. Know daycare can't hold her all day.
Sandy yay for maternity leave. Can't believe your so close!

I'm doing good. Sickness keeps creeping back and when it does it's worse because I can't keep anything down but luckily it's only about once a week. Baby is moving loads more, I can't wait to meet him!
We are doing good. Ellie is teething bad. She normally sleeps straight thru the night, 11-12 hours. The last few nights she's woken up screaming and pulling on her bottom lip. She's getting soooo big. My sister and her DH are coming to visit for a week on Wednesday. I'm super excited. She is going to take 6 month pics for us.
DH has a dr appt next week with endocrinology. We found out he has severely low T. Hopefully they find a cause so he doesn't need replacement therapy.

Ellie's puking is a bit better. I think switching the nipple flow helped. Gotta go get some new nipples for the tommee tippie bottles still.
Thanks for the advice Nikki! :)

Brit, I can't even imagine going back to work. I don't know how I'm going to do it. Glad she's doing well though!

BB, that stinks! Hope it quits soon!

Rachel, I hope her teething subsides for a bit soon. That must be rough. Hope they can figure something out for DH.

Katrina, glad someone else thinks the same and I'm not just being bitchy. Lol.

I'm so pathetic, I swear. Lol. I went to the grocery store. It took forever because I walk like an old lady and had to go back and forth across the store a few times for things I forgot. I did really well -- saved 45%! (At least *I* think that's really well :) !) ..but it completely exhausted me. Then I had to carry the stuff in and put it away! Geesh. It's so much work being a wife, I tell ya! Haha. I got some really good deals on cleaning supplies and so I stocked up on that, and I tried to stock up on a few can goods and such to have some stuff on hand for when baby gets here. Easy stuff to cook or for hubby to cook for us that first few days at home if need be. I'm getting nervous! Like it is so close, and at the same time I can't believe that I might actually bring a baby home this time. But the what if's won't go away.. and they never will until it's all over. I know that.. but time could hurry up and make it easier for me. That'd be super. Haha. So I guess now it's time to clean something.. or take a nap. I'm not sure which.
Lux is adorable.

Harper will figure out daycare. I was nervous about sleep too. It took time and playing with options, but eventually they r tired enough and figure it out.
Sandy I could hardly go grocery shopping at 33 weeks lol.

Katrina - I made him go to the dr a month or so ago bc his sex drive is low, he's exhausted all the time, and he is just blah all the time. So he went and had a ton of labs done and the only thing that came back abnormal was his total and free testosterone. I'm thinking that it's been low for some time and that's why we had such a difficult time getting pregnant. Although I don't think it was as low as it is now before. I feel bad bc he feels like shit about it. I'm hopeful that there's nothing seriously wrong with him that's causing it.
Rachel, that makes me feel better. Lol. Usually hubby goes, we just get a few things, and he does most of the work except putting it away. This time it was a whole cart full by myself. It was my own idea. Dummy. Lol. Sorry hubby feels lousy about it, but it isn't anything that he did. Surely it can be fixed!

PS: I didn't nap or clean.. haha. I probably should go do something at least though.
There is some research on amphetamines lowering testosterone. He is on vyvanse and before the vyvanse, he was just fine. I think over time it has lowered his testosterone. He's been on it for about 3 years or so. I'm hoping that's what it is and he can just switch to a non amphetamine stimulant. If he has to go on supplements then it is a lifelong commitment.
Thanks Nikki! I hope she figures it out. I try to put her down to nap, but she has to be asleep for like an hour before she won't wake up, and even then she does sometimes. I just hate to think of her being "unhappy" at daycare. It'll get better when I'm back to work for awhile, I'm sure.
Hi girls! 7:50pm here and I'm in bed! ;) feeling really good...just tired mainly! Kinda a little weird to me bc I think I was sick at this point with Kay already. Bloated for sure. Been really into spicy things. We told my parents this weekend, they were shocked and then absolutely overjoyed! :) I had to spill the beans bc we went out for an appetizer mid shopping trip and I got water instead of a margarita. My sister called me out immediately LOL! Ultrasound is Monday at 4pm, we will tell the rest of our family and close friends after that. Work and Facebook after the NT scan! :)

DH is so excited it's adorable. He's such an awesome daddy. Takes her to baseball games and out all the time so I can have free time with my friends or to clean the house, gets up in the middle of the night if she wakes up etc...all he ever really wanted was to be a daddy and now i can see why!! There's literally not a moment that she's awake and he's around that he's not paying attention to her!

Cass-Zuri is absolutely adorable, I love her pics!

Britt-Harper will adjust to daycare and daycare will figure Harper out! Try not to worry about it, that's why you pay them so much money ;) seriously though, it will be good for her to be around other kids and to not be the only one getting attention all the time!

Sandy-yay for maternity leave!! I can't believe how close you are! Soooo excited for you!!

Rachel-I hope they figure out DHs health stuff real soon! Good for you for making him go and good for him for actually going! I think DH man parts would have to be hanging off for him to go to the doctor, it's so annoying!

Nikki-she's getting so big!! More teeth!! I thought Kay had one coming but then it disappeared so who

BTW-I know I'm going to sound like a total dipshit here but I had NO idea that you have to adjust the straps in the car seat as the babies get bigger. Like physically take the straps apart and feed them through new holes in the seat. #mommyfail

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