Hi girls! 7:50pm here and I'm in bed!

feeling really good...just tired mainly! Kinda a little weird to me bc I think I was sick at this point with Kay already. Bloated for sure. Been really into spicy things. We told my parents this weekend, they were shocked and then absolutely overjoyed!

I had to spill the beans bc we went out for an appetizer mid shopping trip and I got water instead of a margarita. My sister called me out immediately LOL! Ultrasound is Monday at 4pm, we will tell the rest of our family and close friends after that. Work and Facebook after the NT scan!
DH is so excited it's adorable. He's such an awesome daddy. Takes her to baseball games and out all the time so I can have free time with my friends or to clean the house, gets up in the middle of the night if she wakes up etc...all he ever really wanted was to be a daddy and now i can see why!! There's literally not a moment that she's awake and he's around that he's not paying attention to her!
Cass-Zuri is absolutely adorable, I love her pics!
Britt-Harper will adjust to daycare and daycare will figure Harper out! Try not to worry about it, that's why you pay them so much money

seriously though, it will be good for her to be around other kids and to not be the only one getting attention all the time!
Sandy-yay for maternity leave!! I can't believe how close you are! Soooo excited for you!!
Rachel-I hope they figure out DHs health stuff real soon! Good for you for making him go and good for him for actually going! I think DH man parts would have to be hanging off for him to go to the doctor, it's so annoying!
Nikki-she's getting so big!! More teeth!! I thought Kay had one coming but then it disappeared so who knows...lol
BTW-I know I'm going to sound like a total dipshit here but I had NO idea that you have to adjust the straps in the car seat as the babies get bigger. Like physically take the straps apart and feed them through new holes in the seat. #mommyfail