TTC and Beyond!

If anyone's looking to buy some baby clothes, Carter's is having a clearance sale. 70% off plus another 25% off of that. I just bought a few cute onsies online.
julie, only 3lbs!??! omg, i need to sloooooow down! i'm still working out 3x a week, but add that to 25% higher metabolism and 100% higher hunger rate and i'm up about 5-7lbs already. (wow, that sounds like a lot.). i honestly dont really feel it *except* in the fact that while i can still zip my pants, i cant do the button (on most pairs). so i know it's all goign to the right place, but geesh.... i might need to do a pregnancy diet. :-/ just kidding. while i dont want to gain too much, i also know this will be the only time when i'm not going to think "how long of what activity do i need to burn off this treat?" - example: every year i want a shamrock shake, and every year i talk myself out of it. not this year. i'm having a shake. or two. less than two weeks til my next scan!
I haven't gained any weight yet, but i'm pretty sure that's because I was at one of my highest weights to start with, so i've been eating healthier and hopefully balancing it out!
Hello Ladies-
Ok here was my experience, advice….
Ill start by saying I am living off LOVE right now, defiantly not energy or rest. I never thought I could love like this before. She’s perfect in every way. I get what being a mom is all about now.
Saturday night I was saying goodbye to some of our guests that were over around 10pm. After they left I bent down to kiss my dogs goodnight as I was headed to bed. Next thing I know I had “leaked” and was wet. I knew I didn’t pee myself, it was way more wet than a little sneeze and some leaks out. So I went to the bathroom to see if I just needed to pee… nothing more came out. I went to my mom (who lives with us) and asked her if this was my water breaking and to look at the pants I was wearing to tell me if that seemed like it. She said “in my experience it is a gush, but you are a bit wet.” So with that said I thought Id go to bed and see in the morning. DH said no you are calling the doc. So we did, they said come to L&D and put on a pad so we can test it when you come in (which was great advice). So here I am telling DH I think its time and pack the car. We headed off to L&D (got there around midnight, was at 2.5-3cm and 50%). We got there and they asked for my pad. They swiped it with a qtip thing, and it turned blue ASAP, so they said yes your water broke. At that point I also knew it broke because on the drive over there I kept leaking way more.
So here I am, knowing we have 24 hrs max until she is in our arms. Doc said to put me on petocin, nurse said can we give her a few hours to walk around to jump start the contractions instead of just starting meds. Doc said yes. At that point my monitor was saying I was having little contractions on a steady rate, but I really couldn’t feel them at all. So we walked the halls, what felt like 5 miles, for about 2 hours. At about 3am my contractions actually decreased frequency so they decided to start petocin. About 30 min later the petocin kicked in and contractions got worse, I could actually feel them. I got checked and was about 4 cm and I think 60% thinned. I said to DH I “think” I want and epi. He said I’ll get you one if you say “I WANT AN EPI”, not “think”. So I decided to wait. We called doula around 4am to bring her in and she was there at 5am. When she came I was hurting, but still trying to walk the halls. Maybe 1 hr after she was there, the doc asked for the petocin to be increased… so they did and that is where hell broke out. About 5 min after they upped it I was in crying pain begging for the epi. I couldn’t move!! Right away the anistezologist arrived, but felt like forever for me, the epi was about to be administered. They said to go to the bathroom one last time, so DH basically carried me to the bathroom (apparently I bit him during one of my contractions because it hurt so bad). Then they had me sit at the end of the bed and hunch my back over like a cat and chin to chest. I was crying, shaking (scared of the epi), having contractions… all at once and couldn’t stay still. So DH, doula, and a nurse held me down. DH ended up locking his knees and with all his strength holding me down ended up asking my doula to take over for him so he could sit for a second (he claims he wasn’t going to faint but he needed to sit). Epi was in and I felt like I went from the worst pain in my life to drinking a whole bottle of wine by myself. However, my funny side came out AFTER a tiny scare. We know this because it was a calm room to a room with the doc, 2 nurses, and the anistezologist coming back. Apparently my BP plummeted really low. They had to give me ephedin (basically caffeine) a few times. Once we got that stabilized, the nurse and my DH said they have never laughed so much because of me. I asked if my “therapy” dog could come visit me. Nurse said, let me find out, is he really a trained therapy dog. I said, he’s my therapy dog, while my DH was shaking his head “no”. Then apparently DH and the doula turned on the TV and the news was on. It was showing people using snowmobiles to drag around sleds (they were talking about all the snow people have been getting). The nurse goes “those snowmobilers are going to end up in the ER.” I said “what there are snowmobiles in the ER?” Apparently the story is that I sounded like a drunken mess. The epi was the best thing EVER! It was scary and I couldn’t stop shaking. DH was scared because of how uncontrollable my shakes were, but the nurse said it is normal because of the hormones running through me. So once he knew that, he could relax too because he knew I was more relaxed. For the next 2-3 hours I was so talkative and relaxed. Since my BP issues I was scared to increase my meds. So the 2 times I wanted to increase the meds I asked the nurse if it was ok. Apparently during this time my DH said they increased my petosin to speed up the process. DH was even able to catch an hour nap. So I got to a point that I needed more meds, I asked the nurse if I could increase my meds. She said what hurts, I said horrible pressure in my butt (like I need to poop). She said the epi won’t help pressure pain so there wasn’t a point, however that usually meant I was ready to push so she was bringing in the doc to check. Doc came in and said it was time to push. They woke DH up to say it was pushing time. He said he felt so out of it, like that he slept for 5 min and was so confused when woken up, but was excited! So nurse and doula coached me on how to push, there is a technique in pushing. When pushing with the contractions you no longer have the pain of the contractions, it is weird. The hard part of pushing is the effort of pushing, but you do get to rest between contractions. I have to say make sure at minimum have 2 people with you during birth so they can help each hold a leg when pushing and the nurse can focus on the medical side of what’s going on. The hell of birth is a 100000000x worth it!
Pushing out placenta is such a weird feeling… like jello coming out down there. I had 2 1 degree tears, she sowed them up while I was snuggling Alia. Honestly I didn’t even notice what she was doing… that part was NOTHING. Holding her for the first time was unbelievable! After about 45 min of skin-to-skin (my most fav thing now!!) They did a glucose test on here (because of my GD) and she was low. So they had to hurry off with her and did a more in-depth test. She was at 30 and they wanted her at 45+. So they gave her a bit of donor milk to jump start her liver to process the glucose in her blood. After that they monitored her for 24 hours and her bloods were perfect EVERY time. So we are happy and she is healthy!
Post pregnancy- you bleed NON stop after. For me it was all over the floor when trying to pee. It was a lot for 24 hours… now its like a med-heavy period. They gave me numbing spray for when I pee … helped a lot. They also gave me ice pack for down there… helped a bit. Lastly, spray your vag with warm water when peeing… helps a ton! Take the IB profane when offered even if you don’t think you need it. Also take the stool softener when offered. I still haven’t pooped, I feel like I need to but its stuck in there. It’s not constipation meds, just softener. Feeding hurts a bit but is getting better. I think we are lucky because of my high prolactin levels I am producing SOOOO much milk and it came fast… so she is happy.
Things to make sure you have at the hospital:
Your favorite slippers!! However be ok if they get ruined.
Comfy go home outfit for you
Snacks (money for vending machine)…you will be hungry in middle of the night!
Go home outfit for baby
DH stuff
Car seat
Boopy… I actually used it for feeding already
…otherwise everything else was there for baby and me

Things to have ready at home that I didn’t think of:
GET MORE STOOL SOFTENER and have on hand at home (DH is going out today to get me some)
SPEND GOOD MONEY on a nice rocker/glider chair… I spent last night sleeping in it with Alia
An end table/night stand next to glider chair for water, snacks, blankets, clock, log book (Im logging her feeding/pees/poops)….supplies
A clock in babies room… to track feeding times and for how long they fed and on which boob

Otherwise we are in love!!!!! I look forward to watching all of your journeys! Feel free to ask me questions, just know I am still learning too.
ohhh and I see you are talking about baby clothing... I have a TON of 0-3 month (which I assumed meant new born), but she is swimming in the clothing... so I am not sure what to suggest about that. Maybe premee clothing too??

Here she is... 7 lbs, 7 oz and 20" long... Alia Makayla


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Beautiful Nikki!! So happy for you that she is here and happy/healthy! Sounds like overall you had a great experience!
oh and ps... I was reading a thread about inducing your own labor... and someone suggested dates... I happen to love dates and had some in the fridge, so I ate 5 of them on Saturday afternoon... then water broke sat evening. So maybe it helped...
She is GORGEOUS!!!! Awwwww so glad that everything went smoothly for you Nikki, and that Alia is here safe and sound <3 <3
Congrats once again nikki...Alia is gorgeous and soo happy tht things went smoothly for u...cuddle up :flower:
Awww a mini Nikki! Congrats! She's so beautiful!!! <3

And I really enjoyed reading your story.. stay in touch, I will have many questions for you in the next few months :)

P.s. and SO much hair!!! Love it! And I've added her to the front
I am totally tearing up right now. What a wonderful story! I so don't want to stop ttc :cry: but dh thinks it's best for now. Maybe the ntnp will work for us.
Sending a million hugs Nichole.. I believe you'll have your happy ending this year love :hugs:
Thanks for sharing Nikki :) What a beautiful little lady you have there.
She's beautiful Nikki, thanks for sharing your story with us!

Julie- My grandma had 3 girls and 2 boys and she said that her boys were much lazier and the girls were buck wild lol. So maybe it is Olivia that's the more active. Also, I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and so far have only gained 2lbs so far. I think with the excessive morning sickness plus the fact that I can basically only eat half of what I used to be able to eat has caused me to lose weight and counteract some of the gain.

Cassidy- I'm getting the urge to listen to baby again lol, might be paying you and your doppler a visit soon ;) lol
Nikki-She's beautiful! Such a great story! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I'm glad everything basically went smoothly for you and Alia :) Not gonna lie, you got me pretty excited for when these two get here lol For some reason buying clothes gets me picturing all the baby snuggles too. Thanks for all the advice too! I will definitely be keeping all that in mind.

From what I've heard from friends, I would stick to at least a few newborn outfits. They say they grow out of them really quickly though. As a future mom of twins, I would not recommend preemie. Those things are so freaking tiny! I think they are only meant for babies up to 5 or 6 pounds. Pretty sure our Carter's outfits say 2-5lbs. If you carry to term or close to term, your babies will probably do ok in newborn even if they are a little big for the first week or two. Just my suggestion based on what friends have told me, I am not an expert by any means lol

I've also heard that people tend to buy you newborn and/or 0-3 months, so you usually end up with a lot of that size. So we have been trying to only buy a few things that we really like in those sizes and will wait until after the baby shower before we buy much more. P.S. Our baby shower is on Saturday! I'm so excited :)

Mirolee-lol I was so nauseous for the first 17 weeks that I really just didn't eat very much. I had to force myself to eat. I lost about 3lbs, but I'm pretty sure I personally lost more than that, but it evened out bc the babies and all their things were gaining so quickly. Since then I've been eating more and am hungry more often, but I'm eating healthier choices than before. So, I'm sure it's still kind of balancing itself out. Not to mention I've had a slight aversion to sugar and diet soda...two of my staples before pregnancy. I'm sure that has helped cut some of my weight as well. Now that the babies are at a more rapid growth stage, I'm sure I'll start to gain more. I know my stretch marks are increasing! They are slowly creeping up my belly lol
31 weeks today and feeling very blah about it.

I barely got any sleep last night, go figure. I went into bed at 1:30 but by the time I could actually fall asleep, it was 3am and OH was waking up for work. I seriously should have just slept on the bathroom floor with as many times as I got up to pee. At one point, I'd gone pee and walked back into my bedroom, hadn't even shut the door before I had to turn around and pee again. Leah was laying in such a way that I really had to go but barely could get anything out. And then she'd kick or punch my bladder and cervix non-stop which made the feeling even worse. THEN I woke up at 6-something with the most painful heartburn and no amount of Tums seemed to help. Before I knew it, Hannah was awake. Surprisingly I wasn't too tired this morning. My sister came to visit around noon-ish and brought us Subway for lunch. She stayed 2-3 hours but once she left, exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks. I started getting another headache and just feel like I'd been hit by a truck.

31 weeks is such a boring number of weeks lol. I still have 9 days until my next appointment and I feel like it's been forever since my last one. I feel like I know nothing about this baby/pregnancy. Last appointment they said she's measuring small but didn't bother telling me my fundal height. I know the u/s I had when I went to the ER measured her 10 days behind but I'd still like to know how my fundal height measures up with that. I was told she was breech at that u/s but no idea if she still is. I'm starting to panic that she's still breech and we're getting to the point where it'll be too late for her to turn (although realistically I know she can turn at the very last minute.) I'm worrying that she's too small, knowing she was measuring behind a month ago... especially because I feel like my bump isn't growing at all.

And then there's the whole worry about money and not having anything ready for the baby. But I won't vent about that again because I think I just did yesterday. Oh and my grandpa found out today he has breast cancer but won't know more til he meets with the surgeon but doesn't know when that will be.
Amanda - I bet you feel better after your baby shower. My doctor doesn't tell me the HR or fundal height either. Then again, I don't ask. He just says everything is good. I guess it's better that way so I don't worry if its not where Dr. Google says it should be. I trust that my doc will tell me if there's a concern. At your last appt with your OB, was she behind on u/s or fundal height? I wouldn't totally trust the ER measurements, they don't specialize in OB. Unless you saw an OB....anyways, try not to stress about everything. In the end it will all work out just fine.

Well I am happy to report that my little soldier kitty has gotten so much better! It makes me happy, but also has me worried bc I had accepted the fact that he was going to die, now he got better, but is still inevitably going to die and I am going to have to go through it all again. I feel horrible that we were going to put him to sleep over the weekend after watching him suffer, only for him to get better. I am so glad that we decided to wait another day and in the meantime he showed improvement. His jaundice is nearly gone and he is eating like 4x a day :happydance:

I have finally began nesting. Today I vacuumed my refrigerator...lmao.

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