I'll be happy with either gender. My intuition says girl. But then I just feel like i'm gonna be wrong and it's gonna be a boy! LOL
I think we're gonna do grey and mint/teal for a boy, and grey and lavender for a girl. Maaaaybe. We will see lol. Our theme will be birds... bet you all would have never guessed that one!! Lmao.
Can't wait until you find out Ash!!!!! Soooo close!
Kara, I can't believe how freaking tiny and adorable your bump is! Jealous!!!! And thanks for the heads up on the zulily HALO sale! I just ordered two of em!!!
No, I opted out for it because our insurance doesn't cover it and it's freaking $350 I'm hoping I can convince them to just peek for a minute though! Lmao.
Thanks ladies! Wow. Can't believe I'm in third tri!!! I feel enormous the last few days. My scrubs are getting tight and it's getting harder to squat down to do IVs so I have to sit down for each one which isn't a big deal, it's better for our backs, preggo or not but it's annoying. I also think she's in a growth spurt bc my belly looks bigger and I've been getting some stretching like pains.
Cute bellies ladies! Kara you are so tiny but definitely rounding out now!
Excited for you to find out Ashlee!!
My next appt is Wednesday too. I have my glucola screen and rhogam shot
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