Morgan-I love the name Willow, but I think Marley Jemma is perfect
Kara-I agree with the other girls, I think Isabella is very pretty but definitely a bit of a mouth full with Makayla. lol
Cassidy-Seriously, I am pregnant with 2 babies (incase you forgot lol) and am only a few weeks away from my 3rd trimester and have only gained 3 lbs...Do NOT worry about it! Both of my babies measured a little above the average at our 20 week scan, so I know they are getting what they need. I assumed I would have gained like 20 lbs by now lol but I don't have a super huge appetite most days and I have been making pretty healthy choices. I guarantee you I have lost weight as babies have gained, you are probably doing the same.
Whoever was asking about what you pay out of pocket...we paid $25 at the first apt and then I think they said our total after labor would be $800? The only other thing we've paid so far was $25 for our FMLA paperwork.
Ashlee-CONGRATS on the baby girl!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Sometimes my movements still kind of feel like bubbles popping. It's
Sandy-Holy cow! Congrats on the bfp! I bet that's such a relief....well, on one hand, I'm sure you're freaking out a little on the other lol
Sonia-So glad you are doing well

I wish I craved salads! I crave fruit more than I do anything else healthy. I was on a smoothie kick for a while lol
Rachel-Your bump definitely rounded out over the last 2 weeks!
Kara-You have such a cute little bump, I can't wait to see it really start to pop!
I totally understand being uncomfortable girls! It's amazing how one week you feel fine and think you can make it so many more weeks and then the next week you've really gone downhill lol I can't stand for more than a few min without wearing my support belt. Standing for very long even with the belt makes my arms and legs kind of tingly. Bending to get things, rolling over, changing positions...all painful. If I stand too fast without my belt it feels like my belly just falls and could rip off underneath lol At the baby shower I couldn't bend to reach things at the bottom of the gift bags, it was too far down! I can't wait until Thurs to see how big I'm measuring now!
Baby shower was good! My mom pissed me off, but it was good other than that. We got lots of books, baby items and gift cards. Very excited to start getting the room together now!
So, my mother...DW and I come from very different families. She grew up in a family that had money. Not rich, but haven't struggled and are very strict about finances. Her parents tend to be helicopter parents and are often times a little too involved. My family was not poor, but struggled with money and still struggle with money. My mom is close to my age and very go with the flow. My mom has it in her head that she does not like MIL. MIL can be obnoxious, but she always means well and has never been anything except nice to my mom. So, DW's brother and his wife flew in for the shower and MIL was planning for us all to go out to dinner. When she realized my mom and a few of our friends would be staying in town, she decided to have dinner at her house so everyone could be involved and hang out. Well, my mom texts me the morning of the shower that she had a bad morning and not to plan on her going to MIL's house. Then told MIL at the shower that she didn't think I was going to dinner. I told my mom that MIL planned the dinner trying to be nice to everyone and bought hot dogs to go with the chili specifically for me. Plus we don't see the brother and wife very often, so we were going to dinner and she could hang out with my brother if she wanted but I was going. She tried to give me this guilt trip about how she would just go home next time and how she felt left out at my shower bc she didn't know people and was in the back when I was opening gifts. I just want to tell her to grow the f up. She was outcasting herself, no one did that but her. She needs to grow up and realize that she has no reason to be a snob to MIL and they are going to be in each other's lives wether she likes it or not. I was so pissed at her. I feel like she's being selfish and not even considering how difficult she is making everything on my by acting like a child...Ok, done venting about that lol
Told my boss I was going on doctor ordered maternity leave. Asked if there was anything I could do to make the transition run smoothly. The only response I got was "Is this maternity or medical leave?" Didn't ask if everything was ok, give me any direction, nothing. Then sent me a write up form this morning complaining bc I did not request a sub (something she should have told me to do) and that they hadn't received a doc note yet (between me and HR, not her and I was waiting to have doc send note until I could talk to the FMLA lady who was out last week...). So I emailed our head of HR and he told me I am not allowed to do any work at this point and that I do not have to respond to her emails. FMLA lady said maternity and medical are the same, both covered under FMLA so it doesn't really matter. My boss is such a fucking idiot...she is seriously looking for anything she can to get me in trouble. I just laughed at her email this morning bc I knew she was pissed I was out. Now she can't keep torturing me! lol
So, officially off work for the rest of the school year and she will be retiring so I'll never have to work with her again! Also, 24 weeks today! Viability week, yay! Maternity shoot this Saturday. The girl doing our shoot is the wife of one of DW's coworkers. We hired her for our newborn shoot and she offered the maternity shoot for free

No idea what I will wear yet though...