I know how frustrating TTC can be, when it just doesn't seem to be happening for you.
Here's my story. It's long, haha! But I hope it gives you some hope.
I came off the Pill when I was 21. It was giving me headaches and making me feel rubbish. At the time I was with my ex. We weren't getting on so there wasn't much action, but we weren't very careful on those rare occasions. Thank goodness, with hindsight, it never happened. After that, I was with my now ex-fiance for three years. We were actively trying, but again, it never happened. And again, it was a relief because it turned out he was a cheating swine.
Fast forward to my late twenties when I'm with a lovely bloke, and we're very happy. Coming up six years together now. He's a good 'un. Finally.
So, pretty soon into our relationship, we start talking babies. He's ready, I'm ready. We start TTC. And cycle after cycle goes by, with no luck at all.
After a couple of years, we realised something wasn't quite right. So in 2016 we got a referral to the OBGYN for initial fertility tests. Where we learn that apparently I'm not ovulating by myself, probably never have been. Weird, as I have a regular 28 day cycle - but doctor knows best, I guess(!) Personally I think it just happened late in each cycle.
So they start us on Clomid. 50mg, for 6 months. They do ultrasounds and blood draws throughout, and we learn that with the meds, I am indeed ovulating. Woooo!
BUT even with those eggs popping, it doesn't happen for us. Six cycles, six BFNs.
The hospital stops the Clomid, and refers us to the IVF clinic.
Our appointment was in Dec 2018 (I'm 31 by this point, OH is 33), and they said we are good candidates for the treatment. I just need some more tests, inc a scan, which they'll do on CD12. Then we are good to go.
So I spend all of this January waiting for AF. Really frustrated by this point - it feels like my body is playing cruel tricks, holding up AF just as we start to get somewhere with treatment. After all, I have all the signs of it starting.
Then last week, partly out of boredom and partly wondering if I was having a really long cycle, I did an OPK. It came back super, super positive - like, test line was dark and came before the control. WEIRD. I asked on here, does anyone think this is my O, and a few folk mentioned possible BFP from an OPK.
Curious but not expecting much, I bought some HPTs. Undeniable strong positive, two thick bold lines, on two tests. We do a ClearBlue too - 'pregnant, 2-3 weeks'.
That was last Saturday and to be honest I'm still in shock. A decade of TTC/NTNP, thousands of negative HPTs, so many cycles ending in sadness... and this is the first positive I've ever seen. AND IT CAME NATURALLY!!!!
Don't give up hope. Do push for more tests if you feel you need them. If there is an issue, it can almost always be resolved one way or another. And sometimes, it really does just take a bit of time, until your body is ready to play nice and do what it should.
Good luck, and fingers crossed. x