TTC Baby No:2 - 2012 - Let The BFP'S Roll.

My poor we girl has come down with chicken pox and isn't too happy about it. :(

She has lots of the blisters in her girly bits :cry:
I know, It's nut's.

Not doing to bad, just doing playdoh with Honey(my daughter) as she is unwell at the moment with a bit of a cold, trying to take her mind of it. I have Still got light stomach cramp's and lower back pain, Due on AF (Period) 3rd of feb, But Hopefully AF dont's not arrive but knowing my luck it most proberly will. I Hate waiting to see if AF arrive's, it's the worst part of TTC.

How you doing hun?
Sarah, Did your daughter have her MMR jab? cause I dont think chicken pox look's like blister's. there more like scab's!
Hi Ladie's,

Sarah - How's you little girl getting on?

Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Hi Ladie's,

Well here to keep you all posted and this month was not my month, AF (period) Arrived this morning. Gutted :(

Never mind, hopefully i'll have better luck next month, hay.

Well How's everyone?
Sorry Jessica :hugs:

We are doing ok. Yes she has had all of her jabs so far. They are defiantly chicken pox. We took her to the doc for some antihistamines and he confirmed it. They start out as blisters then when they pop they turn into scabs. She hasn't got many new ones today and is slowly cheering up a little so should be on the mend. She has been sleeping in our bed for the last few days because she has wanted someone next to her for comfort but it means I get next to no sleep. (she likes to kick me in her sleep and is always waking up to scratch)

I have my progesterone test done tomorrow to see how well I Oed so thats always fun... NOT!!!! she can never find my darn vein. Last test i had I said that they always find it difficult to find a vein so she got out a BIGGER needle! ouch.

Wish me luck!
Awww bless her little cotton sock's, It's horrible having chicken pox. My niece had them not long ago but my daughter did not get them. Well at least she getting a bit better. they should start to go now hay. and i do wish you good luck lol. I do hate needle's my self. Hope every thing's going ok for ya hun and How long doe's it take to get the result's back on a progesterone test? x
good morning.

My doctors office is pretty efficient when it comes to blood work. I had the blood drawn at 8 this morning and will have the results around lunch time :D which is lucky because I'm pretty impatient lol.

The needle actually wasn't too bad today. I made sure I drank lots of oj before I went so my veins weren't as shy as usual.

Madelyn is much better today. We both managed to get a decent nights sleep which is great!!!! I would like to sleep in the same bed as the other half some time soon. He has been banished to the spare room while she is sick. :(

How are you feeling today?
good evening,

Wow that's quite quick, Did you get your result's hun? hope every thing's ok.

Glad Madelyn is feeling better.

Bet you cant wait to have the OH back beside you in bed. lol.

Im ok not feeling over the moon but i'll get there, Iv had mood swing's since yesterday. Which I cant stand. Ordered a new table for my PC came today broken, joke but that's delivery driver's for ya... so that p'ed me off a little. I dont know if many women do it but Iv kept doing temp's to keep on track on my fertility friend chart (dunno if you know about Fertility friend) and so far all is going well so hopefully this month I can keep my temp's correct as last month it just didn't go to well for me. but apart from all that i'll be fine.

I should have the results in about 3 hours now. I will post straight away when I get them

I have temped in the past but lost my thermometer last month so haven't been temping this cycle. You should link your chart to your signature so we can take a peek :D
Evening Sarah, Hope your result's came back normal! Let me know. You should go get another thermometer and start charting again. I added my chart to my signature so you can take a peek but on AF (period) ATM. (at the moment) I think Big O's around cycle day 13. So i'll just have to see how this month goe's for me. To be onised I think im coming off AF, hopefully it will be gone to tomorrow night. How you feeling hun? xxx
hello :wave:

So my progesterone levels were my best yet at a whopping 42.6 nmol/L which shows a STRONG Ov.

I am trying not to drive myself crazy with symptom spotting as I know form previous months that I can't trust my body to tell me the truth on these drugs.

Yeah I think if this month doesn't work, I will find my thermometer and temp again next month. I think Madie has hidden it somewhere, which means it could be just about anywhere!!!!

I love checking out peoples charts... I am a bit of a fertility geek now :rofl:

Hoping the :witch: leaves you alone soon so you can get back into the fun part.
Good morning Sarah,

That's great new's hun hope this month is your's.

I know what you mean by symptom spotting as my body lie's to me, I really really want another baby and I guess I make my self believe it's the month but it never is.

Aww Bless her, my daughter's like that if she get's hold of somethink you want see it again for month's. LOL. little one's hay.

I love checking out everythink on the internet about Fertility/Ovulation and more. I also like looking a peep's Ov chart's.

And yer hopefully they do hun, cause Im started to feel like I dont have the energy to try any more and as horrible as it sound's but some time's I feel like giving up but I know I cant. Every day I got it in my head. So Hopefully I get pregnant before JUNE. Because if im not im going to find out why.

how did you start getting them progesterone level test's done and do you go to your GP for them???

How you doing today xxx
I am now going through the public health care system at a fertility specialist doing clomid. I still have to pay for the monitering (day 12 and 21 bloods) because down here in New Zealand the only way you can be on clomid is monitered...
Ok I have more to say but will reply again in the morning as it is bed time and Sam is ready for bed.
ok hun, do keep me posted as this might be my next option. xxx
Ok now that it is morning and I don't have Sam breathing down my neck to get off the computer I can reply properly.

As I understand it your NHS and ours are quite similar in that the worst cases can be treated for free under public funding so long as you don't mind waiting. In saying this anybody can go private at any time but it will need to be payed for.

The first thing you should do just to get the ball rolling is to go back to your doc and get all the prelim tests out of the way so you don't have to do them once you finally get to see a fertility specialist (waiting list is months). If I could do it again I would be so much more pushy with my GP because now I know I wasted months and months because she didn't think it was important.
All of these tests will be payed for publicly except the doctors visit itself.

Hey you may get pregnant this month, you never know or there may be something wrong that will need to be fixed before it will work. Being told to wait another 6 months sounds stupid to me!!! when he could just do some easy blood and semin tests to see whats going on.

Skip ahead months and months until you finally get an appointment with a specialist.
(This is why I say start tests now because your GP can't refer you until one months blood work and a SA are done then you go on the waiting list and wait)

I'm not exactly sure what the criteria is in the UK but here they have a points system to see if you quality for treatment. There are a couple things that are no goes. Like you will not get treatment if you smoke or if you are over a bmi of 30 and a few other things then they rank you to see how much you need there help getting points for things like PCOS or blocked tubes or length of time you have been trying and if your points are over a certain threshold then you are eligible for public funding.

We unfortunately found nothing wrong with us that they could see and because we have Madelyn we wont qualify for public funding for IVF or IUI for another 3 years. :cry:
Our fertility doc then suggested that clomid may be a good option to try first privately as it is only $50 (nz) (26 pound) per month which covers the blood test analysis twice a month and the drugs.

Hopefully that is what you were wanting to know I went a little over the top but meeeh oh well :D

I hope you have a great day:D

BTW 9DPO today!!!!!! not long to wait now. My boobs are killer sore again this month.
Well LOL I didnt expect that lol. I am a smoker, I know it's bad for me. But i just researched and I dont think that stop's me from being alegible for treatment on NHS. I also agree with you maybe I should go back sooner. Thank's for the info and I will defo up date you by next week on if me and my fiance have decided to go back to GP. x good luck for this month hun x
lol as I said. Bit of a fertility geek :rofl:

yeah so hoping to get that :bfp: soon. We don't really have the spare cash to go privately for IVF/IUI so am really hoping this clomid works its magic soon. When we first started trying I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd still be here over 2 years later still not pregnant. I know what you mean about wanting to give up sometimes I really do. I don't think it is good for your relationship to be so consumed by TTC but sadly that is what it has become.

OMG Madelyn is driving me bonkers today! She is going nutty because we cant leave the house without her feeling sick so we have been cooped up all week. RAAA
Hiya Love,

I know IVF/IUI Is not cheap. Iv seen the range's of price's for IVF/IUI. I couldnt believe it. The price's they charge to help nature along for women who are trying so hard to have children or more children. I think they take the P***. If you know what I mean. But hun I really do hope you get that BFP soon. I also didnt think when I first started trying that I'd still be here nearly 2 years later. It defo aint good for my relationship with my fiance. But well get over it. When I get pregnant LOL. Awww bless her and you think your going bonker's lol Iv been stuck in for over a week now, cause honey's not well. she's had runny nose for over a week. She's been a little sausage lol. She hate's staying in. Hope she get's better soon.
Any way hun Iv decided to ring doctor's on monday and get an appointment to go back and get these test's done earlier. Hopefully the doc will agree and get it done sooner rather then later. xxx

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