TTC Baby No:2 - 2012 - Let The BFP'S Roll.

Hello hun,

Sorry to here that your having bad side affect's to clomid but you never know it could help to get that baby you've dreamed off.

Relax lol me, no way, i hate the 2WW. it drag's. i think that's my worst two week's in a month. lol.

Awww love i dont blame ya i love children but it's a bit nutty when there's load's of them lol, did you end up going and how's the little one, you & OH doing???


It wasn't the toddlers I was worried about, it was all the new borns :cry: So jealous!

I tried to stay clear of them but was then passed one of my friend's baby in front of everyone so I couldn't exactly say no... Ended up having cuddles with him for like half an hour, so tiny and sweet. He is about a month old and just starting to smile. TOO CUTE!!!!!!!

I want a freaking baby!!!!!!!!!

We are all pretty good. Sam has been super helpful this weekend. As I speak he is doing the dishes for the second time today. He also let me sleep in until 10 this morning because I got quite tiddely :wine: last night with our friends

I feel better this time round on the clomid. Not so mean and crazy. I can handle the hot flushes and stuff I just don't how it messes with my head. So glad it is ok this time round. Couldn't do another month like last month.

How are things with you?
Awww bless i know what you mean im the same, it's hard to admit it but when you really want a new little buba in the family and there's loads of women around you that are pregnant or just had a new born baby's it doe's make women in our situation jelous.

Glad you, OH and little one's ok. What a good fella doing the dishe's and letting you sleep.

thing's with me lol, well i dunno what's going on with my chart still no ov. so far, think i so missed it unless it come's up tomorrow. you can take a look and tell me what you think if you wanna. it's attached to my sig. (BELOW)

Im tired, got mood swing's but i think there just because i cant get pregnant, and had really bad head ache since last week.

sending you load's of baby dust hun. x
Hi ladies, please can i join you? We have been ttc our second child since march 2011 when i came off the pill, then had to go on provera and clomid in june as AF still not arrived. Got pregnant 3rd round of clomid (with twins) but lost them at 10 weeks, totally devastated and think i always will be. We have been trying again with the clomid, am on cd11 of our 3rd round, first two didn't work. I have good and bad days, some days I manage to keep calm and enjoy life with my wonderful DS (just turned 3) and other days I sit crying, panicking about if it will ever happen, worrying about the big age gap between DS and potential sibling, wondering how much longer I can go on worrying like this. Today is one of those days.

Anyway - I'm trying to stay positive and think that this is my month, I know they say 3 rounds of clomid is usually enough to get pg so i know i'll be devastated if it doesn't happen this month. You guys all sound so much more positive than i am, can you give me some tips? : )

Hope you ladies are all well and sending you lots and lots of baby dust, fingers crossed for lots of bfps very very soon! xxx
Of course you can join, you dont have to ask.

Hello & Welcome twinkle, sorry to hear you lost your little twin's at 10 week's. trying to stay positive is so hard when your trying to concieve and even harding when you've lost baby's and still trying to concieve. I really do hope this is your month. Me and sarah have been chatting since i opened this thread and we want to stay in touch the whole time even after we have finally concieved. You are welocme to write on here as much as you want even when you feel down, needing advice/tip or need someone to talk to. I thanked you for joining and sending baby dust and fingers crossed. I may sound positive but really deep down im not. that's the same for most women trying to concieve. I know what you mean about the age gap, my daughter is 2 on valentine's day and I alway's wanted a second baby by the time my first was 2. So it dont alway's work out how you want it to and my daughter's so lonely when were at home. Im not going to tell you to stay positive because it's not as easy as some people think. You can try all you like but it never seem's to help. And being truthful to the one's that's there for you can make you feel better.

I have 2 other different thread's and load's of TTC ladie's that can make me feel alot better in my self sometime's. If you would like to come and join then here's the site's...

this one above has loads of ladie's TTC from the first to there 9th and have had MC's. So you could get some advice from there about TTC after losing baby's.

This one above is about fertility friend ( i dunno if you know about FF but it's a TTC Chart.) and there's me and pinky (charlotte also TTC second) on there and other's do pop on once in a while. If you dont know about Fertility friend (FF) then please do join this one as FF is a really good and helpful site and help's keep track of temp's, cervix, viulation and sex. BD (baby dancing).

Hope to see you join the other 2. xxxx

Hope my advice has helped a little. sending you load's of baby dust and best wishes. good my finger's crossed for you 2 and best of luck this month. xxx
Your chart is a little perplexing isn't it... Hopefully you will O in a day or two.

Welcome Twinkle :wave:

So so sorry about your loss. 10 weeks is so far along too you must be gutted! At least you know the clomid does work for you.

I am now on round 4 and have completely lost hope that it will work so we are just going through the motions until we can go back to FS and try something else (probably IUI)

I So know what you mean about the age gap between siblings. Madelyn (DD) is three and a half now so getting them close in age is completely gone now. I wanted them to have years together before Madie started school and now I don't know if they will ever have that time. Once you get to five years apart they will never be at home or at school together so REALLY bummed about that. Madie isn't lonely because I work from home looking after 3 other toddlers so she always has a play mate but it is not the same.

I try to stay positive but honestly it has been nearly two and a half years and I am quickly loosing what little hope I had. When I first got my clomid it was like starting to try all over again. I was so excited! But now after three failed rounds I just want to try something new.

Are you being monitored through your cycle?

Wishing you lots of :dust: that your stay here is a short one

Sarah x
Aw, ladies I am sat here crying reading these posts, you are both so lovely and just by understanding you have made me feel so much better! I knew I couldn't be the only one worrying about age gaps (I am OBSESSED, I even notice when kids are close in age in adverts and films etc, look at families when we are at the supermarket etc) so it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone. I have obviously had to rethink age gaps and am really really keeping everything crossed that we can have a baby before DS is 4 (cutting it fine, I have this cycle and one more before that deadline is gone!!). However, there is almost twelve years between my youngest Sister and myself and we are the closest out of everyone I would say and always have been so please don't let larger age gaps worry you, they can still work and who's to say if you had a 2 year age gap they'd get on?

Yes I do Fertility Friend I find it really useful, also having accupuncture which helps with ovulation and I am trying something called Lunaception this month, have you heard of it? Really interesting!

Anyway - this was meant to be just a quick post thanking you for your kindness, will speak to you both soon and will keep EVERYTHING crossed that we all get lucky this month, wouldn't that be amazing? We could be bump buddies!! xx
evening ladie's,

Sarah thank's for looking at my chart hun. I think the same or maybe today. But you never know hay. x

Twinkle that's great that your feeling a little better, It would defo be amazing for all of us to be bump buddie's lol. your right age gap dont matter as long as there happy, healthy and have a good life. dont get me wrong it would have been great to have another baby while our little one's are still younge but as long as we all get there and our little one's get there brother/s or sister/s then it doe not matter.
Never Heard of Lunaception but just had a little research on it and it is really interesting.

Sending load's of baby dust to all and best of luck for this month. xxx

I'll pop back on tomorrow, as im going to read a lot more about Lunaception. I cant believe iv never heard of it. lol. Thank's for the little tippy twink's. x
hiya ladie's,

hope you had a good valentine's day.

Hope everyone's ok. xxx
hey girls.

Had a great V day with our little family. I was still bleeding so no sexy time but oh well.

AF is gone now so going to get into the baby dancing tonight.

How are you guys going?
Hello Hun,

Glad you had a great v-day sorry you couldnt have any sexy time. Best of luck with this cycle hun, get BD'ing lol. Yer im ok, not doing to bad, feeling really hopeful and somethink else lol just dunno what. to be truthful i feel quite odd this month. But just dont know how to explain it.

Honey's birthday went really well. we all had a great day and v-day lol. We spent all day with Honey, having a little tea party up the table with load's of food, and then dont her cake. she loved it and didnt cry this year unlike last year lol. then when she went a bed spent rest of the night with the OH, having a snuggle and got a little jiggy lol. well not really jiggy more BD'ing. ;)

I you feeling doubtful hun???

sending load's of baby dust your way hun. x x x

Are you asking about my current feeling status? just doubtful that the clomid is going to work. "sigh" usually if it is going to work it usually does in the first few cycles not the last.

Today has been pretty good. It went from beautifully sunny to stormy so we went down to the mall for a while and got me some more pre seed for sexy time and Madie a bunch of beads, so we have been making necklaces and bracelets together. Fridays are my day with just her and I without the other kiddies and kindy so it is nice to do something together.

So we got down n dirty last night lol but i had run out of pre seed so we had to use stupid sperm blocking lube so that was just for fun really. I think I'll give it a miss tonight unless Sam really wants to then go for gold after that. I'm guessing O day will be Tuesday ish.
Yer hun i know what you mean, but you'll get there.

Awww bless her i bet she loved spending time with mummy making braclet's and that.

LOL down and dirty hay. I got a little tip as you should never use sperm blocking lube, In future when you run out of pre seed, I know this sound's crude but it's true and it work's. I personally havent tryed it... Yet... but it's worth a go, If you run out of pre seed and you've got a egg in the fridge or were ever you store them, crack it, remove the yellow yolk then put the eggwhite part in a pot and use it as lube as it is really sperm friendly. Dont believe me go here.... BELOW....

Lol it actually sound quite rank but what's the harm in finding new way's to concieve a baby very cheap lol and if it's like lube then it must make sex very orgasmic lol. :)

I can pretty much see what face you would be pulling right about now. lol.

Sending you load's of baby dust for this month hun. x x x


Egg white is not a good idea for baby making either as the ph is too high.

What we used is "sperm friendly" in that it doesn't harm the sperm but as almost all lube it inhibits their movement. I didn't mind wasting one sexy time as it was almost certainly too early anyway.
We will start trying properly tonight but I don't expect to O until Tuesday.

Yeah Madelyn loved making bracelets...She is making another one right now :) She is a real girly girl, loves her pretty things .

You guys got any plans for the weekend?
Thank's for the tip and web link hun,

aww bless her. How old is your little one now???

Not doing nothink this weekend and never do any weekend not really a drinker to be truthful but i was before i got pregnant with honey loved a drink at the weekend but ever since i had honey it make's me feel sick dunno why really, alway's at home with fiance and honey now. Me and honey do drawing, playdoh and sticking stickers on paper as she's a bit younge to make braclets and that. but i cant wait. x x x

How you doing today???

Sending load's of baby dust to all. x x x
Before Madelyn I used to manage really awesome night clubs in Auckland City so I have my time of partying and don't really need it anymore. (I also turn 27 soon so night-clubing makes me feel old) I am a bit of a board game geek so often we go to fiends houses and play games or dinner parties (sometimes having a wine but not usually)

Madelyn turns 4 in 3 months.

I'm pretty good today. We are going to visit some friends and meet their new born. I think I will be ok with this one at least she never rubbed her pregnancy in my face, doesn't ask awkward questions and took 9 months to get pregnant unlike others I know who get preggers first or second try.

Talk later, have a good one.
Hello ladies is it ok if I join?

I feel that i am ready to officially join LTTTC. I have a dd who has just turned 4 in jan had no problem falling pregnant with her took one cycle following coming off bcp. We have been trying for #2 since July 2010 and have had two missed miscarriages in that time. Have charted and temped throughout. Had bloodwork done and all is normal. Next step is an ultrasound to rule out fibroids etc and to posdibly find a cause for really heavy afs.
Hello ladie's,

Sarah- lol i bet that as fun, but when you become a mummy you do start to feel like your to old to go clubbing at that. Aww bless nearly 4 i bet that's a great age as they can talk properly and go to the bog, lol nappie's drive me mad, honey's 2 but she just wont use a potty, so been trying to get her on the bog lol. she make's weeing sound's but dont actually go. Glad you was feeling good yesterday. how you doing today x x x

Debzie- sorry to hear you had 2 MC's. That must have been hard. I have been trying for my second baby for 20 month's this month (since jun 2010). and have been charting & temping for 2 month's this month. you are very welcome to join. glad your blood test's come back normal and hope your ultrasound goe's well. x x x

Sending you ladie's loads of sticky baby dust. x x x
Thanks jessica the miscarriages were hard and some days my losses do.pray on my mind. ttc does give me another focus. sending dust back at you.

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