Hi all, I'm new to these forums. I've been trying for 8 months. Had a miscarriage May/June of 2016. So me and hubby been trying ever since. We finally used a OPK this month to see exactly when I was ovulating this cycle (March 2017). Got a positive OPK on the 19th day, March 16, 2017. I'm usually on a 30 day cycle. So far I'm 3 days late and currently on CD 34. Took a test last night with FRER and it came back negative. I had some little twinges here and there for the past 3 days but nothing that make it seems that AF is coming But this morning I was hit with so many symptoms where I had to call out work today! I feel so nauseous. I've been so tired for 3 days. Some headaches. And AF seems like its no where to be found! I've had BFN at 14 dpo, but is there any chance that I can be still possibly pregnant?!! I might do another HPT test tonight. Any thoughts???