TTC looking for friends!!

I got my basal thermometer for $6 (us dollars) on amazon. So if you just want to temp, that won't break the bank. Also, you can get a couple of cycles worth of opk's online for maybe $40 (us dollars). Only thing is I have read a lot of people saying they never get true positive opk's with the internet cheapies. I'm not sure if that helps or not.
I agree mc's are so hard no matter when it happens. I know when I found the wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't breath or make sense of things. I mean I know it happens but it wouldn't happen to me right? I've only seen my husband cry three times in our 6 1/2 year relationship and the third time was when we found out about the mc. I think knowing he was there for me and felt the same way and I wasn't alone in it really helped. Now we are both fully invested in it and are looking forward to the future!

MummyP2b I don't think you should give up. You will be a mom but unfortunately for women like us who want it and deserve it we have to work for it just like the rest of the things in our lives. I know how you feel though! I know all these women who get pregnant by accident and they don't even want to be moms! I get so frustrated! gerrr... Anyways my husband and I have not purchased the opk's or doing the bbt right now because I have pretty painful ovulation pain and I have a fairly regular period so I always know when I'm O'ing but if I don't get a BFP soon I will start doing all of that. We are coming up on our 6th cycle and I'm getting depressed... (I'm trying to hold out for this month but I really don't think so, idk why but I think I'm out... I'm on 7dop but I haven't notice anything)
Thank you!
I swear you took words right out of my mouth Caseita when you said about your hubby and when you seen him cry.
I think I have only seem hubby cry a few times in our 6 1/2 year relationship! and one of those times was the mc!

Today I was thinking I should go to the doctors and tell them about everything and it's been 8 cycles so far and I feel as though I'm on for number 9 and still nothing but I'm feeling VERY down almost on verge of depression with it all! I know he probably won't do anything so there isn't much point of that, but i feel I can't go around putting on false smiles pretending everything is ok!

What makes it worse is that there a quite a few people that know about us trying cos we told them about the mc (only cos they questioned why I was so down)
My husband's brother and wife are expecting their first baby september 4th and they started trying a month before we started and succeeded after 2 months of trying, 2 months after coming off the pill too!

I am very happy for them so don't get me wrong but I have to say she is 29 and he is 30 and they are both overweight. I mean the is super they got pregnant so quickly but how is is that I'm 23 healthy, am happily married and have been trying for 8 months now. I mean we don't own our own house (we rent) and we don't have much money but plenty to be able to support ourselves and a baby and it's so difficult for us.

Ok rant over, I'm sorry for going on and on.

Lets lighten the mood I think. ummm....

What are the names we are thinking about for our babies?
Oh MummyP2b ranting is completely fine! lol I want to rant sometimes but I dont have anybody to rant too lol... I have a friend of a friend who started trying the same time I did and she's 5 months preg! Why not me right!!!???

Anyways the baby name's I love are

Sophia Marie for a girl and Connor Allen for a boy.

I also like the names Chloe and McKinzie for girls and Nathaniel and Aiden for boys... I love so many but Sophia and Connor are my fav!
Well that is what we are here for... here to support each other! So rant away when ever you feel like it... PM me!

Those baby names are gorgeous! Its funny you say, Chloe is the name we have chosen for a girl! She will be Chloe Ellen (Ellen is my middle name and my great grandmothers name)
we also like Keira Grace, Sophie and the list could go on.

For boys is a little harder. I like lots but hubby isn't too sure.... lets hope we dont have a boy first. I like Thomas Matthew (Thomas is my dad's name and Matthew is one of hubby's middle names) I like Oliver and Oscar. I think I will have to get one of those baby books when the time comes!
Chloe is my fav name but hubby doesn't want to name our baby that because we have a cat named Zoey and he thinks they sound to similar lol. But I also love Sophia so thats what we picked... The middle names we chose are both of our middle names. I'm ok if we choose something else for a girl but our boy has to be Allen because its the hubbys middle name and his dads and grandfathers and greatgrandfathers lol its a family name. It's a good thing I like it lol.

And if you are willing to hear me rant I will rant lol. I get so mad at stupid things sometime. One thing in particular is bothering me right now but it's a super sensitive subject because we are all women trying to conceive.. I'll PM you...
Hi Caseita!I'd like to chat and am more than happy to listen to pepole "rant" - :)
If you'd like you can pm me to have a chat or email!
Chins up everyone - we will get there in the end - keep everything crossed!!
been trying healthy babby making eating today - lol!
for breakfast : grapefruit, yogurt, wheat germ biscuits and herbal tea!! was actually very yummy!! surprisingly!
Have ordered vitamin supplements for conceiving for me and OH
- when there's a will, there's a way!!
Be back tonight for a chat if anyones about.
I'ts tipping it down here in sunny france, hope you guys have better weather where you are.
No giving up, we're here to support each other, right?
Sounds like you're having a good day! I'm having a weird day today... I'm 8dop and I am sooo tired... So much so that it's hard for me to concentrate... I just can't seem to wake up and have any energy! (of course I'm hoping it's a baby symptom but I'm trying not to get my hopes up) I seriously think I could sleep for days and be fine lol... Hope you have an good rest of the day! And of course we're here to support each other. It's really nice to have that btw! I get frustrated when other people who are not going through this are like "it'll happen when it's time, or it'll happen eventually try not to think about it..." Well whatever! lol sorry...

I'm in California and summer is hitting here with a vengance lol It's super hot!
I'm more than happy to listen to rants too. It makes me feel less alone in this whole crazy thing. I'm in NYC and it's about to start pouring here. Super muggy outside. Weather is kind of matching my mood today lol. Baby dust everybody!
Thank you! I like to think so, but I may be a little bit biased :winkwink:
Ok then I'm going to rant lol. I get so mad sometimes at stupid girls who get pregnant and have like a million kids and don't take care of them! I know this girl who just had a beautiful baby boy and he's only 3 days old and having difficulty breathing and has an abnormally high heart rate and the Dr's are concerned and are keeping him in the hospital for monitoring. This girl is confused as to why he's having these problems but fails to look at herself and her 9months of smoking while she was pregnant... I mean seriously??? Everybody was just ok with her smoking like a freaken train and my hubby and I were the only ones who said anything to her about it! Idiot! This is her third kid and her first two live with their father because she decided one day that she couldn't handle being a mom and left them alone!!! She wants them back now but the father wont let her have them... And now she gets to have this little baby boy... idk it's just not fair sometimes... I know I shouldn't get myself worked up about it but I can't help it.

My time will come but it's not coming soon enough! ;O)
BTW Ceca your daughter really is gorgeous!!! Beautiful name too!
I agree it does appear very irresponsible. life doesn't seem fair in thse cases.. some people get prgnant at a drop of a hat and do not want children; others plan, try, wish , hope with loads of love to give that baby that takes sometimes months or years to appear...

Chins up:hugs:
Thank you caseita!
I know what you mean about other girls too! We live kind of where the upper west side of manhattan ends and where harlem begins, and I see so many girls in harlem barely into their 20's who have 2 or 3 (sometimes more) really young children. Not trying to be mean or anything but these women clearly didn't plan these babies and also clearly can't afford all of them. They smoke while pushing their stroller and scream and curse at their pre-school aged children. It makes me so sad and so frustrated at the same time. There are so many women who want so badly to be moms and can't or have a really difficult time conceiving. It is just a slap in the face sometimes to see these girls. Ugh.
How is this ever fair that these girls have babies just like that and dont even want them and then us girls who REALLY want babies have to go through the heart ache and the emotional stress rollercoaster!!
I really don't feel like my time of being a mummy is ever going to come. I have been waiting for what seems like FOREVER now and I just feel all my hopes and dreams of being a mummy are slipping away from me!
I really hope that we are ALL able to become mummies VERY soon!!
Shall I test in the morning or not?? What do you think?
I'm still getting a little brown stuff on the tissue when I wipe but that's old stuff right? So surely AF hasn't officially arrived??
I don't know whether I should test or not tomorrow morning. I want to but afraid of the disappointment and afraid I'll waste a test!

P.S. Ceca your little girl looks super cute!!

Hey this is just an idea but I'm wanting to know what you all think. I've been thinking this for a little while.
There is a group that I am in called the bakers dozen (on facebook) and It's a group of 120+ pregnant women who are (most of them) due to have their babies in September. My SIL is one of them.
Well when I was pregnant my SIL invited me into this group and I was made very welcome.
It is just like facebook but for the pregnant women. It is a private group so no-one can see it not even friends. Only members. They basically go in there just like facebook and they put statuses on how their day is, whether the baby has been kicking etc just general stuff. (I'm really addicted, I don;t post much but just nosey)

So I was thinking of creating a private group like that on facebook for us brave girls who are ttc and that we can all share the journey together.
what do you think..... please be honest??

Like I say it;s just an idea but an idea that I'm willing to set up :)
Thanks MummyP2b!
I think the facebook idea sounds great! (So long as you promise it's private, we haven't told anyone we are ttc #2. Don't need the extra stress of nosy family poking around and making suggestions etc.)
Also, don't let your dreams go...I know it is annoying to hear, but you ARE young and it WILL happen for you! IT WILL! So keep your head up :hugs:
I will make sure its private. I too don't want people routing around our private lives any more that they already do (meaning certain family members)
All I wanted to create was something for us women TTC, more of a facebook thing where we can status update about random stuff, about stressful stuff, emotional stuff, TTC stuff, it doesn't really matter cos we'll all understand. We are all there for each other.
Just need to think of a name?? Any ideas??
Will look into it in the morning as it has gone midnight for me! Yawn!

Thanks for your kind words Ceca. I really hope my chance at being a mummy isn't too far off!!
Night from me x
Hi ladies. Where is everybody in their cycle now? I am just starting my 2ww (AF is due 6/30). Trying hard not to think about it, but obviously not succeeding! I think I am about 2dpo. Last cycle I started testing at 8dpo (with 10miu/ml tests) and I am going to try really hard to wait a bit longer this time before i start POAS.

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