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TTC- pregnancy or symptoms signs


New Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Hi all,

We have been ttc for 4 months. Every month right before I am due to start my period I begin to analyze all my symptoms thinking I may be pregnant. Unfortunately, they have been pms signs. This makes it so much harder when it arrives. I am due for my monthly tomorrow or Saturday and have noticed a few different symptoms that I usually don't have, (ovary pains, and a discharge- just like during ovulation). I know I am probably setting myself up for a fall again. Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and good luck to all that are ttc!
Hi Bellalove,

We have also been TTC for 4 months and I am also due for a visit from AF on Sat and again (spookily) like you I have been analysing my symptons. I came off BCP approx 5 months and know that I have to wait a while for my body to adjust but so far my cycles have been pretty spot on ranging from 27 to 31 days. However, my last visit from AF left me with cramps AFTER she had gone (weird) and I have been feeling v bloated and have had v tender BBs which started around OV and then has continued along with the bloated feeling. Also, must have been for about 15 wees today, which is VERY unlike me.

Saying all that, I don't want to get my hopes up (but I can't help it!).

Good luck Bellalove, I have my fingers crossed for you! xx
Hi Luckystar,

The waiting is so hard! One minute I think she is coming and the next minute I think maybe I am finally pregnant! I have my fingers crossed for you as well, hopefully we both have great news!

Good Luck and keep me posted:)
Hi, my only suggestion is to look for symptoms that r unlike your pms symptoms. For example, for me, pms brings crankiness, pg brings weepiness. Pms brings the hungriest, pg brings burps and gas. Hope that helps...I am 8 dpo and trying to not watch every burp and tingle, but Boy. It's hard!
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but experience has taught me there aren't any pg signs except for those you can count in hindsight - its a real bummer and terribly infuriating. But having done this for a long time and been pg twice i can honestly say i have all the pg signs every month - and yes, it drives me crazy, lol!

Some are very lucky though and have some really unusual sigs and symptoms unique to them and that might give them an idea..but personally Ive given up, lol!

Keep up the good work and if you want to compare and contrast www.twoweekwait.com can be good!

Good luck, ladies! xxx
Thanks Omi

I actually find it reassuring to hear that ladies often don't feel any early pregnancy signs.

I'm waiting for AF any time now - had some pink on the tissue after wiping so fear she is just around the corner. Feel like this is never going to happen :cry:

Wising you all the very best xxx
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but experience has taught me there aren't any pg signs except for those you can count in hindsight - its a real bummer and terribly infuriating.

thank you for writing this, this is something I have been thinking but didnt know how to put into words. there are so many people in the 2ww with symptoms they have never had before, then get their period. Once you are trying you notice every little thing. Ive had periods for 26 years and never really paid attention, but since trying for 3 months Ive noticed loads of weird things. I think its fun to symptom spot, I just feel bad for the people who really take it seriously, it breaks my heart.
i agree with omi you can drive yourself nut by analizing every little thing ,i know that with my son i had no symptoms whatso ever ,nothing at all till i was gone 7 months then only heartburn
I agree with the other posters you can drive yourself up the wall analizing every little subtle thing thats going on with your body, thinking this is IT, what I did after having a few months under my belt of serious TTC was remembered what did I feel like just before I knew I was pregnant , and well I came up with, all I rememeber was I felt crampy,like af was due anytime now, nothing different, the PG symptoms came 6-7 weeks along, so I try very hard now to not take notice of anything related to af or etc, because that way I keep some of my sanity. XxX
OMI is 100% right. The vast majority of us don't have anything unusual leading up to the missed period. The symptom watching is terrible. The person who arrives at a solution to deal with the TWW is subject to the Nobel Prize, in my opinion!
Fo sho!!!! LOL... it would be SO much easier if there was ONE clear cut sign of being pregnant! I've done the same in the past where I over think every little sign... could I be? But then I second guess myself... and so far it hasn't happened. We are in our 4th cycle after my hubbies 2nd v reversal and over a year of trying and waiting and wondering... and I'm so so ready!!! lol.

BUT- I keep the faith, that in the end, I will have my lil one and all this will have been worth it!!!!

Good luck ladies and lots of sticky bean baby dust!!!

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