When do you start spotting? I have read an LP of less than. I know breastfeeding made my LP very short, only 6 or 7 days and I still managed to get pregnant twice with it like that. I have read that an LP of less than 10 days will cause problems but it doesnt seem to have been true for me.
Ive come to that conclusion over my LP too. I conceived my son while nursing my daughter, the cycle previous to that only had a 6 day LP. No spotting though. My lp currently varys from 8 days to 11 days, and anything in between.
I start spotting anywhere between 5dpo ànd 8dpo. It had been slowly increasing, but last cycle I stupidly cut back my b6, so started spotting at 5dpo again. I also cramp too, and at times that starts before the spotting. Cramping strangely stops either when my period starts, or a couple of days before hand.