TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

Hi can I join? Currently tandem feeding my 4 year old girl and 11 week old baby boy :)
Hi Ladies. I'm lurking. Not actively TTC, but least until I can figure out what's up with AF and if she's coming back.

Hope you don't mind me reading back to see what to expect once I switch over to TTC!
Hi all. Just got a bfp! Does any one know anyone who has successfully bf through pregnancy with a history of loss?

I've decided long ago that I would not wean in the case of pregnancy but had a few mc before my daughter so I think I am Classified in the "high risk" nursing category. Looking for success stories!
I have never been in your position but seeing as you havent had any replies I thought I'd post. I think it would partly depend on what caused the losses. I breastfed through my last pregnancy which ended in a loss. Baby died at about 9 weeks and the MC started over a week later. Most likely it was caused by genetic problems in the baby. I dont think BFing was ever a factor. On the other hand a history of a short cervix or premature labour might be of more concern. Repete MCs can be caused by a clotting disorder. Prehaps there could be some concern that the tightenings of the uterus during feeding could trigger bleading or clotting or something? But it seems like it would be a minor factor. Honestly there isnt a lot of research about the subject so most advice you will get from doctors is just based on personal opinion (theirs, or someone elses). I think i got the most information about BFing during pregnancy from this thread and others like it. I also bought the book called "breastfeeding during pregnancy and beyond " or something like that, i'll check the name if you are interested but it is pretty much the only one out there on the subject. It has a section with the most scientific information in one place but you could probably find most of it online.
Thanks for the reply! I had all of the testing done about two years ago. No clotting disorders and my dd was born at 41weeks! So no pre labor here. My gut tells me my losses were due to my long cycles/delayed ov/low progesterone.

I am currently taking progesterone supplements to be on the safe side.

As safe as I think it is, I've come across a lot of stories of women who have had a mc while nursing :-/ very sorry for your loss
I dont have a history of losses. But I do have low progesterone. I see a NaPro dr who monitors my levels throughout pregnancy. I have needed progesterone supplements through 32weeks. With my 1st I had a bunch of bleeding but no explaination. So when I got pregnant with #2 I asked what I should do because my son was only 7mo and when I would nurse him I would get cramping. It was scary so I asked. And my NaPro dr said as long as there is no bleeding and mw/lc is ok with nursing despite the cramping that I should continue. She did not want me to stop nursing in the first trimester because there are many studies which show an increased risk if weaning during first tri of miscarriage due to the hormone changes. So she said to just double checkwith a lactation consultant who told me to check with my mw.
I nursed my son through the pregnancy and now she is 5wo!
There are a lot of stories of women who have MCs while breastfeeding but I honestly think that has more to do with the fact that a lot of women have MCs in general. I had a MC while breastfeeding but I also had a loss when I wasnt. I've also had two successful pregnancies, one of which I breastfed all the way through.
You're right Bunny it really is all up to chance! This cycle was close to a textbook cycle - ov'd cd 16, chart looked great so I am feeling hopeful. Only time will tell but weaning is not an option.
Hi guys. Me again.

How did you all cope the nursing aversion? My nipples are tender and nursing makes me feel nauseous. I find myself dreading it and refusing/cutting sessions short. My LO has always been such a "booby baby" so this is a big disruption in our lives! And I feel terrible! I'm sure part of it is mental too since I do have a history of loss. But I'm a big believer in following my instincts as a mother and listening to my body so I feel if something is averting me from nursing maybe it's for a reason. I have no intention to wean but wondering how others have dealt with this during pregnancy?
Honestly I found the aversion awful. Looking back Im not sure how I did it. I think the best advice I can give is to comprimise. Set a time limmit on feeds and make them less often. Trying to push through made me on edge and snappy and that was effecting LO. Once I set clear limmits it was better for both of us. I also night weaned because I found night feeds too hard.
I've read that it's not recommended to nurse your older child after 20 weeks of pregnancy as the breast milk changes then and starts to get ready to nourish a newborn so the nutrients wouldn't be sufficient for an older child, but I say to each their own. Whatever's best for you and your kiddos is my motto.

How long did it take for your period to return? I've been nursing for almost 12 months (sun may 8 only 6 more days until my baby turns 1 and we hit the 12 month milestone!) and still no period. We did IVF to conceive so my last period was Aug 2014 before my FET. We're trying to decide when to do another FET but my son needs beat milk until age 2 bc he's had some health issues, but I'd like to do a FET next Jan/Feb ish so trying to decide when to stop so that'll I'll have my cycle back by then...any thots/suggestions?
Also I should say we did IVF bc of MFI and I've got PCOS although I had fairly regular cycles (avg 30 days). We've been not preventing since Nov, but we tried for 3 years on our own before we decided that we wanted to see the specialist and then we were told we needed IVF.
Its not like its actually bad for the child to keep nursing. They will still get benefits from breast milk. I think the biggest issue is that most women find that as their milk starts to change it also dries up. By 20 weeks,and probably before, it is unlikely that you will have enough milk to exclusively bf. Thats not a problem if the child is old enough to be eating plenty of solids as they will just make up the lack of nutrients. For babies under a year old it can be better to supliment with formula.

I got my first period 8.5 months after DD was born and 7 months after DS was born. I didnt need to stop breastfeeding. That was quicker than average though. Most women will get their periods back quite quickly once they stop BFing, often as soon as 2 or 3 weeks after. It can take a couple of cycles to get regular again.
yes that whole "its not good to bf while pregnant" is a myth unless you have a history of preterm birth! Some may self wean due to the lack of milk, some will carry on dry nursing.

Average return of AF/fertility is 14.6 months mine returned at exactly 15 months pp while still breastfeeding on demand and on the thinner side (which my ob said I would probably have to wean for my cycles to return since nursing made me so thin).
Good to know. I've noticed my milk supply seems to be gradually getting less (from my pump output). I still nurse on demand at home and then pump 3 times a day while at work but I'm just not getting that much milk or anymore, maybe 4 oz total per pump session whereas before the first of the year I was getting 6oz with each pump. Anyone else noticed this decline? Any suggestions on bringing it back up? I've been trying to pump after my son's feedings at home and fenugreek but haven't seen a change.
Also maybe the weight thing is playing a factor for me also, I'm down 40lbs from this time last year and I only gained 24lbs while pregnant. So i spose that could be why mine hasn't returned yet.
Just your body adjusting milk production I wouldn't worry :) you're little one is probably taking in solids etc and naturally doesn't need as much milk as a newborn/younger infant would. Pumping 3x a day and nursing on demand at home is plenty to keep a bountiful supply!
Hi everyone.

My 4 yr old has not long weaned, I'm still nursing my 2 yr old and we've been trying for number 3 for 5 months. During this past 5 months I've also started spotting during my LP. I went to my GP yesterday, who reckons its most likely hormonal due to the breastfeeding. I had suspected as much myself, but I'm not sure.. She said my lining is probably starting to shed slowly, hence the brown spotting. But it shouldn't hinder implantation. Not sure how that's possible if my lining is already shedding, but I'm going to try and believe her and hope for the best.

That's me!
When do you start spotting? I have read an LP of less than. I know breastfeeding made my LP very short, only 6 or 7 days and I still managed to get pregnant twice with it like that. I have read that an LP of less than 10 days will cause problems but it doesnt seem to have been true for me.

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