I think I'm more disappointed at the increasing age gap it leaves us with than anything else. I can rationalise the loss happened at a time and in a manner that is a good indication the baby had chromosomal defect that was not compatible with life and therefore it was never going to be a baby. So I don't feel like I'm grieving, just very disappointed our family won't be expanding as soon as I thought it would.
I was hoping to get some advice from ladies who have TTC while breastfeeding with a short LP, which I understand is pretty common while bfing. I got AF back last month and has a LP of 7 days. I started taking vit b complex 50 so this month my LP was 9 days. I am not sure what LP should I aim for before I start to TTC? 10, 11 or 12 days?? Also should I just stick with the 50 complex or increase it to 100 complex now? What would you suggest? I want to wait until my chances of conception are best, but at the same time age is not on my side as I'm 39, keen to try sooner rather than later. Thank you![]()
Hi ladies i posted over in the toddler section but will ask over here as part of my problem is tandem feeding i will just copy and paste from my other thread..
Well i know its still early days etc but man i need some advice on some things. DD1 wasnt sure of her new sister at first and would match her scream for scream when she cried. During the day she has got alot closer too her touching her kissing her stroking her but come night time an expected jealous toddler. We have coslept all this time and she still has a few boobie feeds. Posts/articles i read said how perhaps not weaning from both before baby was here would help them adapt and not be as jealous or put out by new baby. Oh how i wish i had got her into her own bed at the very least i feel awful saying that but she holds my arm if i try to turn over to deal with dd2 she fusses for AGES before sleeping. Wants the boob but just mucks about she only really wants it because she sees dd2 having it. Her behaviour has got worse(again i expected it to) but she has taken too on occasion bite me pinch me slap if i ask her to wait or say no. My DH is struggling to sleep and he does a lot of manual labour and needs to sleep but DD1 is all over the bed,starfishing dropping her feet down continually on us on purpose.We have put her toddler bed in our room to get her used to it she chose it (its a peppa one) but wont stay in it and go to sleep. we had about 3 nights of success of transferring her whilst asleep but the past few it hasnt worked.
My knee jerk reaction is to wean her off the boob then get her into her own bed,i know this sounds cruel and she might feel more pushed away. but im sick of her tantrumming when we go to bed(high pitched screaming) and waking DD2 after i have just got her settled.We dont have a bedtime routine as DD1 was such a terrible sleeper she only started sleeping through at around 19 months old.
Sorry it so long but what would people suggest we do?
I was hoping to get some advice from ladies who have TTC while breastfeeding with a short LP, which I understand is pretty common while bfing. I got AF back last month and has a LP of 7 days. I started taking vit b complex 50 so this month my LP was 9 days. I am not sure what LP should I aim for before I start to TTC? 10, 11 or 12 days?? Also should I just stick with the 50 complex or increase it to 100 complex now? What would you suggest? I want to wait until my chances of conception are best, but at the same time age is not on my side as I'm 39, keen to try sooner rather than later. Thank you![]()
if u want a baby then ttc from now on! a ten day LP is thought to be a min, but really babes can just surprise us when they stick!
I'd stay on 50 for now and see if it lengthens again!
Hey ladies... my supply has dropped immensely and my midwife recommended fenugreek to increase my supply. especially as my lo is dairy and soy intolerant/allergic.
She stated it was safe to take during pregnancy but everything I've read says it isn't.
Anyone used it? Anything else i can take safely to increase my supply?
Tandem feeding again![]()