Thanks Wobbles for making us a sticky!!!!!!!
Any questions about TTC while Breastfeeding? Breastfeeding while Pregnant? Tandem Nursing? This is the place!!!!!
Nursing During Pregnancy and Tandem Nursing - Good ol' Kelly Mom! Great information on fertility while breastfeeding as well as tandem nursing diet options, to make sure you make enough milk for both little ones! There's also a good FAQ you can print out.
Adventures in Tandem Nursing: Breastfeeding During Pregnancy and Beyond! - Published by LLL, I've found it on and also here. This book always gets recommended to anyone looking to tandem nurse

. I'll be getting a copy soon so hopefully I can post some good info soon!
How Milk Changes during Pregnancy and what to expect from your nursling - A specific section on KellyMom about this. I found it very informative and reassuring.
Breastfeeding Agitation - An adaptation from Adventures in Tandem Nursing about how you might experience some agitation during pregnancy and after while nursing.
A New Look at the Safety of Breastfeeding During Pregnancy - What to expect when nursing during pregnancy. Hopefully will alleviate some fears about breastfeeding during pregnancy.
Ladies that can offer support:
cutie4evr01: Nursed during my first trimester, lost supply so daughter lost interest. Excess of milk so her toddler drinks 15-20oz of EBM a day if anyone has questions about that also.
celesse: Currently feeding my 22 month old along with an almost 5 week old. Expressing for the baby as due to both of us being poorly over the first 4 weeks he is weaning off top ups.
TigerLady: Cycles returned 14 weeks PP with DS. Fell pg with DD on third cycle when DS was 5 months old. Nursed frequently all through pg -- dealt with pain, thrush, fatigue, BF agitation, slow let down. DD born when DS was 13 months old. Have tandem nursed DS and DD since (both now toddlers).
Tacey: Currently nursing while pregnant. Dry nursing for 16 weeks. Breastfeeding aversion in first trimester.