Hi ladies!
So it's looking like my supply is pretty low now, many feeds I can't hear any swallowing at all, just sucking so I think LO is often dry nursing. He never used to ask for milk during the day, I fed him on waking, before both naps and before bed and he was happy with that but he is asking a lot all through the day now... After his morning "feed" he is back and forth to me asking for milk and then he asks for it a lot all day.
I am presuming this is because he's not really getting any so he is not satisfied? He doesn't get upset or anything but I feel bad that he clearly wants it and it's not there!
He is good with his food now, his appetite seems to have really picked up in the last couple of months (probably due to much less milk!) but I am wondering if he needs cow's milk or some other milk substitute? The thing is, the last couple of mornings I have tried giving him a little warm cow's milk after his feed but he's just not very interested. He'll take a couple of sips and then chuck it aside. I tried offering it when he keeps coming back asking for milk but it won't do!
I am not sure what to do? Should I be looking for a replacement milk? Does he need it? I'm worried what he might be lacking/ missing out on now that he's not having breastmilk
An additional note - he was weighed at his 12 month check and he weighs the same as he did 3 months ago. Now the hv was not concerned as he had been putting on weight very fast and had gone off the charts by 9 months so obviously he was due a slow down. Also he started crawling/ pulling up and never stops moving so I know it's all logical and normal but there's still a little part of me that wonders if he'd have slowed down as quickly if my supply hadn't dwindled

Argh gotta try to stop feeling guilty...
Sorry for the essay... Any advice would be so appreciated ladies